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Pain Of Salvation

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Music in all shapes and forms has been Per Schelander's style since he picked up the bass guitar when he was fifteen. A local band that Per really liked lost their bass player, so he approached them and said that he could play bass. They said ok and Per went home to practice. The name of the band is forgotten but the guitar player was called Andreas Möller (the genius at Stinkfoot electronics). In almost the same way he joined House of Shakira six years later. They asked him if he was used to sing in harmony. Per said "yes" and went home to practice as a maniac since he'd never actually done that before… Today Per sings the highest or the lowest part in House of Shakiras big harmony vocals. Around 1988 Per discovered Billy Sheehan and thought that his playing was the coolest thing he had ever heard. He started studying music seriously at the age of 18, starting off with two years in Sweden before he headed for Los Angeles to attend the Musicians Institute. Since then Per have played with a lot of bands and artist and here's a few of them: House of Shakira, Royal Hunt, Pain of Salvation, Spyke, The Furillos, The Fabulous Coverboys, Glam, Ingemar Olsson, Stefan Jämtbäck, Ingmar Johansson, Charlotte Perelli, Bromstens Kapell, Jade Ell, Mercury Fang, Daniel Flores.


A evo i prve izvedbe Linoleum pjesme sa release party-ja. Zadnjih minut i po. Johan je odlican,ali Danijel malo šteka. Takodje mi se cini da im tempo nije ravan pred pocetak onoga "Itsy Bitsy" dijela.







From Russia to Australia


Hi all, this is Daniel from Pain of Salvation reporting in from Sydney, Australia. Our tour together with Dream Theater is going just fine and Australia is beautiful. As for myself, I am slightly disappointed with the weather. We heard that it was 43 in the shade the weeks before we came here, but now all we get is a lukewarm 25-35 degrees. Needless to say everyone else is pretty happy about that, but I stand firmly by my saying: “anything below 30 is only half done”.


In Brisbane Mike Portnoy referred to Australia as “America, but clean!” and I can only agree. The nature is vast and impressive, and people are relaxed and friendly – even at the border controls they are all smiles. The typical Australian seems to be as social as the American, unspoiled as the British, and with a common sense as that of the Scandinavian. Seems they got all the good bits – until you get to the dialect of course, but we have learnt to love that too already.


Being on tour makes me feel like an astronaut (or “Austronaut” in this case). You are stuck on moving vehicles so much you feel like you are seeing all these different worlds through an aquarium, or the window of a space ship. Being jet lagged only adds to this surreal vibe, and these past few weeks we have really learnt the true meaning of being seriously thrown out of all sense of time. Let me break it down for you, so you understand what we have been going through.



Boarding the train for St. Petersburg.


OK, to start with, we were playing some gigs in Russia last week, and we were going to go on a night train between Moscow and St. Peters-burg. So, we have 20 minutes left until the train is supposed to leave and we are hurriedly eating some food at a café close to the central station. Then I get this text message from my wife saying there has been a huge derailing accident in Russia with explosions and many dead and hurt. Our Russian friends knew nothing about this and even though we were five minutes from the station there was no sign of anything out of the ordinary. We didn’t know what to think or believe. So we went there, and our train left on time, strangely enough. No delays were to be expected they told us. One hour into the journey the train stopped and we were told there would probably be a 10 hour delay.


We spent the whole night moving forward in small stretches, then stopping, moving, stopping. There was no telling why they moved or stopped. The train itself seemed a relic from the first world war or so, with an actual open fire in the wagon next to ours, to warm up the radiators. It was completely surreal. All we heard was that they took a long detour past some city that, in translation, was called “The Bottom”. The bits and pieces of information about the accident came to us from Sweden in scattered text messages. We woke in the morning without a clue about our whereabouts, and Léo told us we were now being pulled by an old steam engine! Apparently we were going places where there were no power lines to run an electric train.



Happy campers on the train to nowhere.


