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Resident Evil 4


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Izasao je pre par dana...obrnuo sam ga.


Realno nisam nikada bio neki hc fan serijala ali sam posvetio dosta vremena starijim delovima ukljucujuci i onim fps.Mnogo je dobra igra...znaci ima onaj metal gear solid shmek sa raznim cinematicima i gomilu onih delova gde brzo trebaju da se pritiskaju dugmici da bi se izbeglo nesto.Lose strane...ima ih mnogo:


Prvo igra kasni vec 3 godine...

Drugo ovo je najgori port svih vremena...najgori!!!

Grafika je odvratna,a obecali su novu grafiku

Kontrole su katastrofa,mis nije podrzan (mada ima i kineskog leka za to ali je lose uradjen mis i tada)

I sama igra...izgleda kao da je samo prebacena sa ps2 a ne portovana cak 2 godine :mad:


Ali sama igra je odlicna...koga boli uvo za navedene lose stvari i ko se privikne na kontrole uzivace maksimalno.


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  • 2 weeks later...

chanki :)


Uzeo sam danas gamepad...sranje...bar meni...ne mogu da igram ovako...inace mnogo je zajeban profesional mod...minimum 4 pogotka u glavu da bi umro jedan seljak...a delovi kada trebaju da se stiskaju dugmici su haoticni...

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u 5ici je Cris opet glavni junak

mada to izlazi 2008 za PS3

ima `zombija koji trce` kao u 28dana kasnije



4ka mi se jako svidja...

mada mi se ne svidja sto moram da vucem Shelly sa sobom stalno

i uvek kuburim sa municijom :S

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Game information


Taking over producer duties from Hiroyuki Kobayashi is Jun Takeuchi (director of Onimusha, character designer for the original Resident Evil and animator for Resident Evil 2). Several staff members who also worked on the original Resident Evil are involved in development. According to Takeuchi, the game will utilize the same gameplay model introduced in Resident Evil 4, while implementing thematics from the original Resident Evil into the game. The game will be a full-fledged sequel taking place after the events in Resident Evil 4, and is said to be a major turning point in the series' overall storyline. The game will have online features that have yet to be disclosed. Resident Evil 5 was not shown at E3 2006.


Keiji Inafune, who served as promotional producer for Resident Evil 2 is overseeing the project; he served as the executive producer for the PlayStation 2 version of Resident Evil 4 as well.


znaci bice jebanje keve...drago mi je sto je gameplay nastavak iz 4 dela...

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  • 2 months later...

obozavam taj serijal, tako da cu morati da odigram i ovaj.


omiljeni mi je drugi deo, a one fps delove sam zaobilazio, iako obozavam da igram fps.


secam se da sam jos pre par godina video neke trailer-e za 4-ku... zasto im je trebalo toliko vremena.


@darthmaul - posto si spomenuo metal gear solid, jel' znas mozda dal ce u nekoj buducnosti da se pojavi i treci deo? prvi je jebeni zakon!!!!!!

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