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Porcupine Tree

Vitamin K Experience

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Morace the incident definitivno jos dosta puta da se preslusa. Za sada mi se svidja sta cujem. Bonnie the cat izuva. Circle of manias me dosta podseca na Meshuggah (mozda se i tripujem) Svidja mi se i Drawing the line.

Edited by triad1

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No-Man DVD



Mixtaped is the first ever DVD release from No-Man. Comprising the band's sell-out performance at London's Bush Hall in 2008, a career-spanning documentary, and numerous extras.


The Burning Shed edition comes with an exclusive audio CD of highlights from the Bush Hall performance. Pre-order now from Burning Shed - shipping from 5th October


DVD 1: No-Man's complete Bush Hall live performance with 5.1 and stereo options (90 mins). Live photo gallery.


DVD 2: Returning - An 85 minute career-spanning documentary including previously unseen footage, photos and images, and in-depth interviews with every member of No-Man past and present. Extras - Complete videos for several No-Man songs spanning 1990-2009. Rare live footage. Deleted scenes.


CD: Mixtaped highlights - Tim and Steven's personal selection of highlights from the live DVD presented on an exclusive 42 minute audio CD. Only copies ordered from Burning Shed will include this bonus CD.

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odličan i jako zanimljiv album!


jedino preskačem "time flies" i "degree zero of liberty" zato što su težak pink floyd rip-off  :icon_ne:



Iz najnovijeg SW intervjua:


PW: There are more radio-friendly songs on TI, as well as many Pink Floyd influence, notably references to 'Animals'.

SW: Indeed there are many pieces that remind of PF especially on Time Flies. It brings me back to my youth where everything changed from the moment I heard PF and started playing after. 'Animals' was the first album I bought when I was about 10 years old.


PW: The somewhat hefty guitar-solo in this song gives it a very personal impression.

SW: That's right, it's even stronger than the work of David Gilmour himself, but the song is a very personal trip for me back to the start of everything. Coincidentally we always get compared to PF, through the influences, even on albums where in my opinion there really wasn't anything Pink Floydish about it people kept saying it reminded them about PF! And now it's finally happened (laughs). We can neither win nor lose really, but PF along with King Crimson are ultimately the most important sources of inspirations for us.



Time Flies je vrlo svesno uradjena oda Floydima i kao takva izvrsno konstruisana, po meni.

Edited by Et in Arcadia Ego

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znam da je ta pesma tako svesno urađena,ali ja lično nisam fan slušanja potpuno istih melodija kod nekog drugog benda


volim kada čujem uticaj nekog drugog benda (kao što ovde imamo dosta meshuggah,opeth itd.),ali ne i kopiju istih.. ode mogu da se rade na koncertima kao što bi porcupine tree mogli da obrade "cluster one" od pink floyd-a umesto da "degree zero of liberty" pune već poznatim melodijama


sve u svemu, i pored te rupice ceo album me je prijatno iznenadio koliko je dobar  :meshuggah:



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znam da je ta pesma tako svesno urađena,ali ja lično nisam fan slušanja potpuno istih melodija kod nekog drugog benda


volim kada čujem uticaj nekog drugog benda (kao što ovde imamo dosta meshuggah,opeth itd.),ali ne i kopiju istih.. ode mogu da se rade na koncertima kao što bi porcupine tree mogli da obrade "cluster one" od pink floyd-a umesto da "degree zero of liberty" pune već poznatim melodijama


sve u svemu, i pored te rupice ceo album me je prijatno iznenadio koliko je dobar  :meshuggah:



U potpunosti se slažem! :da:


Takodje se čuju i "Dogs", "Sheep" i "Signs Of Life" od PF u pesmama "Time Flies" i "Degree Zero Of Liberty". I to vrlo identično.



ostatak albuma je odličan!

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Album zaista osvaja na svako sledece slusanje.


Prava preporuka za uzivanje u ovom albumu bi bila: ne gledati nazive pesama (odnosno delova pesme od 55 minuta), ne obracati paznju na to koji je deo u trenutno u toku vec samo ga pustiti da tece i doziveti ga kao celinu, jer to i jeste. Potpuno holisticki pristup. PT su objasnili ovim sta znaci song-cycle i kako se pravi muzika koju treba slusati nu kontinuitetu jer izdvajanje delova oduzima svaki smisao.


Sa druge strane, pesme sa drugog diska stoje svaka za sebe i individualno su izrazito jake. Ne znam da li mi se vise svidja etericnost Flicker-a, eksperimenti na Bonnie, emocija na Black Dhalia ili raznovrsnost na Remember Me Lover.


Epic win, u svakom slucaju.

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Album mi je skroz okej, ali osim nekih pesama tesko da cu se vracati na ovaj album, osim ako ne dobijem zelju da ga obrnem u celini. Uvek cu se radio vracati mom najdrazem periodu PTa Stupid Dream-Lightlub Sun-In Absentia. Mozda sam mnogo ocekivao, ali dobar je album ali me nije odusevio neshto preterano.

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