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  • 4 weeks later...

farbao se samo kad je svirao sa arkom na tom progpoweru koliko znam.


nerviraju me ti pevaci kao jorn sto nikad ne otpevaju visoke note sto snime na albumu, ali dobro zvuci. randy covenu treba zabraniti da se javno pojavljuje, fura tu frizuru i kozni prsluk vec 15 godina.

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  • 1 year later...

"Unfortunately ARK is done forever. I tried but some things never change. I am going back to New York now and then touring in Holland, Italy and Sardinia on a drum clinic tour. J. Mac is going to start the sickest band ever!!!"



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E, do qrca baš. :udri: Baš sam želeo da čujem taj najavljivani novi album, ali eto... jel ima negde neka konkretnija informacija zašto je (opet) sve stalo?


Ne bih ja previše očekivao da se sad ponovo oformi Conception, mada bi mi svakako bilo drago, ali ne znam koliko je realno očekivati tako nešto.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 9 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Kul prica kako je nastala Absolute Zero:

John Macaluso - official

This is my favourite ARK song that we ever wrote. Quick story:

We were doing a photo shoot while recording the Burn The Sun album in Germany in 2000. I was and still am a huge Bjork fan so I kept playing the same song over and over again at the photon session. All the music was recorded and it was time for vocals but me and Jorn were not done with all the lyrics yet or vocal melodies. Absolute Zero was the last song we recorded and we had to finish so I found a science book on the shelf in the studio and it was all in English. I said, "Jorn, check out these phrases" and terms like SOLAR FLARE etc. It totally fit the drum and bass jungle drumming space guitar vibe we were going for. Not many or no bands were doing that until ARK (Pink Floyd on top, double bass drums and live played jungle drum beats). After me and Jorn wrote all the lyrics we went into the studio and to everyone's surprise, Jorn started doing the Bjork vocal vibe because he was listening to it over and over again on the photo session. We all freaked and we recorded him and obviously it kicked ass, to me it's ARK's most original song and breaks all rules and just came out a great song.

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