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As I Lay Dying

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BRATEEEE NOVI ALBUM KIIIDAAA!!!! i NOVI BASISTA MNOGO BOLJE PEVA OD STAROG!!! TRASH, DEATH, NWOAHM, HEAVY, jebene SOLAZE, SVE BRATEEEE!!! I zadrzali su stari TRRTRRTRRTRRRRRR RDZDZDZDZDZ fazon! Naravno da ce da menjaju trip malo, navedite mi jedan bend koji je izdao tri potuno ista albuma!??

Na prvo slushanje svaka stvar mi je hit!! Taj utisak nisam imao na Shadows Are Security. Adam D. je josh jednom odradio svoje. Vreme ce pokazati koliko je ovaj album znachajan za sam bend, pazite shta vam kazem! I da, spot je skroz dobar! :rockdevil:

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odlican je album, i posle dva dana konstantnog preslusavanja [dobro, nije bas konstantno, preslusao sam jednom novi atreyu koji je btw sranje nevidjeno :no: ] mogu se sloziti sa sledecim:

ubedljivo najjaci AILD album!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Odlican je album! Mjetal up your ass :)

Svaka pesma je hit, u najboljem mogucem smislu, hit jer je kvalitet, a ne zato sto ima pevljiv refren. Mnogo ozbiljniji AILD nego do sad. I ranije su bili dobri, ali u odnosu na ovaj album neke pesme sa starih zvuce u fazonu "aj sad da se igramo blast beata...a sad cemo jedan pop refren...jos malo sminke...i gotovo"

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prvi put kada sam ga preslusao izgledao mi mnogo losije od prethodnih. i jos uvek mislim da je slabiji za nijansu. najvise mi je zasmetao vokal (onaj melodicni, pichkasti), koji je za razliku od prethodnih piece of shit. ali muzika i stil aild su ostali isti, tako da sam se "privikao". bubnjar jednostavno kida.


moj ortak ih je gdedao sada u Pesti i bilo mu je skroz ok. gledao sam snimak koji je napravio camom, i mnogo dobro zvuci. naravno ipak najbolji cert koji je gledao ove godine i kako tvrdi u zivotu) bio je CONVERGE pre neki mesec isto u Pesti. Converge zvuce (bar na onom dvd-u uzivo sranje) ali kaze mi ortak da je sasvim drugacije live.......


no, as i lay dying kidaju i nadam se da cemo ih videti kod nas uskoro, kao i kse koji su ispalili ove godine.....

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An Ocean Between Us mi se nije svidjao u pocetku,dobro mozda mi se samo ta pesma svidjala,al ima veoma dobrih pesama...al je istina da su se promenili malo,i mislim da je svemu tome doprineo odlazak Clinta Norrisa,mislim njegov vocal je nezamenljiv...

Edited by ASIlayDying

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novi spot:

"The idea came from our guitar player Nick [Hipa], who was inspired by books like [George Orwell's] 1984 and movies like [Kurt Wimmer's] 'Equilibrium,' in which the future is very simplistic, cold, and stale. The characters are like mindless lemmings who follow one leader and there is no sense of individuality. In the 'Nothing Left' video, the main character decides to be herself and be free regardless of the consequences. Subsequently, she is publicly condemned.


"This is where 'The Sound of Truth' picks up. The courage of the main character inspires an uprising of people who also will be condemned unless they fight for their individuality. There are cool twists depicting the hypocrisy within the story.


"Both videos were shot in Los Angeles at Sound City Center Stage, which, interestingly enough, is the same place Metallica was recording their new album. Unfortunately, they wouldn't allow us to lurk on the recording process."

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