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Blind Guardian

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Kako sam to uspeo jbte? Moze umesto Last Candle! Menjace, zavisi od mesta!


The man in black he waits

Behind this last task

It's full of pain to sacrifice the only child

The legions of the lost

Waits in the old mine

They tried to stop me

The batlle it has begun...

Edited by Moody

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Ja sam chuo glasine da nam opet dolaze sl.godine...koliko je to tachno-ne znam, ali gledaju mi se i po trecji put.Shto se tiche tribute-a, ne mozhe za BG da se napravi dovoljno dobar tribute.Tachka.


Pa obisli bi mi to nije da nebi....

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2008 treba da izadje onaj simfo-orkestralni album za gospodare... ova priča je već ultra poznata:


Hansi has been working on and off for 8 years on an orchestral project writing music about The Lord of the Rings (negotiations failed to be included on the famous The Lord of the Rings film trilogy as the soundtrack). The album will be released in 2008, and although it will not be a power metal album (meaning that there won't be any drums or electric guitars and bass), it will be published under the name of Blind Guardian because it matches the theme of the band's lyrics, according to Hansi and Andre.


I vesti sa oficijelnog sajta:

We are happy to inform you about our musical participation in the upcoming blockbuster computer game "Sacred 2 – Fallen Angel". The PC and X-Box 360 game designed and invented by Ascaron will be in stores somewhere at the beginning of 2008. “Sacred 1” is the best selling German Fantasy/adventure computer game to date.


Though we are still do shows we have started writing songs for this particular occasion and will produce one song especially featured in the game as a videoclip. In case we will be able to come up with more songs during the next weeks we are going to release a “Sacred – Fallen Angel” EP in the Spring. This is a great opportunity for us and we are really enthusiastic about the game and our actual creative activities for it. Soon we are going to set up an infopage to keep you informed. There's more to come...



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Hansi has been working on and off for 8 years on an orchestral project writing music about The Lord of the Rings (negotiations failed to be included on the famous The Lord of the Rings film trilogy as the soundtrack). The album will be released in 2008, and although it will not be a power metal album (meaning that there won't be any drums or electric guitars and bass), it will be published under the name of Blind Guardian because it matches the theme of the band's lyrics, according to Hansi and Andre.



Jedva chekam :rockdevil:

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I ja mislim da za blind guardian ne moze da postoji dovoljno dobar

Tribut ... Al nikad ne potcenjuj stvari ko zna sta zivot nosi

mozda bas i nismo toliko losi koliko bi ti voleo da budemo



Ja ne bih voleo da budete loshi, chak naprotiv.Meni su Gardijani omiljeni bend uz CC i do sada sam chuo samo jedan domacji bend koji se USUDIO da obradu jednu pesmu, Run For The Night, i dugo chekam na nekog ko cje se usuditi na takav korak, jer,realno, morash biti mnogo dobar muzichar, a o vokalu da ne prichamo...MAXIMALNA podrshka.

Edited by Lord_Ahriman

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Čuj debili. Pa morao čovjek da radi album ANATO, odbio da pravi soundtrack radi tog albuma, jer ga je morao završiti. Iako mu je bilo žao al' 'ajd šta sad...



Heheh danas me ljudi bash neshto chudno razumeju ja ne znam shta je ovo ? Kad sam rekao "debili" nisam mislio na Guardiane pobogu, chitaj malo bolje.

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Heheh danas me ljudi bash neshto chudno razumeju ja ne znam shta je ovo ? Kad sam rekao "debili" nisam mislio na Guardiane pobogu, chitaj malo bolje.

Moja greška jer sam mislila da je post iznad tebe napisan u stilu da ih je Hansi odbio pa se ti nadovezao da su BG debili. Sad bolje pogledah šta je ona napisala, koliko znam nisu oni Blind Guardian-e odbili, već BG njih jer su morali da završe ANATO.

Edited by furija

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Ja ne bih voleo da budete loshi, chak naprotiv.Meni su Gardijani omiljeni bend uz CC i do sada sam chuo samo jedan domacji bend koji se USUDIO da obradu jednu pesmu, Run For The Night, i dugo chekam na nekog ko cje se usuditi na takav korak, jer,realno, morash biti mnogo dobar muzichar, a o vokalu da ne prichamo...MAXIMALNA podrshka.

Onda se naj iskrenije izvunjavam . jednostavno sam naviko da ljudi presude jos pre nego sto cuju

i jednostavno sam slab na to . kad cuju nek slobodno kazuda je sranje nemam nista protiv

ako se bnekom nesvidja

A sto nek ogore rece kakve ce biti pesme poput bard songa il samo muzika

Kolko sam ja cuo bice orkestar i hansijev glas dal ce ga biti na svim pesmama nemam pojma

( sto posto ce biti nesto ko All The King's Horses sa another stranger me-a )

... men iskreno zivo interesuje kako ce da zvuci ovo sto su radili za sacred i klom li je fazonu

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Cek cek,sad sam malo zbunjen,da li ce pesme biti tipa bards song i Skalds And Shadows i taj rad ili ce biti samo muzika???Koji trip?Mrzi me da citam :D?


bice muzika i hansi.

pricao sam ja o tome kad sam bio na metropolisu pre mesec i kusur.

to je samo projekat hansija i andrea, i u principu nije ni trebalo da nosi ime blind guardian,ali je na kraju ipak odlučeno da ga ostave uz album.

takođe NEĆE biti turneja povodom tog album,jer ucestvuje zivi orkestar od 40-tak clanova i hansi je jos ranije izjavio da ce se pojaviti na par lokalnih izvedbi i na ponekom festivalu.


muzika ovog albuma je povezana sa gospodarem prstenova u kompletu...toliko ja znam...a i to sto je jACkson odbio hansija i ekipu za film, pitanje je koliko bi to bilo primereno za film, sto bi hansi pravio. to je isto kao da se dzoi iz manowara primio pa predlozio da uradi muziku za prvog konana...

Hansi i nije toliki kompozitor pre svega, ionako je 80% muzike za guardiane pisao andre, jos od pocetka, i pre no sto je hansi dosao(mislim bas na pocetke). Andre ima do jaja ideje, bez obzira sto gomilu ljudi ''smara'' sa cestim koriscenjem pedale.

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Pa bez alata nemam zanata an koristi pedale

i to radi odlicno i ako ce to da cini da muzika

zvuci bolje i treba . Lik je virtuoz . Pa sta je

on radio sa 18 ja mislim i manje godina na lucifers hertige

Jebo je jebo . moze to neko sad da skine al iskomponuj ti to

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