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Vault Dweller

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Everything posted by Vault Dweller

  1. Vault Dweller


    AJME širi se trač da je Vesano otišao iz Nile! ošla ja na službeni sajt, a kad ono..... TOUR NEWS AND STATEMENT FROM JON VESANO From Gunter Ford World Management February 28, 2005 Nile would like to announce that on the upcoming tour of Europe, Steve Tucker will be playing Bass. On the following tour of America with King Diamond bass duties will be handled by Kreishloff . Nile is looking for a new touring bass player and all interested parties should contact the band via [email protected] . Letter from Jon Vesano below.. "Hail Nile fans.... I'm sure you're probably getting a trickle of information on what is going on. I have decided to depart Nile for several reasons being personal and business related. There were some opportunities presented to me that forced me to make a life altering decision and something had to give, in turn was my involvement with Nile. I wish I could have both but you can't have everything. It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make cause I do love being part of Nile. I had to weigh out all of the options for my future and stability for myself. It will be something that I miss dearly and will never forget. I'm sure there will be rumors rolling around. I'm sure this statement will bring some clarity to the crap that some people may say. For the time being I will be focusing on my own musical material at home where demands of my career will not have as much conflict. I never intended on placing Nile into a position of stress but like I said there are several factors to this decision. I hope the Fans of Nile can understand that at some time in everyones life will come a cross roads to where you must choose to be secure and happy with yourself. I truly enjoyed my 4 years with Nile and hope everyone did as well. I wish Karl, Dallas and George the best of luck and I am sure they will deliver what Nile fans desire cause they deserve it. See you all soon!!!! Jon"
  2. koliko li je samo godina prošlo otkad sam čula Turn Loose The Swans....a ipak mi je to ostao njihov najdraži album, uz nezaobilazni Trinity. try as I might, ipak sam ostala nepopravljivi fanatik njihovog prvotnog, sirovog sounda.
  3. Tiamat....Edlund, fanatik za droge. zanimljivo je da je iz toga i nešto korisno došlo. na primjer, fantastična psihodelija jednog Wildhoneya, da ne spominjem ranije uradke; iako mi se čini da je njegovo stvaralaštvo baš okrunjeno dotičnim albumom. nažalost, sve šo je napravio poslije toga za mene je čisti auditivni užas i ja ne hajem za njegove novije albume. the Ar mi je najdraža pjesma svih vremena.
  4. Vault Dweller


    jao, pa ja ih obožavam! nevjerovatno nešto, kako praše ti ljudi! brutalni, brutalni, brutalni! svaka čast Sandersu na trudu...a i zanimljivo je koliko radi na vjerodostojnoj obradi tekstova sa raznoraznih papirusa, stela i glinenih pločica. kada mi treba doza, odmah se urokam sa jednim Chapter For Transforming Into A Snake, Serpent Headed Mask ili Masturbating The War God. zavidna kvaliteta, kakvoj bi svaki death metal band trebao težiti!
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