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Nisam pronasao nista..ali evo neceg o Dwemerima.spominje se nekako stvaranje Bogova..to je onaj veliki cika na kraju..


Samo za die hard fanove:



These are sections out of the Dwemer books "Divine Metaphysics" and "Egg of Time", respectively. "Divine Metaphysics", in the words of Baladas Demnevanni, "..is an explanation of how the Dwemer tried to make a new god, Anumidium, using Kagrenac's tools and the sacred tones on Lorkhan's Heart." Demnevanni also tells us that "(Egg of Time) is Bthuand Mzahnch's refutation of a popular theory from Nerevar's time. A few tones of Dwemer believed that using the power Lorkhan's Heart involved unjustifiable risks. 'The Egg of Time' summarized many of Bthuand's arguments against this idea, many of which are quite compelling."


Probably the defining aspect of the Dwemer is their use of "The Heart". According to legend, after Lorkhan tricked or convinces the Aedra to create the mortal realm, they tore out his divine heart and threw it down to Nirn, to be hidden forever. The Dwemer found this heart, researched its intricacies, and used its divine power to create many things. They created the blade/tuning fork Keening and the hammer Sunder, along with the Wraithguard, to tap the power of the Heart.


One of the things they built was a monstrous golem called Numidium, or the Brass God, which was designed to help them "transend the Grey Maybe [Nirn, the Mortal Realm]" by drawing power directly from the Heart. In other words, this golem was more than just a destructive force. It was an actual new God that the Dwemer had created from the substance of Lorkhan, the "Dead" God.


After the Dwemer disappeared, Numidium makes a reappearance in a weaker form when Tiber Septim uses its power to conquer all of Tamriel and forge the Third Era.


Where did the Dwemer go?


They vanished into thin air, strangely enough.


The problem is, there are many varying accounts of their end. I am going to try and split this section up into to mini sections, the (sometimes conflicting) facts of the Dwemer disappearence, along with the speculations of their disappearance.


The "Facts"


The stage was Vvardenfell, during the Battle at Red Mountain. This was the culmination of the war between the Chimer and the Dwemer. Nerevar was present from the Chimer, as were Alamelexia, Vivec, and Sotha Sil. From the Dwemer there was King Dumac and Kagrenac the Shop Foremer. Dagoth Ur from the Dagoth House was there also, as were Nords and Orcs. However, it is unknown exactly what side they were on. The Five Songs of King Wulfharth claims that the Nords and the Orcs were on the side of the Dagoth House, against the Dwemer. However, it also claims that Nerevar fought alongside the Dwemer, and the other Chimer were not present, which is unlikely. In addition, The War of the First Council claims that the Dagoth House was on the side of the Dwemer, and that the Nords and the Orcs fought with them. This, however, is also suspect, since according to Vivec's account, Dagoth Ur fought alongside Nerevar. In the end, while this question is important historically, it is unimportant in regards to the Dwemer.


In some versions of the story, the Dwemer are simply slaughtered and that is their disappearance. This is highly unlikely, as the Rourken Clan, which was across the continent at the time, disappeared at the same time. And one cannot forget that the more reliable stories (Vivec's and the Ashlanders') claim that something much more profane and meaningful happened.



These versions say that the end of the Battle, Nerevar, Dagoth Ur, Kagrenac, and others are in the Heart Chamber. Dumac may have been there and killed, or disabled. In one version Kagrenac, seeing that he is in trouble, takes the tools and walks over to the Heart. The others see him attempt to use the tools on the Heart, and at that moment all of the Dwemer on Tamriel vanish without a trace. His use of the tools was probably supposed to elevate his race to something like Godhood. In other versions, Kagrenac is killed by Dagoth Ur, and Azura shows Nerevar how to use the tools to sever the Dwemer's link with the Heart. "And on the fields, the Tribunal and their armies watched as the Dwemer turned into dust all around them as their stolen immortality was taken away." The question is whether or not the tools were actually used, and whether or not they actually worked.




Assuming that the above account of the Dwemer's End is correct, there are several possibilities as to what became of them. I will list the ones that I have thought of (and think are the most likely) here.


Possibility A: The tools worked. Kagrenac successfully used his tools, and possibly The Calling, to take his race and remove them from Mundus, the Mortal Plane. He either turned them into Deities or simply allowed them to move freely in the Outer Realms.


This is possible, but unlikely. If it had happened, then Vivec, who is a God himself, probably wouldn't have said that "I have no sense of them in the timeless divine world outside of mortal time". In addition, for reasons discussed below, I believe that certain Et'Ada would never have allowed the Dwemer to carry out this act of arrogance. Finally, one might think that if the Dwemer had become Gods, we would have heard more about it.