I know it’s too late to cut a long story short, but I’ll try to round things up anyway – after 21 long and surreal hours we finally reached our destination, just to be rushed directly to the venue where the audience had been entertained by an opening act, a Metallica documentary and free beer. In a haze, we quickly set up the gear and played without even having had proper food. The eyes of the audience, however, made it all feel worthwhile. We gave all we had left. Afterwards, the organizer came backstage saying that he’d worked in this business for 26 years and we were the best band he’d seen in all that time. What better reward can you possibly get? Probably thinking the same he offered us his best Vodka, of course.


After the flights back to Sweden we had less than 24 hours at home before taking off for Australia. During those few hours I had to pack, take a bath and prepare the audio CDs and mixes for Melodifestivalen. For those who don’t know what Melodifestivalen is, it is the biggest thing in the Swedish music industry. A huge machinery built to single out the Swedish contender for the Eurovision Song Contest. Out of thousands and thousands of sent in songs, 30 are selected by a jury to participate in this national contest, viewed by half the population when it’s on TV. It’s a big thing, to say the least! Do you recall a week with two Thursdays, some two months back? It was that day when hell froze over, remember? That was the day they told us Pain of Salvation would be participating in Melodifestivalen. It just doesn’t happen.


Anyway, so instead of sleeping I spent all night working, and then we were off in the morning to a huge press conference presenting all contributions and contenders. Directly after this press conference we were rushed to the airport to go to Australia. We were still in Sweden and already jet lagged.


Our first 2-hour flight took us to Frankfurt, where we waited three hours. From there we took a 7-hour flight to Dubai, in the most luxurious airplane any of us has ever seen. In Dubai we had to wait for five hours until boarding our last 14-hour flight that took us to Brisbane, Australia. By that time, none of us had any clue about time of day, or even what day it was. I slept the night after the gig on the 29th of November. When we landed in Brisbane it was December 2, and I felt as if I was Michael J Fox in Back to the Future. Furthermore, touring in Australia is a bit different from touring in the rest of the world, so we are actually back to touring in a mini van, like when we were teenagers. And the distances are brutal. First day we were in the mini van for some 10 hours, with a short stop in Byron Bay. Then some 7 hours today – getting a quick glimpse of the Opera House as we rush by.


So here we are now, completely disoriented and lost.

Luckily the crowds find us.

Night after night.


With love,







P.S. Zamislite tu Evroviziju sa Keep Of Kalessin i Pain of Salvation :haha:


P.P.S. Za sve koji daju sansu ovom bendu "na kašičicu" ,jedan divni komentar sa YT:


Woah...they change their style so fuckin' often...each album needs to be listened a whole shitload of times to get into it but in the end it's always good shit



Edited by In The Flesh

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Al' mu je argument. :rolleyes:


Ja, licno, ne da nikad nisam imao problem sa njihovim promenama nego naprotiv, volim bendove koji se menjaju (zapravo, ko me poznaje zna da su se svi moji omiljeni bendovi poprilicno menjali tokom karijera ;)), a posto mi PoS inace, iskreno, nije ni u top 50 najdrazih bendova (nego jednostavno volim da ih cujem i to je to) mislim da imam pravo da kazem da me STVARNO boli dupe za to sta ce Daniel da radi sa svojim bendom i karijerom i da mogu koliko-toliko objektivno da ih ocenjujem. :haha: Ali nije u tome poenta. Ta recenica je najstariji moguci izgovor u ovakvim situacijama, isto to mogu i 1349 da kazu ali ce "Revelations of the black anus" ostati govno koliko god oni tvrdili da ga fanovi "ne shvataju". Naravno, "Linoleum" nije bas TOLIKO govno ali poenta je ista. :haha:

Edited by Talvi

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Ne,Talvi. Poenta je u tome da tome da tebi ovaj bend nije ni u 50 najboljih. Zasto je u tome poenta? Zato sto ces ti dati prije sansu mnogim drugim bendovima,a zakljucak o PoS ces izvesti na osnovu slusanja prvog dana po izlasku. (Mozes pricati da si mu davao sansu,ali ne vjerujem da jesi,ali opet to je moje pravo). Sto se konkretnog komentara tice,argument mu jeste dobar. Ja,kojemu je PoS u prve 3 benda,mogu da se pronadjem u njemu,jer stvarno zahtijevaju slusanje. Prvi put kad sam cuo Ashes bilo je "WTF??",a onda sam nabavio disk sa TPEpt1 i Remedy Lane i polako ali sigurno otkrivao sve aspekte ovog benda,a nije da ih nema. Slicna stvar je i sa Linoleumom,mada sam rekao kad je izasao,da cu se javiti za par mjeseci sa novim utiscima.

