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Cosmic Sailor

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Ja zavrsih taj MCSA kurs pre par godina na matematickom fakultetu (bio je neki debeli popust za studente), kad je jos bio aktuelan Windows 2000. Iz ciste radoznalosti, da vidim da li sam nesto propustio. Recicu samo da mi se okrecu creva u stomaku kad vidim nekoga da "mashe" sa mcsa diplomom i na osnovu nje proglasav sebe za "IT strucnjaka".


Ja generalno volim NT (ko bi rekao to za jednog linuxasha :-) i bilo mi je zanimljivo da saznam par "caka", narocito u vezi active directory-ja koji nisam imao prilike u praksi da koristim, ali ono sto se "uci" na ta cetiri ispita su najosnovnije stvari. svaki napredniji korisnik zna vishe od toga (to sto kod nas svako ko zna da instalira windows proglasava sebe za hakera je druga stvar... :-). naprimer, ni reci nije bilo o ozbiljnijem "kopanju" po registry bazi (osim gpedit-a), poboljsanju sigurnosti i ostalim ozbiljnim "hakerisanjima" po windowsu.


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Kao programer sa ms kursom sigurno mozes da ubodes dobar posao i dobru platu, isti se mnogo traze, dok koliko sam primetio cisco uopste nije cenjen kod nas.


So true. U Srbiji se poprilicno traze MS programeri... A kad se traze network admini, vise se trazi "zena na sve spremna", sa dosta iskustva i prakticnim poznavanjem vise tehnologija, nego neko sa nekim konkretnim sertifikatom.



E sad je fora, da li svako moze da bude programer?! Meni je to jako monoton i dosadan posao. Sedis kuci ili u kancelariji i drndas se s programskim jezikom.


Kao serviser ili administrator se stalno upoznajes sa novim problemima, cesto si na terenu, radis sa ljudima i cesto upoznajes nove, itd..


Prvo "da li svako moze da bude programer" vise zavisi da li je svako sposoban za taj nacin razmisljanja... A znam ih podosta koji nisu glupi, naprotiv, ali prosto im jako tesko ulaze u glavu stvari vezane za programiranje. Npr. ima dosta dizajnera koji su bistri ljudi, ali ne da ne kapiraju osnovne pojmove... S druge strane, primetio sam da npr. knjigovodje lako ulaze u stos, opet ni to nije pravilo, ali moguce da je nacin razmisljanja slican.


A sto se ovod drugog tice, tj zanimljivosti, mogu samo da kazem "au contraire"


Meni je programerski posao zanimljiviji jer je kreativan - rezultat tvog rada je potpuno funkcionalan program/web sajt/stagod, koji obavlja jednu, 10, 1000 stvari. Kreces od nule, zavrsis sa gotovim programom koji koristi gomila ljudi.

Dalje suocavas se stalno sa novim problemima kreativne prirode, dakle "kako da uradim ovo-ili-ono a da bude efikasno, i lako za koriscenje".

TO sto mozes da vidis rezultate svog rada mi je vrlo bitno.

Naravno postoje dosaaaaaaadne aplikacije i zabavne, tako da posao ne mora biti uvek zanimljiv, ali generalno smatram ga "umetnickim", i izazovnim.

Programski jezik je samo alat, glavnina posla je smsliti kako ce sve da radi, ili kako napraviti sistem da sebi skratite posao kucanja slicnog koda.

Sto vise vremena provedes u smisljanju, to ces manje provesti u programiranju, i bices zadovoljniji rezultatima.

Naravno sve sto se otegne godinu dana postaje dosadno, ali to je vec druga prica.



S druge strane, network administration se svodi na krpljenje tudjih brljotina i lov na nevidljive zverke, preznojavanje nad tudjim sklepanim nedelima od mreza/ kombinacije softvera, mucenje sa tvrdoglavim hardverom koji ko-zna-zasto ne funkcionise a po svim parametrima bi trebalo, kao i svakodnevno suocavanje sa novim "jebemliga ovo sranje prvi put vidim" problemima, i milion pokusaja i pogresaka.

A ljudi koje sreces su uglavnom razni idioti od shefova/gazda/direktora ili , u boljem slucaju, nerdy programeri, od kojih su mozda neki cool likovi, ali realno mogu i bez njih :mrgreen:

I na kraju dana kad te neko pita da mu pokazes sta si uradio, ti to ne mozes. Sve sto imas je papir na kom pise koliko si sati proveo (mozda klanjajuci se nad nekim kucistem i lupajuci glavu oko neceg sto si mogao da sredis za 5 minuta, da si sve znao na pocetku).



To je moj pogled na sve to... Naravno, ne znaci da omalovazavam posao sysadmina, vise ih nekako vise sazaljevam i grozim se njihovog posla.


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Ima smisla to sto si rekao.. Ostalo je sve do pojedinca. Neko voli ovo, neko ono..


