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Posts posted by VoivodBG

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    To bre :rockdevil:


  2. U subotu idem da je igram kod ortaka koji ima azdahu od kompa,njemu se dopala jer kako kaze nije standardna pucacina,jer navodno imas da koristis razlicite booster-e,za brzinu,snagu,skok i to bas u odredjenim trenutcima i kaze da se nema puno vremena za prenemaganje kada to treba da uradis.

  3. 1194870407_1000621.jpg


    Inhuman-Last Rites


    Founded in the summer of 1995 by vocalist Michael Scondotto, INHUMAN combines the sounds of the late 80's NYHC scene with Punk Rock and Metal, to create a new hybrid of dark, aggressive music. No strangers to the underground, INHUMAN have released 3 full length cds, 3 7"eps and have appeared on countless compilations over the years. It was in late 2002 that the band ended their near 3 year period of silence with the release of the mcd entitled "Black Reign" (now out of print) on the Belgian based Released Power Productions. In 2003, INHUMAN did their first ever tour of Europe to much success in support of this release. It was also in 2003 that the bands third full length “The New Nightmare” was released on A-F Records. Receiving excellent press and airplay, this release opened Inhuman up to a new audience with stand out tracks like “Killing Me” and “Brooklyn Bastards”. Late 2006 saw the return of former drummer Steve Gallo (also in Agnostic Front, along with guitarist Joseph James) as Inhuman put the finishing touches on new material for “Last Rites”, the bands debut for I Scream Records. Recorded by Dean Baltulonis (SICK OF IT ALL, MADBALL, MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD) at The Wild Arctic, "Last Rites" is INHUMAN’s finest and most diverse release to date. From the metallic assault of the opening title track and “Heretic”, to Hardcore anthems like “Fash-ist” and "The Dream is Not Dead", to the melodic sounds of "What You Wanted" and “A Fine Line” all the way to the haunting sounds of the closing track "The Lost”, INHUMAN takes the listener on a dark musical journey through the true underground.

    Iako imaju clanove Agnostic-a,bend muzicki nista nije specijalno,cak sta vise ovo mnogo vuce na metalizirani hc,pravac u kojem se krece 90% hc bendova trenutno i to uopste ne valja.Ko voli neka odslusa,ko nece ne mora.

  4. :lol: pa nije pera pevac,Biske se cova zove,a kao bend su nesto transcendentalno taman da ti udje u glavu i tu ostane do kraja,dok ne ogluvis.

    Album u decembru valjda,jedva cekam. ;)

    @Gently kada budu Defformerosi sledeci put svirali idemo pa makar bilo na ostrvu fidzi!

  5. Ajd' sad mi treba ona verzija filma u kojoj neki lik ima sinhronizovan glas umesto cika Arnolda Stronga(tako su ga creditovali u filmu zbog naglaska).Dacu pola carstva za tu verziju!Anybody? :rolleyes:

    Koji ce ti to djavo???Ovo sa svarcijevim govorom je the real thing. :cool:

    A ionako si cuo na kraju kada preko radija prica neki drugi lik(umesto arnija) :lol:

  6. Nesto sam malo njuskao po pocetnim stranama pronasao prvi album odslusao odusevio se,i slucajno sam video da se negde spominje drugi album,mrzelo me je da pretrazujem sada ostatak(50 i nesto stranica),pa me zanima gde to moze da se nabavi ili ga tek prave?

  7. Dobar bend,dobar,samo ime im je bas originalno :)

    Hehehe pa jeste niko se do sada nije setio da uzme ime po nekom kultnom thrash albumu od Exodus-a :da:

    Vole ih momci pa sto da ne uzmu,to kao kada bi neko uzeo za naziv benda Kill 'Em All od 'Tallice(uzeo kao cist primer :) )

  8. Imao prve dve sezone,smejao se kao lud,da bi me na kraju smorilo i da bi ih izbrisao sa kompa,3 cu da uzmem od ortaka,nadam se da je veca bolestina od prethodne dve.

    Od momenata iz serije bih izdvojio kada traze novog lika za kucu posto je Toot zavrsila na nekom ostrvu,gde su joj domoroci zrtvovali svoje zene,a u kuci za to vreme se pojavljuje Scorpion iz MK-a,i kada ga pita Xandir kakve moci ima ovaj mu odradi get over here,i ovaj se onda napali i odradi pelvic thrust :lol: na sta se Scorpion zgrozi sick

  9. Rising out of Pomona, in the Los Angeles, Ca. outer suburbs, Bonded by Blood have rapidly emerged as one of the youngest (average age just 18) and arguably one of most proficient of the New Thrash wave of acts pouring out of that city in recent times. Formed in the summer of 2005 by a 17 year old hardcore-punk-thrash driven vocalist (Aladdin), he soon teamed up with like-minded young guitar shredders (Alex Lee and Juan Boogie), then found a drummer influenced by more classic metal (Carlos Cervesa), and finally added a bassist who was more than a little "out there " (RuDo) to round out the line-up.


    Although partly influenced by different styles of music, they all met through a love of one genre: THRASH METAL. Having one major fave band in common - namely, 80's Thrash stalwarts- Exodus, they decided to name themselves after the bands genre-defining classic debut. Thus, Bonded by Blood was born. Ironically, none of band were actually born when the album first hit the racks back in 1985!


    The band's prowess was noticed when they won first place in the TNT productions battle of the bands at Riverside, which included over 250 bands. That was no mean feat in a notoriously competitive LA scene- but as a young band starting at the bottom of the food chain, Bonded By Blood knew a solid practise regime was required to hone their razor sharp riffs with one single purpose- to become a respected LA thrash metal band, perhaps one worthy of eventually following in the footsteps of the 'Big 4' Thrash acts of the 80s.


    Time will tell, but 2 decades on from the origination of the genre, the big 4 have since become part of the regular metal mainsteam, leaving legions of fans starved of the Old-school thrash vibes. Bonded By Blood aim to change all that - and hence lead the pack of bands playing old-school Thrash but with an added energy, fun and youthful vigour, with a modern twist all of their own making. Bonded By Blood are no mere 80's rehash.


    After playing a countless number of shows in a short amount of time, BBB began to gather genuine momentum, rapidly amassing a rabid LA fan base, helping the band to play their part in putting the LA New Thrash Wave on the map as undoubtedly one of the most exciting, fast-rising scenes currently in metal. Word spread, and they soon shared the stage with Testament, Flotsam and Jetsam, Sadus, and recently got to play main support to their heroes - Exodus.


    Recording-wise, 2006 saw the release of their first demo, 'Four Pints of Blood', which finally showed what Bonded by Blood was all about. BBB got attention from many more fans after promoting that release. August 2007 saw BBB's 'Extinguish the Weak' self-released EP hit the web and the streets, resulting in instant acclaim from the awaiting hordes of thrash fanatics, and label interest was swift to follow, as the spotlight had by then begun to shine on the burgeoning LA Thrash scene.


    Weeks before the EP was released however, Bonded by Blood had received an offer from the label which is doing the most to put the new Thrash wave of acts on the global map- Earache Records. So, naturally, in September of 2007, Bonded by Blood and Earache inked for a long-term worldwide recording deal.


    The debut Bonded By Blood album is slated for release on Earache during early 2008. Watch this space.





    2007 Extinguish The Weak EP


    Mlad bend koji pici cisti oktanski thrash,naziv benda je sam dokaz da postuju stare thrash vrednosti.EP traje citavih 16 minuta sa samo 6 pesama koje ce vas razdrmati,jos bih dodao da je 6 pesma obrada tema nindza kornjaca :lol:


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