Possibility B: The tools failed. Kagrenac foolishly de-created his race and erased them from Nirn. They were either destroyed entirely or were transfered to somewhere outside of Nirn and died.


This is more likely. The book "The Egg of Time" seems to indicate that there was a debate going on. The book argues that it is safe to tap the power of the Heart, and that the Dwemer who believed that it was a great risk were incorrect. I believe that this kind of "debate" wouldn't have been revealed to us unless tampering with the Heart actually was dangerous, and that something terrible very well may have happened if Kagrenac had tried to use the tools on it. Also, there exists an article entitled Sermon Zero of the Thirty-and-Six-and-Nine Sermons, which was given to us by Jobasha on the official forums. It is highly confusing and likely not considered an official document, but it contains three secret messages which can be deciphered from the text. One of them reads "To the Dwemer and Oblivion belong this treasure and they are there dead".


Possibility C: Kagrenac had no chance to actually use the tools. The split second that he did, Daedra Prince Azura snatched him and all of the other Dwemer from Nirn, and imprisoned them in Oblivion. Alternatively, he did use the tools, but as soon as his race was removed from Mundus, Azura imprisoned them in Oblivion. Or he died before he had the chance, and Azura instructed Nerevar to use the tools to destroy the Dwemer enchantment upon the Heart, making them instantly disappear. Either way, Azura put them in Oblivion and there they may or may not have died.



This, in my opinion, is the most likely of all of the possibilities. As has been discussed elsewhere, the Dwemer doubted the power of the Et'Ada and did not venerate them as the other races did. One specific example of this directly involves Azura- the account contained in Azura and the Box. And one cannot forget the very idea of Numidium, The Brass God. The construct which, according to Divine Metaphysics, was a new God constructed from the power of a "Dead" God, Lorkhan. This is blasphemy in the highest sense of the word, and according to several accounts, Azura did not want it completed.



More importantly, Azura was involved several times in the affairs at Battle of Red Mountain, before and after the war. In The Battle of Red Mountain, it is said that Nerevar went to Holomayan and summoned Azura to receive counsel, and there she told him that the construction of the "New God of the Dwemer should be prevented at all costs". In Nerevar at Red Mountain, Azura instructs Nerevar while in the Heart Chamber to use the tools on the Heart to destroy the Dwemer, which he does (at this moment, according to the legend, the Dwemer simply all vanish). Later, according to both accounts, the Tribunal break their oath to Nerevar and Azura and use the Heart to become Gods. At this time Azura appears and curses the Chimer, turning them into Dunmer "that they might know forever their wicked deeds ". And finally, it might be said that Azura returned her champion Nerevar to Morrowind to once and for all destroy the Heart and its destructive influence, and that this is the story of the Nerevarine.


All of these events show that Azura was an active force in the prevention of the use of the Heart. For whatever reason, she did not want the Heart to be used for profane purposes. Thus, I find it likely that Azura, whether it be to protect some kind of natural order regarding divinity and mortality, to protect the safety of those on Tamriel, or simply as a punishment for the Dwemer arrogance and hubris, imprisoned the Dwemer in Oblivion forever, and there they still exist.

Edited by Varg

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@ varg


shta te interesuje u vezi sa god mode-om?

(bar se tu iole razumem)

Ne znam ni ja.Nesic je pokrenuo neku pricu o knjizi koja treba da se desifruje da bio postao bog..mada cisto sumnjam.Nisam pronasao nikakvu informaciju o tome na netu..

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Jebemti pa nisam znao da ima ova tema na ovom forumu...

jel igra bre neko Obliviona...krvavo je dobar...i prilicno zahtevan.


ja sam ladno jedno 16 puta poceo ispocetka da igram smorrowind i nikad ga nisam obrnuo...



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Jebemti pa nisam znao da ima ova tema na ovom forumu...

jel igra bre neko Obliviona...krvavo je dobar...i prilicno zahtevan.


ja sam ladno jedno 16 puta poceo ispocetka da igram smorrowind i nikad ga nisam obrnuo...

Sta te sprecilo?

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Hehe, ja sam josh u toku igranja ischitavao one knjige koje donose razne skill-ove...

Kakvih samo extra dobrih pricha ima pivopije.gif



Vidi se da je citava grupa pisaca radila na tome.Zaista sjajno.


Isto mi je zanimljivo kada sam pricao sa Vivecom, pa On objasnjava kako izgleda biti bog.dobri tripovi. icon_smile.gif


Inace sinoc citah onih 36 vivekovih lekcija.

Znate to?