U mom slucaju, barem te manje boli glava. Kada nesto zapne i ne moze da se resi, gde zavrsava?! Naravno kod programera!! -> koji je odgovoran za ceo informacioni sistem koji smo instalirali u neku kompaniju.


Takodje programer je isto jako mantletiran od strane korisnika(da ne kazem vise), samo sto nema zivu komunikaciju sa istima. Npr: Korisnik1: Ja hocu da mi ovo radi ovako. Korisnik2: Ja hocu da mi ovo radi onako. Korisnik3: Ja sam cackao ovde i sad mi nista ne radi. Itd itd.. A pritom sedis po ceo dan za masinom i druzis se samo sa kodovima.


Naravno da programer ne moze da bude svako.. Prvo ti trebaju konjski zivci, a pritom i velika inteligencija.

Dobre knjigovodje ulaze u srz programa, jer znaju sta im treba da bi nesto funkcionisalo, znam to po svojoj kevi. Dok programeri obicno ne poznaju bas najbolje knjigovotstvo i ne zele toliko da ulaze u tu problematiku.



Sta li sam sad rekao?!


Svaki posao je tezak i zanimljiv na svoj nacin, samo je stvar kako ga gledas.. :)

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Takodje programer je isto jako mantletiran od strane korisnika(da ne kazem vise), samo sto nema zivu komunikaciju sa istima. Npr: Korisnik1: Ja hocu da mi ovo radi ovako. Korisnik2: Ja hocu da mi ovo radi onako. Korisnik3: Ja sam cackao ovde i sad mi nista ne radi. Itd itd.. A pritom sedis po ceo dan za masinom i druzis se samo sa kodovima.

pa sad, ne ide to bas 100% tako. danas su najrasprostranjenije metode razvoja softvera koje su slicne "agiloj metodi" - gde su developeri i klijenti u cestom kontaktu i release se ne planira na period koji nije duzi od recimo dve nedelje, vec se stalno isporucuju pomalo unapredjene/izmenjene verzije softvera. tako bar rade outsourcing firme kod nas (sa kojima sam se sretao) - salju kod na neki udaljeni repozitorijum, tamo se bilduje program, tamo se instalira i onda se na osnovu feedbacka od strane klijenta rade male izmene ili se uvode novi zahtevi ((definisu se prioriteti i slicno). to je drasticno razlicito od standardnih "tvrdih" i nefleksibilnih metoda razvoja tipa "model vodopada" gde se SVE, ali bukvalno SVE do najsitnijih detalja definise PRE NEGO STO SE POCNE KODIRANJE - i nakon toga nema nikakvih izmena zahteva od strane klijenta (ili ima, ali po paprenoj ceni) - i proces pravljenja softvera se zavrsava sa acceptance testom (nakon cega pocinje zivotni ciklus softvera gde se najvece pare uzimaju na odrzavanje (oko 65%) i tako te dodatne radnje. uvodjenje novih funkcionalnosti i dodavanje opcija je prica za sebe koja opet zapocinje jedan svoj ciklus, itd...


Naravno da programer ne moze da bude svako.. Prvo ti trebaju konjski zivci, a pritom i velika inteligencija.

moram priznati da se ni ovde ne bih slozio. neki od jako dobrih programera koje znam su zaista glupi ljudi, pre svega kad treba da pridju devojci, na primer. ;-) da ne pominjem koliko programera zaparvo ne razume sta se od njega trazi, i koliko njih je sklono tome da gubi vreme na stvari koje klijentu nisu ni od kakvog znacaja tipa "provede 4 sata optimizujuci neki SQL upit radi sto efikasnijeg izvrsavanja, a taj upit se statisticki izvrsava 5 puta dnevno". :) i slicno. kad sam bio kao neki "vodja tima" morao sam ljudima da delim i seckam na najsitnije taskove ono sto treba da urade - sa posebnom naznakom sta NE TREBA da rade (jer tacno znam da bi tu gubili nepotrebno vreme), itd... jeste, programiranje zahteva jednu specificnu inteligenciju koju imaju ljudi koji vole detalje i ljudi koji su sposobni da apstrakuju i modeluju ono sto resavaju, ali ne cini samo to inteligenciju. :udri:


dobar programer je kao dobar zanatlija - ima iskustvo, i vec 100 puta je prosao kroz jedan te isti problem, i moze vrlo brzo da isporuci proizvod ili njegov deo za koji je zaduzen. to je cist zanat, vestina snalazenja u frameworku u kome se radi i znanje sta moze da se iskoristi od postojecih komponenti je cesto mnogo bitnije nego neko pisanje virtuoznih petlji i metoda...



moja dve pare, sto bi rekli. :)

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Pa, stvar dosta varira u zavisnosti od pozicije programera, organizacije firme, kao i drugog osoblja s kojim se kontaktira.


