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NOVI SPOT - sniman celokupno u night vision tehnici, nazalost YouTube je unistio rezoluciju spota pa je sad malo i previse kockast, uskoro ce biti na Vimeu:




a evo i intervju + review novog albuma za Madjarski list, Google translate u ruke!


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Svaka čast za novi album, zaista je dobar. Meni su se najviše dopale: Set me on fire, One is alive, Garden of dead friends i Footfalls mada ni ostale pesme ne zaostaju. Jedino sam imao malo problema sa dužinom albuma, ali to i nije neka mana.:mrgreen: Ne znam koliko će vam značiti ove pohvale, jer se ne razumem baš najbolje u ovaj pravac, ali sam zaista oduševljen.

Topla preporuka svima, bez obzira koji zvuk preferiraju da pokušaju sa ovim albumom.

Nadam se nekom koncertu u Bg.-u za jesen, jbg. propustiću sad ovaj nastup na Prnjavorstock-u.


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Hvala druze na lepim recima. :) Idemo uvek ka napred. :)


Nego - sutra na PRNJAWOSTOCKU !! - - - > DREDDUP u 1:00 h izjutra. Nemojte da kasnite na spaljivanje ploca Bajage i zrtvovanje bledih devica. Ceremoniju ce otvoriti Krang direktno iz Dimenzije X!!! Prnjavor se nalazi 17km od BG odmah pored Ripnja. Cuo sam da neki gradski bus vozi do tamo iz BG. DODJITE! 30 bendova, luda zabavaaaaa!!!!

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oficijalno saopstenje benda povodom novog/starog izdanja:





(When I left you I was just a learner, now I am the master)


As you know guys and girls, Mr. Borndead's Feast was the first official dreDDup album. Al tough the band started in 1997. we experimented for 4 years with the sound and printed a lot od DIY demo albums and tapes. Album was finally finished in 2004. Released in 2005. It was the first real deal after so many years, and in that time we were proud. Album was officially released for MoocSound from Holland in 2005. and was printed in 200 DIY copies by the band for Serbia. But something was always wrong with that album... we were all deceived by mainstream sound....


After 1o years, I have decided to record our first official album once again. This album was criticized as of very poor production quality, very bad vocals and poor instrument recording quality.It was never my intention to make it sound so fucking cheap and pop, but I didn't have the equipment for the recording. Some of the tracks were recorded in studio Berar, some in Studio M but it never had that live feel like dreDDup performances from that era. Songs on the album date from 1998. and later, I think the "Desire" was last to come in 2004. Some songs were ruined by popular genres of the time we got seduced with. That was the main problem after the release. It hunted me for 10 years and now it's finally over. I decided tol re-record everything once again and make the old sound fat and angry. The reason for this is that in 2012. dreDDup celebrates 15 years of existence. This will be the release for the old fans and the audience who attended our concerts from 2000. to 2006. We believe in the energy of theses old songs and that we own good production to them. Songs like "Zero Tolerance", "3010", "Trust", "Evil Chicks", "Plastica", "Got 2 Got 2 Get", "Puppet Search".... deserve better sound quality and great clear sound. The main problem that we have is to stay true to the original versions and not go into the 2011. sound of the band. Old band members will be our guests and will record these songs with us. It will be one hell of a ride through past and emotions...


This project is now at 1/3 of work. Because of the copyright problem , song "Eraser" will not be included, also song "4th Crusade" will not be included and will be replaced by a song from the original version of the album. All the other songs will be there in completely new sound. We hope that you will like the outcome. Album will be printed in 100 limited edition CD format and 200 cassette tape format (as it was in the original version). People who bought the original CD will have a 50% discount on this release. We hope that you will now enjoy in these songs as we enjoyed 10 years ago. Some of the songs which were never performed live will be included in dreDDup live performances. 4 months left :) I hope it will be worth waiting.




Digital Dreams

Zero Tolerance



Evil Chicks

Got 2 Got 2 Get

Off The Hook

Paper Cutz

Open Your Mind





Stop Rew Play

Your World

The Silence of Unexpected



Mr Borndead

Puppet Search

Here Where Dead Walk



Running time: 75 min

Release date: 21st December 2011.

Record label: Insurrection Records

More info: http://www.facebook.com/notes/dreddup/mrborndeads-feast-re-work-re-release-2011/10150270403769729

Edited by oNe
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3. Oktobra - za SKC NS izlazi cetvrti album benda dreDDup. Disk se nalazi u plastificiranom tvrdo-kartonskom pakovanju sa bukletom. Na disku se nalazi 15 pesama. Cena izdanja je 350 dinara. Tiraz je 500 primeraka. Promocije ovog izdanja bice uradjene u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Subotici sredinom Oktobra. Cena albuma na koncertu iznosice 300 dinara.


ko zeli da poseduje original neka mi se javi da mu bukiram kopiju.