Kako se rodio iz jajeta, ubijao monstrume itd. icon_rockdevil.gifpivopije.gif

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Sta te sprecilo?

a nemam pojma uvek me nesto sjebe, recimo jedanput sam posto vampir i nisam mogo da provalim kako da se izlecim...i mnogo sam tu prso i zajebo sam ga...mnogo sam vremena trosio na exploring the world...

dvaput mi prso windows izgubio sam sejvove...

a imao sam original primerak, tako da sam imao i knjizicu i mapu pa je uzitak bio vrhunski...


Kako se rodio iz jajeta, ubijao monstrume itd.

ha...neseri, nemam pojma o tome...mada mi poznato...koja je fora?

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ha...neseri, nemam pojma o tome...mada mi poznato...koja je fora?


Najbolje poseti ovaj link, tu ti je objasnjen kompletan svet, mitologija, sav taj univerzum.Idi na opciju books from morrowind i tu tu je 36 lessons of Vivec(ili umesto lessond pise sermons?)..snaci ces se.


Uglavnom, tih 36 lekcija su kao mitolosko objasnjenje Vivekovog nastanka, a navodno je njegovo pravo poreklo mnogo realnije. icon_smile.gif



Edited by Varg

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Haaaaa isteko je ban !!!!1 biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

postovao sam tekstove o ukrainskim politicarima , ritualima parenja nosorga, i istoriju zanzibara po nu metalu.


Ljudi nadjite bloodmoon zlo je.




Glavna radjna se odvija na ostrvu na kome su nordovi ostali posle propale invazije na Morrowind.A da i ima mnogo korisnih stvari koje su ubacene recimo mozes da vidis koliko neprijatelj ima healtha a ne da bijes ko majmun i da shvatis da to nema efekta. biggrin.gif



imam piratski bloodmoon mogu da ga saljem postom.

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ja danas bejah u beogradu..

i chim sam videla plato-ovu prodavnicu, udjoh unutra

and guess what i bought.. icon_biggrin.gif

morrowind (4 CDS)

(morrowind + tribunal + bloodmoon + tes construction set)

za 800 kinti..



btw, hvala osobi koja je tu informaciju prosledila neke 2-3 stranice nazad..

me = happy

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  • 3 weeks later...

AAA! Vecheras sam se poprilichno manijacho u Morrowind-u!!


Ceo dan se smarao, i onda krenuo da igram, i bacio se na experimentisanje - koliko "fortify inteligence" napitaka treba napraviti da bi se dobili ostali ultra nabudzeni napitci... icon_mrgreen.gif

Rezultat - 4.650.000 inteligence daje napitke koji donose "2000 fortify atribute", koshtaju oko 36.000 i nenormalni su ali i neupotrebljivi icon_mrgreen.gif


Tachnije ukoliko se nabudzi speed sa samo jednim takvim napitkom rezultat je sledeci: trenutni teleport !!! 8)


Ali, konachni rezultat je zakucavanje komp-a biggrin.gif


Sve u svemu, pouka je ne manijachi se ako ti je dosadno mrred.gifmrred.gif

Edited by Silent/Strategy

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Hoce neko da mi objasni sta se to znacajno desava kada unistim ono srce (heart of Lokhran, valjda) i Dagoth Ur-a icon_confused.gif

Svi se ponasaju kao da se nista nije dogodilo, tj. kao da tek treba da obavim neke trial-e! icon_mad.gif

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Hoce neko da mi objasni sta se to znacajno desava kada unistim ono srce (heart of Lokhran, valjda) i Dagoth Ur-a icon_confused.gif

Svi se ponasaju kao da se nista nije dogodilo, tj. kao da tek treba da obavim neke trial-e! icon_mad.gif

To ti je kraj glavne kampanje i od tada si novi/stari Nerevarine, zastitnik Morrowinda.

Sada mozes da radis sta 'oces..resavas sporedne kampanje, lutas..cistis zemlju od preostalih sledbenika Dagoth Ur-a itd.

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Fuck, ocekivao sam neki spektakularniji kraj nakon onolikog mozganja i mucenja da bih dosao do Dagoth-a. I sve to da bi samo njegovo unistenje bilo zesce prosto. Sada cu sve da ih pobijem!!  violent.gif

Mozes da izgradis i svoje imanje sa sve poslugom i cuvarom ali je proces malo komplikovan i zaboravio sam ga..haha.

Radi se o tome da zavrsis celu kampanju za neku od kuca( ja sam odradio komplentan Hlaalu ) i od nekog lika mozes da uzmes papire za izgradnju vile..ako te interesuje pronadju na netu sifre i tajne za Morrowind, imas komplentne vodice..



Ili mozes igrati kao vampir sa posebnom kampanjom

Edited by Varg

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