Takodje ta ideja sa razvojnim ciklusima od par nedelja stoji u nekim slucajevima, ali ja sam radio na softveru koji se radio po pocetnoj specifikaciji (naravno, tokom rada smo dodavali i menjali, ali postojala je osnovna funkcionalnost koja je morala da se ispostuje), koji na kraju pred klijente ide gotov. Posle se stvari vremenom (godinama) dodaju, ali prva verzija mora da radi sve sto je predvidjeno, a klijenti su glupi ko noc tako da tu nema zezanja. Onda covek iz teh,podrske prima zalbe i proverava (da li je samo musterija glupava ili stvarno postoji bug), pa onda zajedno sa programerima pokusava da formulise to sto treba da se uradi.


Znaci od slucaja do slucaja.


Meni se ova agilna metoda (sad prvi put cujem za izraz, vise sam to nekako uzimao zdravo za gotovo) vise svidja za slucaj da radim nesto "sebi", tj po svojoj ideji, ili za musteriju koja ima neke osnovne ideje, pa zajedno sa mnom razvija ceo posao (a pri tom ne smara), dok je ova druga mnogo bolja kad imate musterije-smarace.



PRogramiranje jeste zanat, i dosta zavisi od iskustva, ali npr. postoje programeri koji su u stanju da jednom naucenu stvar samo repliciraju godinama (i pri tome ne napreduju), a druga sorta su oni koji svaki sledeci put pokusavaju da proces ucine boljim/lepsim/efikasnijim. Postoje programeri koji rutinski koriste framework, a postoji ona sorta koja pise svoj framework :) Tako da ne treba zanemariti sposobnost pisanja virtuoznih metoda i petlji u odnosu na brzo snalazenje u prezvakanoj materiji, Bolje je napisati kod koji je toliko fleksibilan da za 5 minuta napisete neki novi modul programa, nego da imate gotov koji cete za isto to vreme da copy-paste-ujete. PRosto zato sto je odrzavanje verovatno lakse kod ovog prvog.


TU je neka razlika izmedju inteligentnih i glupih programera. I linija izmedju kreativnosti i zanata, da ne kazem "fizikalisanja".


Apropo knjigovodstva i programiranja - programer koji zna knjigovodstvo garantovano ima svetlu programersku buducnost - jer gomila biznis aplikacija zahteva ovu kombinaciju znanja, a tamo leze najvece pare (+ odrzavanje...)


Ja sam samo bio fasciniran koliko je jedan knjigovodja mogao da analizira problem algoritamski, i koliko je covek znao tacno sta meni treba kad ga pitam za neke informacije.

Istini za volju on je i radio neko rudimentarno programiranje, no svejedno, covek nikad nije bio programer, a rezonuje bolje od jednog dela programera koje znam.


Inace tamo gde je programer direktno suocen sa primedbama korisnika (ukoliko nije u pitanju neki manji posao), definitivno nije sve dobro organizovano...



I jos rec-2 ontopic. Zanimljivo je da Sun Certified Java Programera u ovoj zemlji ima jako malo, verovatno jednocifren broj. Isto tako Zend Certified PHP Programera ima ukupno 2 (moze se videti na sajtu). Mislim da to dovoljno govori koliko se kod nas ceni sertifikat.

S druge strane MSCP za .net verovatno pomaze, prosto zato sto tog ima vishe, pa moze da poslodavcu koristi da se lakse odluci za vas.

A MCSA ima svaka budala...sto je vec i receno.

Edited by Demonic_Alliance

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Nisam bio dugo na ovom topicu, vidim raspravlja se. Trenutno radim u jednoj drzavnoj instituciji kao network administrator, tj. kako neko pomenu "zena za sve". Od prosirenja i odrzavanja mreze, hardverskih problema, tehnicke podrske i svega drugog sto ima bilo kakve veze sa racunarima. Posao je veoma, veoma dosadan, vjerovatno iz razloga sto mi je glavna oblast interesovanja programiranje. Ali ok, mislim da je ovo odlican izbor za moj prvi posao, sem toga, plata uopste nije losa.

Ovdje dje radim postoji veoma dobar i obiman informacioni sistem. Prilikom njegove implementacije veoma sam se pomno raspitivao i pratio proces njegovog razvoja.

Preko 90% svih poslovnih aplikacija (a to je ono sto mene posebno interesuje) se bazira na bazama podataka. Nazzgule, ako si pazljivo pratio Poliscukova predavanja iz predmeta "Baze podataka" mogao si zaista dosta da naucis o njihovom planiranju i sto je najbitnije o modelovanju podataka. Zasto ovo pricam. Ukoliko programer samostalno razvija poslovnu aplikaciju, vjerovatno najbitniji dio je dizajniranje same baze. Dobro dizajnirana baza i kvalitetno modelovanje podataka cini vise od pola posla. Razvojni tim koji je radio na IS u mojoj firmi je brojao vise od 40 ljudi! Od ekonomista, pravnika, racunovodja, dizajnera pa sve do programera. Posao programera u toj firmi se svodio na puko kodiranje vec dizajnirane aplikacije i vec napravljene baze. Implementacija aplikacije je tekla veoma glatko (mozda zato sto se ista aplikacija vec koristi u slicnim institucijama). Prvo je implementirana test verzija na kojoj je odradjena obuka korisnika a onda se veoma lagano preslo na konacnu verziju. Otklanjanje bugova je radjeno u hodu, sto je i normalno. Dakle, sve je proslo glatko jer je organizacija bila veoma dobra. Planiranje poslovne aplikacije je citava nauka i svaka stavka u razvoju ima tacno definisane ciljeve. Pri takvom planiranju, finalni proizvod, aplikacija, sigurno biva kvalitetna.


