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"poem Of Post-apocalypse"


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Untitled (Poem Of Post-apocalypse)


I became death...


Reflection of truth in a pool of blood

Unseen by the innocent who had died

Within the image of corpses in mud

Burries the hope of those who had survived


I became death, the destroyer of worlds...


Eyeless carcasses stare into the skies

As I stare at my crimson reflection

The true nature of man I realise

And the new dawn shan't bring resurrection


I became death, the destroyer of worlds...




Zanima me šta mislite o ovome... Neka analiza, možda? :lol:


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U bre, što si hostajl...

pool of blood = lokva krvi, ne bazen krvi


Pazi, reč je o skrivenom značenju (stilske figure i ti tripovi)...

Šta vidiš kada staneš ispred bare na ulici i pogledaš u nju?

E, ovo je samo "grimizni" odsjaj u bari krvi... :bigblue:

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Destroyer of Worlds


A flash like the birth of a sun

A pillar of virgin fire

Now glowing a ruby cloud

The finger of death reaching higher


Radiant dust a chimney rise

Desert floor dissolved wide ablaze

Golden plum against the midnight sky

Burning eyes in death clouds ashgrey face


I have harnessed the stars

Now unleashed upon the earth

I am become death

The Destroyer Of Worlds


Encased in lead and steel

The end and infinity

The eight moon the sixth day the year death

The heatwave to grasp and consume your last breath


Brought high on R marked silver wing

Afar in cold thin morning air

Below as the day begins

The burning eyes in deaths face greedily stares


I have harnessed the stars

Now unleashed upon the earth

I am become death

The Destroyer Of Worlds



Следећи пут изабери неки мање познати бенд.


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Није то ни мени јасно, морам признати ...


Нема ми смисла да Quorthon није знао шта ради или да толико није знао енглески (Скандинавци, по правилу, одлично говоре Енглески језик) те и немам неко добро објашњење.

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Prva strofa je malcice nabacana nasumicno, a u drugoj si mogao da kazes "gaze" drugi put a ne dvaput stare... malcice je repetitivno. Uz to naravno, ono destroyer of worlds je malo previse izlizano. Ali sem sveg navedenog nije loshe, Mastejn bi te pohvalio :)

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Ma dobro metafore, al nemaju smisla... :)

I gavrosauruse, kako moze i am become death ?


I am become death


"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds"

Robert Oppenheimer, Trinity 1945


Robert Oppenheimer was the director of the laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico, and the scientific director of the Manhattan project. Since so many talents were involved it's somewhat misleading to call him "the father of the nuclear bomb", but he undeniably made one of the major individual contributions.


In an interview from 1965, Oppenheimer describes the initial reactions as the fruit of their labors, the very first nuclear bomb (the Hiroshima bomb was the second one), detonated early in the morning of July 16, 1945:


We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed... A few people cried... Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture the Bhagavad Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form, and says, "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.


The quote was something he thought, but he didn't say it.


The quote is indeed from the Bhagavad Gita ("Song of the lord"). Some suggest it's a misquote, which would explain the peculiar grammar; but "am become" is not an error but a (poetic) archaism, as in "I am become a name, for always roaming with a hungry heart" (Tennyson, Ulysses). Since Oppenheimer was proficient in sanskrit he apparently read the original text, and the translation is his; I haven't found any other translation that supports it.

It certainly gives a certain something to the line, however, and it probably would have been less well known if it had been "I am death".



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Destroyer of Worlds

Следећи пут изабери неки мање познати бенд.

Nisam citirao njih, nego parafrazirao hindu poemu.

Budite malo manje hostile.

Ma dobro metafore, al nemaju smisla... :)

Lirski subjekat je u lokvi krvi video (ne svoj, nego) LJDUSKI (grimizni, jelte- blato+krv) odraz, video je istinu- da je ljudski rod oduvek imao i uvek će imati tendencije ka samouništenju.

Šta tu nema smisla?

Није то ни мени јасно, морам признати ...


Нема ми смисла да Quorthon није знао шта ради или да толико није знао енглески (Скандинавци, по правилу, одлично говоре Енглески језик) те и немам неко добро објашњење.

To je arhaizam, kao što je Axe objasnio...

Prva strofa je malcice nabacana nasumicno, a u drugoj si mogao da kazes "gaze" drugi put a ne dvaput stare... malcice je repetitivno. Uz to naravno, ono destroyer of worlds je malo previse izlizano. Ali sem sveg navedenog nije loshe, Mastejn bi te pohvalio :)


Sad sam video da mi u svesci piše "gaze", a na kompu "stare". Valjda sam tada imao neki razlog zašto sam to prepravio. Mislim da ono "destroyer of worlds" nije izlizano, pogotovo što je u pitanju citat.

Taj stih mi je i dao inspiraciju da napišem ovu pesmu.

The quote is indeed from the Bhagavad Gita ("Song of the lord"). Some suggest it's a misquote, which would explain the peculiar grammar; but "am become" is not an error but a (poetic) archaism, as in "I am become a name, for always roaming with a hungry heart" (Tennyson, Ulysses). Since Oppenheimer was proficient in sanskrit he apparently read the original text, and the translation is his; I haven't found any other translation that supports it.

It certainly gives a certain something to the line, however, and it probably would have been less well known if it had been "I am death".



A ja sam parafrazirao i napisao "I became death, the destroyer of worlds", da bi mi se bolje uklopilo.


Niko da otkomentariše deseterac i naizmeničnu rimu... :no:

Nisam video nijednu pesmu na ovom forumu da je ispoštovala ove kriterijume... :no:

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Hvala lijepa.

Pošto sam ja čovek koji pravi i svira isključivo instrumentalnu muziku, tekstovi kod mene i ne igraju neku ulogu... A pošto je pesma čiji je ovo tekst nastala u vreme kada bejah mlađan lovac ja, bilo je, ehem, potrebno ubaciti neki tekst, čisto da ne bi bilo toliko prazno. I ovo bejaše sasvim dovoljno teksta za tu priliku...


A i nekako mi odgovara ovako kratka...

Nema tu više šta da se kaže...


A sada imam nekih 5-6 skoro ili potpuno gotovih pesama (instrumentala), i baš iz fazona pišem tekstove za njih... Čisto da bude zanimljivo nekome ko bude čitao buklet debi albuma (ONLY IN MY FUCKING DREAMS), pa da kaže: "Aha, sad kapiram zašto se ova pesma zove The inevtable Jihad, a ova The shape of things to come, a ova Near death experience..." :rolleyes:


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