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Doug Bradley

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About Doug Bradley

  • Birthday 02/29/1984

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Doug Bradley's Achievements

Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. Moram da ozhivim temu malo... Juche sam nabavio dvd nightmare on elm street 3: the dream warriors...ubacim dvd u player i po navici odem u special features kad tamo spot za pesmu dream warriors odvalio sam zvuchnike do daske i nekoliko puta vrteo pesmu....kasnije u toku filma ide i jedna deonica iz pesme into the fire....toliko sam davno gledao ove filmove da sam i zaboravio na dokken..ali zato ceo dan danas vrtim njihove albume....
  2. Kad smo vec kod horora ovaj chovek se nikako ne sme zaobici: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dario_Argento
  3. Treci deo Army of darkness jedino mogu da podnesem do neke granice....ostala dva dela su
  4. Meni je Evil Dead nevidjeno govno....
  5. Kelly's Heroes zaboravio sam koliko je to fenomenalan film.... Ceo dan mi se danas vrti ona pesma iz film Burning Bridges.... Friends all tried to warn me But I held my head up high All the time they warned me But I only passed them by They all tried to tell me But I guess I didn’t care I turned my back and Left them standing there All the burning bridges that have fallen after me All the lonely feelings and the burning memories Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door Burning bridges lost forevermore Joey tried to help me find a job A while ago When I finally got it I didn’t want to go The party Mary gave for me When I just walked away Now there’s nothing left to say All the burning bridges that have fallen after me All the lonely feelings and the burning memories Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door Burning bridges lost forevermore Years have passed and I keep thinking What a fool I’ve been I look back into the past and Think of way back then I know that I lost everything I thought I that could win I guess I should have listened to my friends All the burning bridges that have fallen after me All the lonely feelings and the burning memories Everyone I left behind each time I closed the door Burning bridges lost forevermore Burning bridges lost forever. Koga zanima: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_VhnAl2BFM
  6. Jedva chekam da vidim kako ce Rob Zombie da uradi Halloween http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0373883/
  7. Gledah pre neki dan Mythbusters Hollywood Special gde je bila epizoda kada su testirali mit o bezhanju iz Alcatraza shto je mene nateralo da pogledam film na kome je mit zasnovan.....Escape From Alcatraz sa Clint Eastwood-om...sasvim solidan film.....
  8. Moj nick govori o omiljenim horor filmovima....(za neupucene Doug Bradley je ime glumca koji je glumio Pinheada u serijalu Hellraiser) Naravno i klasici i Ulice brestova dolaze u obzir... Od novijih SAW serijal je mada ce ga ujebati ovi silni nastavci....tri dela su sasvim dovoljna....
  9. Cypher...juche ga sluchajno nadjoh u kolekciji nisam ni znao da ga imam....zanimljiv film...
  10. i josh radi od 00-24 zato ja svako jutro kada idem na posao izadjem iz 25-ice prvo tu da se ozhderem pa onda idem na posao
  11. Odgledah sinoc Goodfellas po ko zna koji put....apsolutno nenadjebiv film Joe Pesci je lik
  12. Ja se nadam da ce "search for meaning" biti krvav
  13. Ja skinuo juche DVD SE Goodfellas jedva chekam da mi prodju ispiti da gledam
  14. Secam se da sam disk sa tim filmom odmah posle gledanja upotrebio u shinterske svrhe...gadjao sam kera koji niju usta zatvarao Film je govno neopevano...smorio sam nevidjeno dok sam ga gledao....
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