Neko pomenu da su racunovodje veoma dobri programeri. Da, ali racunovodstvenih aplikacija, koje su vjerovatno i jedne od najzastupljenijih poslovnih aplikacija, i to upravo zato sto poznaju poslovne procese u racunovodstvu i tacno znaju kako treba da izgleda aplikacija za vodjenje knjiga. Dakle, smatram da svaki programer treba biti dovoljno inteligentan da kvalitetno planira aplikaciju, dok mislim da je kodiranje najlaksi dio posla. Upravo zbog toga mi se i svidja programerski posao jer zahtijeva svestranost i kreativnost.

Sto se tice same tehnike programiranja mislim da je veoma bitno da programer bude dovoljno iskusan da moze ponovo da koristi procedure koje je vec radio. To znaci da pise razumljiv i ponovo upotrjebljiv kod. Naravno, za pisanje kvalitetnog i reusable koda je potrebno iskustvo.

Slazem se, programiranje je zanat. Po meni, veoma zanimljiv i isplativ zanat (cijena IS-a o kojem sam pricao iznosila je cifru od 5 nula) i zanat kojim definitivno zelim da se bavim.

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Sto se tice dela vezanog za zanatlijstvo, tj kodiranje - iako to jeste zapravo fizikala, kao sto rekoh i tu postoji nacini da se napreduje i posao ucini laksim i zanimljivijim, i da se bude inventivan.

Vec sam pominjao pisanje sopstvenog frameworka, ali i tudji framework moze da se koristi lepse i ruznije...


Uostalom, mislim da svaki programer ako je duze vreme (sto moze biti i samo godinu dana) radio sa istim razvojnim sistemom (prog. jezikom i skupom alatki / biblioteka), ima iza sebe nekoliko "slojeva" koda (na srecu, ne u istoj aplikaciji :) ), koji se medjusobno razlikuju po eleganciji i kvalitetu... I naravno onom prethodnom nalazi dosta mana, onih starijih se stidi, ovaj trenutni je ok, ali ima gomilu ideja sta bi trebalo unaprediti ili napisati iz pocetka (samo se "nije imalo vremena", uradio bi on to vec), a ima u glavi ideju za sledecu iteraciju koda koja ce biti "the next big thing".


Zapravo, onaj ko nema ovako nesto iza sebe (a tvrdi da ima iskustva), ili se naucen rodio, ili stagnira u nekoj fazi koja je sigurno zastarela i losha.


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Au brate!! Ja se stvarno divim onima sto su slusali Polishchuka i naucili nesto od istog!!


Inace moja firma je raspisala konkurs za programera, pa ako si toliko ambiciozan - Navali! :)

Edited by Nazzgul

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Zanimljivo je da Sun Certified Java Programera u ovoj zemlji ima jako malo, verovatno jednocifren broj. Isto tako Zend Certified PHP Programera ima ukupno 2 (moze se videti na sajtu). Mislim da to dovoljno govori koliko se kod nas ceni sertifikat.

S druge strane MSCP za .net verovatno pomaze, prosto zato sto tog ima vishe, pa moze da poslodavcu koristi da se lakse odluci za vas.

A MCSA ima svaka budala...sto je vec i receno.


Ne znam za Javu,ali znam da UNIX administratora ima zasigurno jednocifren broj.Ja sam pre mesec dana pocheo spremati Javu za Sun-ov sertifikat ( planiram da idem i na developer,ali tek nakon 5-6 godina iskustva) i polagacju je ne pre 2009 verovatno.Koliko sam upoznat ovo ni ne mogu polagati u Srbiji,ali to je manje bitno.Vaucher u ruke pa u Evropu.

Shto se tiche MCSA/MCSE sertifikata i kurseva...Shta znam...Ja imam MCP jer sam se jedno vreme nalozio da polazem ove sertifikate ali sam odustao...Novac za kurseve ( one kvalitetne ) nemam,a iskreno nisam siguran ni koliko su potrebni...ok,zaista se shtedi mnogo vremena na njima u odnosu na solo uchenje i shto je mnogo bitnije,u konstantnom si kontaktu sa mrezom,ali pitanje je da li sve to vredi toliko...Ja imam 3 godine iskustva u poslovima MCSA i ono meni izgleda smeshno...Ne kazem da je gradivo neshto ultra lako ( mega teshko nije zasigurno ) ali tvrdim da ima jako malo dodirnih stvari sa realnoshcju i sa problemima u svakodnevnom zivotu...

