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Everything posted by Grobodan

  1. Gde si to zabo i ima li jos toga?
  2. To se zove doom dancing,patent doticnog patuljka. E da...bese vrh svirka edit:6066.post
  3. Posetite novi poll na death and grind forumu!!!!! VAZNO JE!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Breaky moze opusteno da zadjuje za zivot svercom diskova iz Svabije
  5. The Canadian premiere of "Metalstorm: The Scandinavian Black Metal Wars" will happen on Thursday, July 13, 2006 at Zeke Gallery in Montreal, Quebec. The film was compiled by Cinemuerte's Kier-la Janisse. In 1991, the singer of the seminal Norwegian black metal band MAYHEM was found dead in his apartment of a self-inflicted shotgun wound. A photo of his mutilated body graced the cover of MAYHEM's subsequent album. This was to be the first in a series of violent events associated with the increasingly fearsome black metal scene in Scandinavia, which over the next few years would escalate to include the burning of nearly 100 churches and culminating in the murder of MAYHEM guitarist Euronymous by fellow band member Varg Vikernes (a.k.a. Count Grishnackh). This in-house documentary contextualizes these events to tell the frightening and tragic story of an unholy war that has left a grim legacy for metal fans the world over. The showing will be preceeded by three black metal videos directed by Pat Tremblay (ROSTRUM's "The Lust of Raping your God" and "I'll be Saved" plus BODYSERPENT's "Ruler"). Short films by Kenneth Thomas ("Stethoscope") and Syl Disjonk ("Zordax 2: La Guerre Du Métal") will also be part of the night's program.
  6. Koje picketine,spamuju temu o Morbid Angel! Ja kupio kartu
  7. Cemu tolika mrznja? Gledaj koliko smo strana nabili...Umesto da nam se zahvaljuju...Eto,kakvi su danasnji ljudi...
  8. Grobodan


    Ma,Analijansa bi bila u oslabljenom sastavu,znas da goxyju ovakvi bendovi nisu brutalni Pickica!Conqueror!Black Witchery!Blasphemy!Usisivaci! Inace,slazem se sa svima koji kazu da je New Age of Chaos najbolji album...ali meni je dosta gotivan i Depopulate. Malopre sam sanjao da gledam ovu turneju Kako mi to dodje u glavu... I da,pitanje za razmisljanje... DA LI VILE VALLO VOLI VILE?
  9. Dakle...Vinterriket,mracni ambijentalni Black metal,nije bas za ovo vreme ali,ako nista,ohladice vas zacas.Ime projekta,iza koga stoji samo jedan covek Christoph Ziegler,u prevodu znaci Winter Realm,pa vam je jasno otprilike o cemu se ovde radi.PreporuciJo bih ovo fanovima Burzuma(Filosomem-present),Drudkh...Znaci,ne ocekujte razbijacinu,no putovanje kroz mracne i hladne predele.Chovek je izdao pun qrac EPja,splitova,albuma...pogledajte na metal-archives. http://www.vinterriket.com/ INTERVJU
  10. Grobodan


    "Deeply confused and sad, we have to inform you, that Sabine [Dünser, vocal) isn't among us anymore! "[During] the band's rehearsal on Friday [July 7], Sabine suffered a cerebral hemorrhage [from] which she died a day later at the hospital! "[Out of respect for Sabine's] family and friends, we have decided to take the homepage from the net. "We need time now to decide if and how we approach further and we will not answer any mails at the moment." RIP
  11. Grobodan


    Video sam i ja to,ali nisam hteo da stavljam ovde - dzabe se patimo,a nemamo nista od toga...Kod nas bi bilo 30 ljudi na ovome.
  12. Grobodan

