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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Cover za novi album http://forum.maidenfans.com/index.php?act=...ype=post&id=363 Ovo je inache slika nekog belgijskog slikara iz 16. veka. Cool
  2. Nadajmo se da nece biti takav
  3. E skinuo sam clip sa sajta...Ono je bre shiroko stvarno Inache skinuh i one neke starije pesmice, chine se iskreno mnogo bolje nego noviji materijal. Ochekujem razbijanje, ne?
  4. Angelystor


    Pa dobro, iskreno ne znam kolko je Tony imao udela u Najlu..ali za Doca znam da je imao dobar udeo u Vaderu. Time shall tell...
  5. Varvaska horda - slomljena tela, sjebane dushe
  6. Kakav bre Finntroll FC i Gamma Ray..veselije nema..s tim shto GR barem vredi neshto A da..mora navedem i pesmu Hussar od Running Wild
  7. Zanimljivo, koga god pitam "Powerplant" mu omiljeni album.
  8. FC bogami jeste Ali oni smaraju zestoko zato.
  9. Jedino se moraju dve stvari. 1) Da se umre 2) Da se ode na Slayer 9. jula
  10. Ma sa'ce to na net za koji dan
  11. Meni se taj iz 87e i ne svidja neshto...Nothing special. A kad se uporedi sa Dabl Blajvom, patkica!
  12. E posle Desastera ima da se opushtam uz to kad dodjem doma hehe.
  13. Uh, onda obavezno predji na Sinister
  14. Jao bre kolega ne pochinji opet. Dobro je shto uopshte postoji tema Dakle, poslednja vest iz Helloween tabora je da izdaju single 4. jula i to za pesmu "Come Alive"
  15. More j* Lanfear. Ima Nigge, al znajuci njega ko zna kad ce ga preslusha
  16. Ajd sad pogledaj opet link.
  17. Angelystor


    Isti fazon kao za Souzu..Sjebala ga porodica. Ne moze oba jebga.
  18. Odakle ti to? Ja mislim da je datum izlaska josh uvek nepoznat.
  19. Angelystor


    Err, Doc nikad nije ni otishao, imao je povredu pa nije mogao da svira neko vreme.
  20. Angelystor


    Polish death metallers VADER have parted ways with longtime drummer Doc. The group's leader, Peter, has issued the following statement on the matter: "We have been building 'the VADER Empire' together since '88... The success of our music was no doubt the success of Doc himself. Not just a talent is but the main point of being a part of a BAND, not only musical abilities but — first of all — devotion, utterance.... We had already such a problems before (Shambo, Simon..). Doc pretty hard tried to 'fight' against his weaknesses, which were troubles for all of us. Finaly he had not prevailed over that battle... All in all, he attempted. "VADER today is not just a friendship anymore — it's our life with armies of man involved in music, releases and — first of all — fans waiting for shows or new albums... This is a high responsibility, not too many know about. If a person, even the most talented one, cannot stand it — has to leave... That was Doc's decission as well. 'But the world keeps turnin'...' and the same is with VADER. We were and we will be!!! "For Doc, his girlfriend and newborn son we all wish good luck and wanna thank mim for all those great years, in which we were touring across the world!!! "From now Daray has been officially confirmed as a new drummer of the band. Not really brand new, he has been playing with the band since one year and recorded the latest album 'The Beast' + U kuuuuuuraaaacccc!!!!! :udri Nile izgubio TOnija..al ovo je IMHO josh gore bre...pa na kvadrat.
  21. PALJEVINSKA CREW smiri se malo "Tyranny of Souls" track listing: 01. Mars Within (Intro) 02. Abduction 03. Soul Intruders 04. Kill Devil Hill 05. Navigate the Seas of the Sun 06. River of No Return 07. Power of the Sun 08. Devil on a Hog 09. Believil 10. A Tyranny of Souls Mnooogoo mi se svidjaju imena pesama. Ne mogu da verujem da ovo govorim, ali..ochekujem dobar album!(za razliku od DoDa npr..)
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