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I ja mislim da je Katatonia apsolutno precenjen (a donekle i folirantski) bend, ali ne zelim da pljujem, tako da molim da me niko ne optuzuje za verbalni delikt i ne uvlaci u nepotrebne rasprave...

Imam principijelni problem sa svakim bendom koji dozivi potpunu transformaciju zvuka tokom svog postojanja. To, obicno, znaci nekoliko stvari - ili da zele da postanu komercijalniji ili da nemaju apsolutno vise nista novo da kazu u okviru zanra sa kojim su poceli ili da ga se, ne daj boze, stide i zele da se distanciraju od njega, sto opet implicira dezorijentisanost i nemanje dovoljno razvijene svesti o samom sebi... Sve ovo pobrojano je tuzno na svoj nacin, a cini mi se da sve to i te kako ima veze sa Katatoniom...

Ne vidim u cemu je problem sa promjenom zvuka.Npr. Anathema i The Gathering su i dalje genijalni bendovi,cak i bolji nego ranije.


Ljudi se mijenjaju,ne mozes od nekoga ocekivati da ima isto shvatanje muzike sa 20 i sa 35 godina!

Ovo ne vazi za vecinu death,black,thrash bendova,jer su oni spramni citav zivot jedno te isto mlatiti. icon_biggrin.gif

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ma nisu su prodali, to je glupost, ali mislim da novi album jeste precenjen


mislim, kapiram ja da sam u ubedljivoj manjini sa ovakvim misljenjem.


sta cu kad mi samo tri pesme sa novog albuma rade posao...


jebiga, koliko ljudi toliko cudi, ne znam sta bih drugo rekao...


generalno ih i dalje svrstavam u fav bendove


ali anathema uvek ispred katatonia-e

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posle nekoliko meseci preslušavanja, i meni je VE bolji album.

ovako.. pesme od 1-10..



1. Leaders 7

2. Deliberation 9

3. Soil's Song 9

4. My Twin 03:41 9

5. Consternation 7

6. Follower 8

7. Rusted 8

8. Increase 6

9. July 8

10. In The White 10

11. The Itch 7

12. Journey Through Pressure 10


prosek: 8.11


na albumu je trebalo da budu i dissolving bonds (10) i code against the code (9), a ne da ih čuvaju za ep-ove.. mada nije loše ni ovako, s druge strane..




1. Ghost of the Sun 7

2. Sleeper 9

3. Criminals 9

4. A Premonition 10

5. Will I Arrive 9

6. Burn the Remembrance 9

7. Wealth 8

8. One Year From Now 8

9. Walking by a Wire 9

10. Complicity 10

11. Evidence 10

12. Omerta 10

13. Inside the City of Glass 9


prosek: 9.00



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Au, ala se razvila rasprava...


@slowdiver: hvala na korekciji, oshtro oko imas...


Nemam sta novo da kazem... Bend koji u potpunosti napusta jedan koncept zarad nekog novog mi odaje utisak nekoga ko nema izgradjenu jasnu muzicku licnost. To mu dodje kao devojka koja je ostavila nekog decka zbog tebe i za koju opravdano sumnjas da ce jednog dana i tebe da otkaci jer ne zna sta zeli...


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Meni je i dalje bolji od vive i posle tih par meseci intenzivnog slusanja. Nekako bih se slozio sa krangovim ocenama pa mi sad nije jasno kako mi je onda bolji ako bih pesme i ja slicno ocenio, ali eto na delu sve gluposti matematike, statistike ili cega vec..

Edited by marcoman

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meni ovaj album ima par rupa. ali ima i par pesama koje su (meni makar) najbolje koje je katatonia ikad snimila. (in the white i zadnja).

da su ubacili one 2 super pesme sa EPa, a izbacili par osrednjih pesama, bio bi album godine ubedljivo.

po kvalitetu materijala snimljenog u ovoj sesiji to već verovatno i jeste, ili je makar u samom vrhu.


ali viva mi nije imala onih skip momenata kao tgcd.

u svakom slučaju, sviđa mi se kuda idu..

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Pa jeste malo problematicna ta sredina albuma, posebno mislim na consternation i increase ali ovaj ostatak mi je jednostavno predobar. JTP mi je mozda i najbolji momenat na albumu. S druge strane viva izgleda sve bolje kako se album blizi kraju pa mozda zbog toga ostavlja savrseniji utisak nego sto mozda inace jeste. Sve u svemu TGCD mi je nekako uobliceniji album, dobro pocinje, dobro se zatvara i pesme su nekako povezane zajenickim smekom.. nemam pojma ali ko shvati to je to

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Pih... TGCD je dosadan album. VE ga shije a LFDGD (jbte) ih kolje.

Novi album je izgubio dosta od zvuka tipicnog za Katatoniu u korist nekih modernih metal momenata. Ima dobrih pesama ali nedovoljno (barem ceo album jel?). Bez veze...


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JTP mi je mozda i najbolji momenat na albumu.

takođe. savršena pesma.

ona rifčina miriše na neki debeli doomcore, samo sa mnogo više duše.. a i tekst i vokali su fenomenalni.


al će biti dobro čuti to uživo.

baš me zanima koja im je setlista za ovu turneju.. ima li neko?

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Soil's Song





My Twin


I'm Nothing

Sweet Nurse

Tonight's Music



In The White



user posted image


Katatonia isn't a talkative band. They're extremely shy, hyper dark and not really communicative (especially their singer Jonas Renkse who was hidden behind his black long hairs during the whole show). But well, everybody in the venue knew, I think, and they all was there to listen to some good music and not to do jokes with the band because it's simply not the specially of the combo. The first important point is that the sound was really cool. It wasn't pure like on a CD but it was extremely good and surprising. Also, Jonas was extremely good and his vocals were all really audible with a nice and pure sound. Also, the terrific and disturbing music, which probably came from a horror movie or something, that we could listen to before and between each songs was simply awesome. It put a really cold and dark atmosphere and I have to admit that I had some really uncomfortable feelings (when I think about it now, I simply find it classy).The set-list was composed in majority of new songs, they were here to promote their new album after all. But as you'll see in the set list, we had the luck to listen to all their hits, from "Teargas", to "Evidence". The new songs sounded good live and anyway the band had the intelligence to only keep the powerful and catchy ones. We only had some killers like "My Twin" or "Soil's Song" and even if I was sure of it before this show, I can affirm today that those songs are perfect for a live performan



Edited by grave

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