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Glupe su vam rasprave,sad ispada da pored toliko komercijala i šatro "metal" bendova koji se pojavljuju,treba da pljujemo po Maiden-ima. icon_rolleyes.gif

Ako se nekome ne svidja "Dance of death",ima "Powerslave",pa neka sluša starije albume,tako ja radim. pivopije.gif

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Realno svaki album Maidena je uradjen u drugom fazonu sto je mora se priznati veliki uspeh jer se na prste mogu nabrojati bendovi slicnog rada.Meni se DOD dosta svidja,ali je prvi album ipak po meni THE BEST!

Sto se tice turneja ja mislim da oni idu tamo gde ce biti goooooomila ljudi jer su izgleda navikli na brojnu publiku i da im nije bitno ko ce svirati pre ili posle njih,kinte verovanto imaju dovoljno i za cukun cukun cukun unuchice.

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Najbolji je Bagzi u onoj njegovoj St.Anger majici...

...Inace jesi cuo sta je Krstash odvalio...da su bubnjevi na Transylvaniji programirani i da niko to ne moze da odsvira...

...Pa sta ocekuje kad se maideni ne sviraju po svadbama... no.gif

Mani mi bre kretena on misli da nicko mcbrain svira poput bubnjara belog dugmeta...ne znam vise ni koji je to ....Budala sta reci vise o njemu icon_smile.gif

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Ma ko ce da ih slusa...to je ruzan smaracki bend...

...vratimo se svi Maidenima i Metallici...sta ce nam bilo sta drugo...

cekaj doci ce i njihovih pet minuta slave u mental hammeru!

Mislis pet reci : Gamma Ray Sprema Novi DVD

I to u onom malom odeljku sa vestima koji niko ne chita...

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Ljudi zajebite vise taj Hammer i njihove top liste i pulene.Za njih je gitarista iz Korna bolji od Eddya Van Halena...ovaj iz Korna je dobar za njihovu vrstu muzike ali Eddie je kralj...sviranje ne moze da se poredi...Kakav moronski raspored na top listi

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IRON MAIDEN: Four Songs Mixed, Six More To Go


IRON MAIDEN producer Kevin Shirley has issued another update as part of his ongoing studio diary covering the making of the group's new album, tentatively due this fall. An excerpt from the latest entry follows:


"We worked Monday to Wednesday, and while it was constructive, it was more of the same. I have four songs mixed for the album, which I've told you is going to have 10 songs in the end. There is a fifth on the console, which Steve [Harris, bass] is going to sing some backing vocals and play some keyboards on today — and then I'll print the mix, which will leave us another nine tracks to finish, five for the album as well as the four extra tracks for B-sides, etc.


"I think the album has a name, but I haven't been told it — and those lame MP3s going around the Internet which someone is insisting are leaked MAIDEN tracks are just bogus — anyone with an ear should know that — shit, even a deaf Ed-head would know that!


"Monday, Steve and I work on a couple of tracks, Jan [Gers, guitar] came in and played some guitar parts — a lead harmony here, reinforcing an intro melody there, basically bringing everything up to speed to mix, which I've done. Adrian [smith, guitar] was in to sing a backing vocal along with Steve, and Wing Commander Biggles was in Wednesday for two lead vocals — before I had to rush to the airport to get a late night flight to Rome — for the Easter break. Actually, I am using 90% of Bruce's [Dickinson] original tracking vocals, which have their own unique spirit when he sings live with the band. I'm just using the new vocals for an occasional lyric mix-up or a melody change, but they're basically his live takes! And that's not me being lazy, I fully expected to use more of the redone vocals, but the live ones are killer!"


To read the rest of the report, visit MaidenNorway.com.


IRON MAIDEN recently confirmed a full European leg of their world tour for this coming winter 2006. The trek will start in Scandinavia on November 9 and will include new album material, which will be released prior to the tour.


Evo vam zveri pa se radujte...


Kakve veze ima da li je bend u metal hammeru ili ne?

Order od gamma ray-a je jak album, ovi pre toga su tesko, (pa recimo da citiram fanove helloweena),



Zar smo mi krivi i neduzni sto ga ti ne shvatas...

user posted image

Oh Yeah...user posted image

Sve ali ta frizura...mnogo mu je bolje kada mu ide na razdeljak...

Edited by StarbreakeR

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