Lichno,mislim da se preko testkingova ovaj sertifikat moze nabubati i poloziti a da opet ne znash da dodelish IP-e mrezi...

Sa Ciscom bi trebalo biti stvar drugachija...Nisam bash neshto siguran da se nakon zavrshen kursa ili chak akademije mozesh okititi CCNA sertifikatom a biti tako nemocjan kao kod MCSA...Mozda necjesh biti prepun znanja i iskustva,ali cjesh svakako imati jako vecju polaznu osnovu od MS-a...

Inache,pored Jave odluchio sam da spremam CompTia-ine A+,Network + i Sucurity + ispite,ali za to cje mi trebati vremena podosta...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sto to bi? Sad i ti oces da radis programiranje, a?

Svaki certifikat je koristan. Moja preporuka ti je da uzmes neki Microsoftov (svjejedno koji, VB.NET, C#) jer je najisplativije.


Inace u martu bi trebalo da krenem na Microsoftov kurs, Designing and implementing databases using SQL Server 2005. Vakat je...

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Ovde me ortaci ubedise da je Java trenutno najperspektivnija i najbolja.. ma ono, kad savladas jedan jezik dobro, nije ti tesko da predjes na drugi..


Razmisljam, da otvorim firmu i da radim sam, za sebe, a ne za nekoga, za bednu platu. To svakako ne mozes sa mrezama. Tako da planiram da se preusmerium u programiranje. Takodje posao koji obavljam je dosta blizak toj struci.. Kao serviser najvise posla imam sa SQL bazom. Verujem da cu istu moci da iskoristim za svoj Informacioni Sistem, uz neke sitne izmene..


Tako je vreme doslo, jbg, ili si gazda ili si sirotinja :P Ne znam, u svakom slucaju, kao programer bih u nekoj firmi imao dosta vecu platu.

Edited by Nazzgul

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  • 4 weeks later...

krenuo sam na mcsa kurs, predavaci nisu losi, dosta toga saznas tamo a odmah do je racunarska gimnazija, tamo su do skoro placali 4000 evra godisnje samo zbog specijalnih predmata itd. dobio sam knjigu skoro, imam i skrpite, ortak iz osnovne mi je rekao da mu dam knjigu jos kad sam poceo da idem pa da samo uplati ispite, izdaje dva dvosobna stana, tako da moze da mi... dobija se i windows 2003 probna verzija na 180 dana, neki studentski dvd, gde ima sve i svasta, racunari su novi ako je to uopste toliko bitno. knjiga ko knjiga nije dovoljno detaljna, mada nije ni losa, na srpskom je i razumljiva.

Edited by Dionis6

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  • 2 weeks later...

ima vise nivoa kurseva za c#, sve do developinga software-a koji ti verovatno nece trebati, ali ja ti predlazem neki napredniji kurs ako hoces da ides na c# i to za ovaj najnoviji visual studio. nadji pdf-e na sajtovima koji drze kurseve, tamo je sve objasnjeno. meni se svidja kurs na koji idem u cet-u, ima do 24 polaznika sto je optimalno za ucenje ali to i nije toliko bitno, najvaziji su racunarski fakultet i specijalisticki kursevi.

Edited by Dionis6

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  • 1 month later...

prosle nedjelje sam odslusao predavanja za Implementing a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database i moram priznati da sam veoma zadovoljan, kako konceptom tako i kvalitetom predavanje. jes da je bilo naporno (predavanja od 9 ujutru do 5 popodne) ali moglo se mnogo nauciti. sad mi jos ostaje Maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database koji pocinje za nekih mjesec dana i onda polaganje za MCTS i MCITP: Database developer.

I'm happy as a frenchman who has just discovered a pair of self removing trousers :rolleyes:

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Ako nekog zanima nesto sa donje liste, moze da se pogleda online na www.learnvisualstudio.net . Naravno, poslao bih mu/joj nalog. To su sve video predavanja.