Uskoro vise informacija o datumima promocija.

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ocu i ja kopiju vaseg diska :D :D :D


nego - NOVI SINGL:


"Kad vec Prodigy sporo radi novi album, moramo sami praviti muziku za sravnjivanje bina sa zemljom - novi singl benda 'ANGEL FOR THE MASSES'. Jos uvek 'work in progress' verzija, ali dovoljno dobra za mali teaser novog materijala."


:) uzivajte!


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dakle, album je u prodaji. Za sada samo na nasim koncertima i od nas licno mozete poruciti. Cena 300 din ako uzimate kod nas, kad bude u prodavnicama verovatno ce iznositi 350-400-450 (zavisi od dogovora). Zainteresovani nek se jave. Album je original disk + digipack buklet u full koloru sa plastificiranom mat povrsinom - 70 minuta muzike. :)

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Nisam u toku sa radom vašeg benda već neko vreme, ranije sam dolazio na nastupe tokom perioda 2007-2009 u Somboru, Novom Sadu i Beogradu. Iako možda nisam više toliko fan vašeg zvuka, mislim da bi trebalo pohvaliti trud koji ulažete i što uspevate da se održite već četrnaest godina od nastanka, ako se ne varam. Drugo, ono što mi je drago je da, bez obzira na sadašnje sviđanje ili nesviđanje pesama, postoji ovakav jedan bend kod nas koji upliva elemente elektronske muzike u svoj opus po mom ukusu (ili bar približno, neću da cepidlačim al' dobro sad) i jedan je od onih izvođača koji može da ostvari dobru energiju i agresivan ton bez nužnog oslanjanja na gitarski zvuk koji je nekako obično prva pomisao kada je u pitanju "agresivnija" muzika (mada ste i to imali u vremenu dok sam pratio).


Eto, htedoh da napišem ovo jer imam utisak da vas ljudi nekako ne prate i ne podržavaju dovoljno a mislim da bi trebalo, bar jednom da preslušaju album ili da dođu na neku svirku jer znam koliko je svakom našem bendu potrebna podrška, koliko je tu truda uloženo (i sam se svakodnevno trudim i za svoju muziku) i da ne davim, znate već na šta mislim. Toliko. :pivopije:

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Hvala druze. :) Sviramo 30. Oktobra u Beogradu u Gun Clubu. Dosta se promenio zvuk od tog perioda kad si dolazio na koncerte. U Somboru nam je uvek bilo dobro, Aut kod Mareta, uvek dobra ekipa i dobri bendovi sa kojima smo svirali a bio je dobar i onaj koncert sa Bjesovima na Strandu. :) To je bilo 2006 ili 2007. Ne secam se tacno, al je nama bilo brutalno. BG nam je uvek nazalost nekako prosao ocajno, izuzev par nastupa u Akademiji i onog u Dangubi koji su nam dragi, ostalo uvek neki bezvezan dan i bezvezan termin. Od 2010. imamo nova dva clana pa ces se iznenaditi koliko je zvuk promenjen u odnosu na ono staro.


Cudno da uopste na ovakvom forumu neko i nabasa na nasu temu, ja sam mislio da samo ja i jos par likova napisemo ovde na ovoj temi nesto, bole ljude kurac za ovu muziku a i ipak je ovo metal forum, ne znam ni sta bi ocekivao drugo. Ali i sa druge strane, ljudima koji ne gledaju tv se poslednjih godina forsiraju samo Popboks pomodarska sranja, B92 tralala narkomani i Vlada Jet Iron Maiden kurac bendovi. :D Ala sam ih opisao :D Postoji gomila dobrih mladih i zanimljivih bendova koji nisu ostali na pukom kopiranju svojih idola i osamdesetima, al dzaba kad svu travu ovi popasu. Znaju ljudi koji imaju bendove duze od 10 godina o cemu pricam. Al koga i zabole kurac, ionako niko nece danas citati post duzi od 10 recenica :D :D


Navrni na koncert, sviramo set u trajanju od 45 minuta, nije puno al ce biti nabijeno energijom.

Jos jednom ti hvala na podrsci pa se vidimo na narednim koncertima, pre smaka sveta bar :)

Edited by oNe

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