Iskreno,poredjenje sa 1349 mi je presmijesno,ali opet..o ukusima. Kad smo vec tu,onda mozemo da podjemo jos malo ekstremnije,pa da ih poredimo sa Jelenom Karleusom. Vjerovatno poslije x slusanja iste,melodije ce uci u glavu i reci cemo da to moze da se slusa,a neke nam se cak i svide. Ono sto sigurno necemo naci je kompleksnost muzike (ne u tehnickom smislu,prvenstveno mislim na harmonski dio i na aranzmane). Sviras gitaru,vjerovatno poznajes bar osnove harmonije,kao sto je i sa mnom slucaj. 


I na kraju,moram reci da te ne krivim sto si stekao takvo misljenje(koliko god glupo zvucalo "krivljenje" nekog sto mu se nesto ne sviđa). Ne bih ni ja pruzio jos jednu sansu tome 1349. Razlika je u tome sto ja necu poci na temu 50og,100og ili 1000og benda i reci da je album govno...barem ne sto ga dobro necu prostudirati.


Nadam se da se razumijemo i ne zamjeri. :pivopije:



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Ja bash pre neki dan nabavio celu diskografiju, i evo mog utiska. Prvo sto sam pustio, nasumicno, bila je pesma Imago. Ja stao ono, kao Wtf. Ovo nisam ocekivao. Koliko je opasno, nisam ni primetio da se pesma nastavila na sledecu,i na kraju odslusao ceo taj album u jednom dahu (BE valjda?). Kad preslusam ostale albume, javit cu utiske. Ali ovaj album mi je nesto totalno drugacije i svidelo mi se veoma.  :meshuggah: Eto, nacuo hvalispeve o ovom bendu, pa resio i ja da odslusam to cudo ;)






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@PTM: pazi, fora je u tome sto 1349 meni nije ni u top 100 bendova nego mi je poredjenje palo na pamet zbog te recenice. :haha: Jednostavno, nisam od ljudi koji ce slusati album nekog benda koji im nije omiljen po 100 puta dok mi se ne svidi, jer nemam razloga da ga studiram. Pokusavao, dao sansu - ne vredi, cao, idemo dalje. Ali cu svakako slusati i naredni album i nadam se da ce biti bolji od ovoga. Inace, kada sam tek cuo PoS svideli su mi se odmah, na prvu loptu, i svakako nemam razloga da imam "nadrkan" stav prema njima. Mnogo volim "Be" i "Remedy Lane", kao i prethodne albume, ali opet ne toliko da vorsipujem bend posto ima mnogo stvari koje volim vise. Jednostavno, bas zato sto nisam die-hard fan ne osecam potrebu da slusam "Linoleum" dok mi ne pozli :haha: a imam osecaj da bas zato mogu da mu pridjem objektivnije od tebe koji si veliki fan, ako se razumemo. :pivopije:


Sto se tice tehnike, ja nikad nisam davao 5 para na necije umece sviranja, vec iskljucivo na umece pisanja dobrih pesama. Draza su mi 3 akorda koji stvaraju super rif nego 1000 nota odsviranih bez volje. Jbg, tako je to kad odrastes na panku, hc-u i black metalu. :haha:

Edited by Talvi

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Pain of Salvation - Linoleum (2009)




Linoleum (4:54)

Mortar Grind (5:50)

If You Wait (2:29)

Gone (7:54)

Bonus Track B (2:27)

Yellow Raven (5:39) - Scorpions cover












Fenomenalan EP!

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Slusao sam ja do pola. Prica o Evroviziji,o konceptu albuma od Entropije do Scarsicka,pomalo Linoleum EP. Smorio sam se ,pa nijesam cuo je li rekao kad ocekuje full lenght. Sto se Evrovizije tice,kod njih je takav sistem da mjesec dana ,svake sedmice se vrte te pjesme koje konkurisu. Ne ocekuje pobjedu :haha:

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