.NET Framework Basics

Installing Assemblies to the GAC


.NET Framework Class Library

Using the StringBuilder Class

System.Environment Namespace

Detecting File Changes in a Folder


.NET Framework Threading

Threading Concepts

A Simple Threading Application Example

A More Complex Threading Application Example

Working with a Threads Lifecycle

Debugging Threaded Applications


.NET Remoting Series

Introduction to .NET Remoting

Creating a Simple Remoted Component Example

MarshalByReference Server Activated SingleCall

MarshalByReference Server Activated Singleton


Configuring Remoted Hosts and Clients

Hosting Remoted Components in IIS

Hosting Remoted Components in a Windows Service

Creating a Remoted Surrogate for a COM+ Serviced Component

Using the SOAPSuds Tool



SQL Data Connection Object

SQL Data Command Object

Using the Data Command's Parameter Collection

Sql DataReader Object


Dataset Concepts

Strongly Typed Datasets via DataAdapter

Strongly Typed Datasets via XML Schema Designer

Creating Untyped Datasets at Runtime

Creating Untyped Datasets using VS.NET Editors

Using Access in ADO.NET

Understanding Concurrency

Optimistic Concurrency

A "Home Grown" Pessimistic Concurrency Example

Pessimistic Concurrency Using Transactions

ADO.NET Connection Pooling

ADO.NET DataView

Persisting a Dataset to XML

Optimizing DataReader Data Access

Understanding DataRow States and Versions



ASP.NET 2.0 "Atlas" and Ajax

Introduction to Atlas and Ajax

Downloading, Installing and Inspecting Atlas

Installing and Using Fiddler to Monitor Async Data Transfer

Introduction to the Atlas UpdatePanel

Extending Existing Controls with the UpdatePanel

Using the ScriptManager ErrorTemplate


ASP.NET 2.0 Architecture Series

01 - Architecture Series Introduction

02 - ASP.NET 2.0 Request Pipeline Processing

03 - ASP.NET 2.0 Page Compilation, Control Tree and Rendering

04 - ASP.NET 2.0 Page Lifecycle

05 - ASP.NET 2.0 Application Lifecycle

06 - ASP.NET 2.0 Compilation Model


ASP.NET 2.0 Controls Series

ASP2Controls_01 - Using Linkbutton, ImageButton and Button within Templated Controls

ASP2Controls_02 - Using the Calendar Control

ASP2Controls_03 - When to use the Label Control versus the Literal Control

ASP2Controls_04 - Working with Single and Multiple Selection Lists

ASP2Controls_05 - Using the AdRotator Control

ASP2Controls_06 - Using the FileUpload Control

ASP2Controls_07 - Controlling Content Display with the Multiview and View Controls

ASP2Controls_08 - Using the XML Control for Server-Side Transformations

ASP2Controls_09 - Using the Image and ImageMap Controls

ASP2Controls_10 - Collecting Data Step-By-Step with the Wizard Control


ASP.NET 2.0 Data Access and Data-Binding

01 - ADO.NET 2.0 Introductory Video

02 - Configuring a Local Microsoft SQL Server Connection String

03 - Configuring a Microsoft Access Connection String

04 - Configuring a Remote Microsoft SQL Server Connection String

05 - Returning Tabular Data Using an SqlDataSource Control

06 - Returning Tabular Data Using an AccessDataSource Control

07 - Using the SiteMapDataSource to Generate Navigation

08 - Binding XML Data to DataBound Controls Using the XmlDataSource

09 - Returning Tabular Data Using an ObjectDataSource

10 - Filtering and Binding Tabular Data Using the ObjectDataSource

11 - Performing CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) Operations Using the ObjectDataSource

12 - Performing CRUD Operations on Disconnected DataTables and Updating the Source

13 - Using an ADO.NET 2.0 SqlDataAdapter to Fill DataSets

14 - Loading XML Data Into DataSets and DataTables

15 - Using the SqlCommand Object to Retrieve Data (Part 1 of 2)

16 - Using the SqlCommand Object to Retrieve Data (Part 2 of 2)

17 - Using DataRelations in Untyped DataSets

18 - Using DataRelations in Typed DataSets

19 - Understanding and Using Transactions in ADO.NET 2.0

20 - Using Asynchronous SqlCommands

21 - Inserting binary data into a SQL Server 2005 Database

22 - Retrieving binary data from a SQL Server 2005 Database



ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 1 - Video 1 - An Introduction to AJAX

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 1 - Video 2 - Installing and Using the Web Development Helper Utility

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 1 - Video 3 - Understanding the AJAX Traffic Footprint

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 1 - Video 4 - Understanding Asynchronous Ajax Calls

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 2 - Video 1 - Creating and Consuming PageMethods

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 2 - Video 2 - An Alternative Approach to Consuming PageMethods

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 2 - Video 3 - Creating and Consuming AJAX Enabled WFC Web Services

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 2 - Video 4 - Providing User Feedback

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 2 - Video 5 - Error Handling Using the ASP.NET AJAX Framework

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 2 - Video 6 - Handling Timeouts

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 3 - Video 1 - Understanding the Script Manager & How To Add Script References

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 3 - Video 2 - Understanding the ScriptManagerProxy Control

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 3 - Video 3 - Enabling Script Localization

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 3 - Video 4 - Enabling Script Globalization

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 4 - Video 1 - Introducing the UpdatePanel Control

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 4 - Video 2 - Using UpdatePanel Triggers

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 4 - Video 3 - Programmatic Regions

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 4 - Video 4 - Programmatic Updates

