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Morphy last won the day on March 16 2018

Morphy had the most liked content!


About Morphy

  • Birthday 06/30/1990

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Morphy's Achievements

Master of Metal

Master of Metal (2/6)



  1. Morphy


    "Sodom break up! Tom has already pointed it out in his statement that in fact we have slightly drifted apart from each other. Indeed our conceptions of respect and workload diverged even further. Also tour offers neglected by Tom disappointed us. After its overwhelming reactions we were totally looking forward to creating a successor to “Decision Day” and have already recorded lots of song ideas. Unfortunately Tom did not share our enthusiasm, he terminated his cooperation with us via WhatsApp even without listening to any of the new material. Of course it is not easy for us to leave Sodom - the band that have become such a huge part of our lives and that we totally identify with. But, we will not stop doing what we love - together we will found a new band and we will see a way forward. Within our hearts we will remain Sodom even if Tom is not with us any longer. ...And now a few words to you. Words from musicians to their friends and families. Since we have already received tons of nice and encouraging words from all of you we want to take the opportunity to say thank you to each one of you. Everybody who saw us during the past couple of years also saw that we were 100% into what we were doing and that our behaviour had always been as authentic as your reactions had been genuine and filled with affection. Your feedback throughout all those years and your uplifting words now make us feel proud. This is all we can ask for - thank you so much! Bernemann & Makka"
  2. Tek sad videh poruku. 3676 dinara na aukciji na limundu.. klali smo se nas trojica oko nje i dobro sam prošao, jer je u stvarno dobrom stanju.
  3. Da li ste znali da je moguće platiti isti račun za telefon dva puta? Evo i kako. U pitanju je Ruma - VIP - centar. Prvog decembra sam došao i platio račun za telefon, tako što sam joj rekao broj, ona me pitala Slobodan? Da, taj sam. Toliko i toliko sam dužan, dam pare i obično me pita nakon što mi vrati kusur da li želim i račun, tog puta nije, da bih se mahinalno okrenuo i otišao. Ne leži vraže, stiže meni poruka za vikend da mi je danas bio poslednji dan za uplatu računa. WTFFF?! Odlazim danas kod njih i šta se dešava. Objasnim likuši šta se desilo, kako nemam račun, da bi mi ona rekla da bez dokaza o uplati ne može ništa da učini za mene i da sledeći put obavezno uzmem račun. Kao, poznaje me, seća me se da dolazim, ali njene ruke su svezane. Druže. I da sam uzeo taj jebeni račun, bacio bih ga istog tog momenta kada bih izašao iz radnje. Na moje pitanje, da li možemo da pogledamo snimak sa kamere dobio sam odgovor da nažalost kamera još nije ugrađena i da treba da bude uskoro postavljena.. Pišem ovo da vide svi i ne ispadnu slučajno ovce kao što sam ispao ja, jer je ovo čista stvar principa. Jednostavno mi na kraju pameti nije bilo da ovako nešto uopšte može da se desi. Toliko.
  4. Morphy


    Hahah, paz'te ovog lika šta radi !!
  5. Pravim sad baš acc da bih čuo novu pesmu i vidim ovo: Za pol stoji Non-binary opcija, što prvi put vidim na nekom sajtu, pa sve vam jebem nenormalno
  6. Omot mi je skrnav do zla boga.
  7. http://www.instagram.../p/BZblO6DFuf9/ koji su ovo bogovi sunce ti krvavo
  8. Iju, ne mogu da verujem da je toliko vremena već prošlo :c
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