    Angel Witch

    Znam ja,imam ga.Sto?
  13. Grobodan

    Angel Witch

    Volemo jasta,prvi album je kult!Ostali mu nisu ni do testisa.
  14. Meni su one melodije skroz hipnotisuce,bas me bace u trans
  15. Ja samo 3 pesme na MP3ci,neka drugarica negde nasla. Mada je produkcija skroz iskrena,imaju i neke bolesne melodije na klavijaturama. link za lirike
  16. Nemam pojma,nema ih nigde na Netu,nigde ne mogu ni fotku njihovu da nadjem,a jebu kevu svojim explicitnim lyricsima(samo to moze da se nadje na netu) A ja na to pogledah je mrko Nisam sa njom izaso da bih posle drko Nocas cu je u inat odrati od kurca Neka vidi kako seljak prca
  17. I da,posle nekog vremena nabavih i ja Afterburner - njihov najbolji rad jos od Hate.Nije mi se bas zurilo da cujem ovaj album zbog losih prethodnih par izdanja,ali sam se debelo zajebao,i sad mi je zao sto nisam bio na svirci,ali jebiga,nije bilo sredstava.Furiozno brutalni old schol death metal heroja scene,odlicne melodije i rifcine,nji'ova karakteristicna produkcija sa starih radova,Hate/Diabolical Summoning bastard child - sta vise reci.Mozda i najbolja DM album ove godine,za sada.
  18. Sto se tice pevanja,ja volim svaki njegov rad.Kad je bio mladji,bio je jak na visim tonovima,sad dobija na dubini i jezi. E,ovako - nisam ti ja nesto objektivan,svaki Kingov rad je meni fantazija,za svaki me vezu odredjeni trip i uspomene.HoG gotivim zbog fantasticne price,tu je prvi put onako bas lepo provukao osecanje ljubavi a tu je i ona zanimljiva hipoteza o religiji.S muzicke strane - vrh,Follow the Wolf,Trees have Eyes,Help,mislim da je Andy radio dosta pesama,ali nisam siguran,nemam buklet.Otpevao isto bolesno dobro,kao i svaki.I da,moja devojka,s kojom sam 6 godina,mi je kupila pirat kad je izasao,tad smo bili zajedno mesec dana,pa je tu i to...
  19. heheheh,znas znanje,ponovicu. To je i meni omiljeni deo.Kako je tu odradio vokale,majko mila... gavro,what was it like to be on that holiday site?
  20. oho,znas znanje!Ali,jebiga,pesma je...?
  21. Pazite ovo,sa Exitovog sajta bas me nasmejase Girls dressed according to the code, girls in trance, girls with tears rolling down their cheeks, hysterical girls, girls on stretchers, girls losing consciousness, en masse. Can you believe it? His Infernal Majesty, HIM, arrived here on time to trigger total delirium in a bunch of happy teenage girls and an occasional boyfriend. Delirium was mainly caused by the band singer, Ville Valo, who seemed to be having some problems with his bones if his styling is anything to go by, especially his woollen cap. His eye makeup seemed to be leaking, too and he seemed to be tripping that he is a cross between Jim Morrison and Michael Hutchence. The Finns, who started their career as a Black Sabbath cover band, brought gothic chandeliers to illustrate their dark story. Heartagram was there, too. Their fans thanked them by chorus singing culminating with the song "Wicked Game". The feeling at that moment could be best described as emotional tsunami. People who had not understood why the 'sophisticated' Finns had won the Eurosong suddenly had a clear picture. While the guys around Ville played their damnedest, people who knew nothing about HIM and who were there by chance were unsure if the band in front of them were indeed the winners of Eurosong. It was interesting to note the latest phenomenon at HIM concert: mobiles and cameras glimmering in the air, recording timeless moments electronically but also obstructing true enjoyment of the concert. Those who had a trip on the idol's looks, performance and singing, however, lit their lighters at the sweet numbers like "Sweet 16".
  22. gavro... No way You're not going to escape Now that i've got you Here you will pay for your deeds Ko pogodi pesmu,ima pokloncic
  23. Jesi li ljubomoran na moj broj postova?Ja sam to teskom mukom i napornim samopregornim radom stekao
  24. nista novo,samo da ostavim svoj 6000.post ovde
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