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 4 - Video 5 - Aborting UpdatePanel Requests

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 4 - Video 6 - Registering DataItems

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 5 - Video 1 - Error Handling with the ScriptManager

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 5 - Video 2 - Handling Errors with Client Script

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 6 - Video 1 - Using the UpdateProgress Control

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 6 - Video 2 - Using the Timer Control

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 7 - Video 1 - Using the Authentication Service

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 7 - Video 2 - Using the Profile Service

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 7 - Video 3 - Using the Roles Service

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 8 - Video 1 - Creating a Custom AJAX Extender - Part 1

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 8 - Video 2 - Creating a Custom AJAX Extender - Part 2

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 8 - Video 3 - Exploring the Use of Client Side Classes

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 8 - Video 4 - Creating a Custom AJAX Control

ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 8 - Video 5 - Extending an AJAX Control


ASP.NET Data Binding in VS.NET

Walkthrough: Creating a Databound DataGrid

Creating a DataConnection

Creating and Configuring a Data Adapter

Using the Query Builder

Creating, Testing and Using a DataSet from a DataAdapter

Creating a Master / Detail Application

Binding Related Tables in the DataGrid

Editing Related Tables in the DataGrid

Creating a Hierarchical Drilldown DataGrid

Creating an NTier Multipage Master/Detail App

Formatting Data in a DataGrid

Adding Paging to DataGrids

Edit Rows in ASP.NET DataGrid

DropDown in ASP.NET DataGrid


ASP.NET Server Controls

Building a Simple Server Control

Rendering Server Controls

Fundamental Server Control Concepts

More About Server Control Properties

Understanding Server Control Events

Understanding Server Control Postback Data


ASP.NET Web Form Controls

Common Appearance Properties

Common Behavior Properties

Common Data Properties

Common Layout and Misc Properties

Required Field Validator Control

Compare Validator Control

Range Validator Control

Regular Expression Validator Control

Custom Validator Control

Validation Summary Control

DropDownList Control

Repeater Control

DataList Control

Selecting and Editing Items in a DataList

ASP.NET Calendar Control

Using the PlaceHolder and LoadControl Together

Populating a Drop Down Listbox

Intro to the ASP.NET TreeView Control

Checkbox List Control

RadioButtonList Control

TextBox and HTMLEncode


ASP.NET Web Forms

Walkthrough: Creating an ASP.NET Web Forms App

Understanding Code Behind

Understanding Events, Postback and Page State

Understanding Request and Response Objects

Using the Application Object

Using the Session Object

Using Cascading Style Sheets

Previewing the Cascading Style Sheet

Creating a Style Rule

Creating a Frameset

Walkthrough: Creating a User Control

Tracing Using the Trace.AXD

ASP.NET Internals

Caching with ASP.NET

Creating an HTTP Handler

Setting Password Values in ASP.NET Text Boxes

Sending an Email in ASP.NET

Handling Exceptions Globally in ASP.NET

Fragment Caching with User Controls

Adding Data to Session

Beware of Absolute Positioning

Absolute Positioning Revisited

Passing Values Between Pages in ASP.NET

Creating Skins for your ASP.NET Apps

Creating a Scrollable Area in ASP.NET

Accepting PayPal Payments

Updating the Browser Capabilities Info


ASP.NET Web Matrix

Introduction to ASP.NET Web Matrix

ASP.NET Web Matrix Data Page Template Walkthrough

ASP.NET Web Matrix Data Page Template Walkthrough Part 2


ASP.NET Web Services

Walkthrough: Creating a Web Service

Walkthrough: Consuming a Web Service

Understanding the Web Service Help Page

Creating a Web Reference

Modifying Web References

Understanding Proxies

Setting the Namespace

Creating Web References to Web Services in VS.NET 2003


Beginning C#

C# Hello World and Creating Console Applications

C# If Statement

C# Switch Statement

C# For Loop

C# While Loop

C# Do Loop

C# Foreach Loop

C# Classes

Basics of Overloading and Inheritance with C#

Defining and Using Arrays in C#

C# Variables, Variable Scope and Modifier

C# Constants

C# Structs

C# Enumerations

C# Type Conversions

C# Checked and Unchecked Statements

C# Delegate Basics

Operator Overloading

Structured Exception Handling

Coding Exception Handling into your App


Beginning VB.NET

Getting Started

VB.NET Hello World and Creating Console Apps

Beginning Variables and Data Types

Operators, Expressions and Statements

What Just Went Wrong?

More About Console Applications

If, Then, Else

Select Case

While Statement

Do ... Loop Statements

For ... Next Statements

Structured Exception Handling in VB.NET

Coding Exception Handling into your Application

Introduction to Collections in VB.NET

Array Collection

ArrayList Collection

Queue Collection

Sorting IList Collections

Working with Multiple Elements of IList Collections

ListDictionary Collection

HashTable Collection

HybridDictionary Collection

SortedList Collection

Enumerating Through IDictionary Collections

Implementing IEnumerable and IEnumerator in Collections

Conditional Compilation

Setting Option Strict

Creating a Windows Service

VB.NET 2003 Loop Variable Declaration


C# 2.0 Advanced Language Features

Introduction to Anonymous Delegates

Introduction to Generics

Using List<T>


C# for Beginners to Programming Workbook and Videos


Workbook ANSWERS

Lesson 1 - What is Computer Programming?

Lesson 2 - Computer Programming Workflow

Lesson 3 - Obtaining the Tools You'll Need

Lesson 4 - Creating a User Interface

Lesson 4 - Exercise

BEGIN2 - Orientation

Lesson 5 - Handling Events

Lesson 5 - Exercise

Lesson 6 - Setting Properties in Code

Lesson 6 - Exercise

Lesson 7 - Data Type Variable Declaration

Lesson 7 - Exercise

Lesson 8 - Statements

Lesson 9 - Program Flow

Lesson 9 - Exercise

Lesson 10 - Methods

Lesson 10 - Exercise

Lesson 11 - Object Oriented Programming with Classes

Lesson 12 - Fields, Properties and Methods

Lesson 12 - Exercise

Lesson 13 - Object Lifetime

Lesson 13 - Exercise

Lesson 14 - What is the .NET Framework?

Lesson 15 - Keeping Track of Data with Arrays

Lesson 15 - Exercise

Lesson 16 - Obtaining Data from a Text File

Lesson 16 - Exercise

Lesson 17 - Obtaining Data from a Database

Lesson 18 - Databinding Data to User Interface Controls

Lesson 18 - Exercise

Lesson 19 - Inserting, Updating and Deleting Data in a Database

Lesson 20 - Handling Exceptions

Lesson 21 - Debugging Applications

Lesson 22 - Building an ASP.NET Application

Lesson 22 - Exercise

BEGIN2 - Source Code

BEGIN2 - Loading Source Code


Configuration, Deployment and Security

Retrieving Application Settings from the web.config

Using Dynamic Properties

Walkthrough: Creating a Custom Login using Forms Authentication in ASP.NET

Introduction to Deploying .NET Apps

Walkthrough: Deploying WinForms Apps

Walkthrough: Deploying WebForms using Copy Project

Using Roles to Secure Content

Setting Authentication on Entire Folders in Web Forms

Writing to the System Registry

Reading from the System Registry

Building a Trace Listener

Using Resource Files

Security Baseline Analyzer

IIS Lockdown Tool

IIS Settings (Web Permissions)

Dangers of Copy Project


Crystal Reports

Starting with Crystal Reports

Crystal Reports for VS.NET Architecture

Walkthrough: Building a Report from Scratch

Walkthrough: Creating a Form Letter in CR for VS.NET


Getting Started with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Lesson 1: What is a database?

Lesson 2: Understanding Database Tables and Records

Lesson 3: More about Column Data Types and Other Properties

Lesson 4: Designing Relational Database Tables

Lesson 5: Manipulating Database Data

Lesson 6: More Structured Query Language

Lesson 7: Understanding Security and Network Connectivity

Lesson 8: Connecting your Web Application to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Lesson 9: Using SQL Server Management Studio

Lesson 10: Getting Started with Reporting Services

Lesson 11: Building and Customizing Reports in Business Intelligence Development Studio

Lesson 12: Creating and Using Stored Procedures

Lesson 13: Enabling Full-Text Search in your Text Data


Getting Started with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition

Getting Started with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition

Creating a Web Forms User Interface

Understanding More About Events and Postback

Understanding Web Application State

Debugging and Tracing your Website

Working with Stylesheets and Master Pages

Databinding to User Interface Controls

Working with the GridView and FormView

Securing your Web site with Membership and Login Controls

Configuring, Building and Deploying a Web site

ASP.NET 2.0 Quiz Engine Project - Designing and Planning

ASP.NET 2.0 Quiz Engine Project - Early Development

ASP.NET 2.0 Quiz Engine Project - Refining application Functionality

ASP.NET 2.0 Quiz Engine Project - Enabling Themes, Handling Exceptions and Deploying


IBuySpy Portal Series

Understanding the IBuySpy Portal

Downloading and Installing the IBuySpy Portal

Using the IBuySpy Portal

IBuySpy Internals

Creating an IBuySpy User Control

Creating Edit Pages for IBuySpy User Controls


IDE Proficiency Series for Visual Studio.NET 2003

Overview of the IDE

Working with Windows

Working with Toolbars

Creating, Opening and Closing a Project

Understanding Solutions and Projects

Adding a Project to a Solution

File Management within Projects

Setting Project Properties

Setting IDE Properties

Effective Code Window Techniques

Effective Debugging Techniques

Effective Tasklist Techniques

Searching through your Code

Using the Server Explorer

Utilizing Help


Object Oriented VB.NET

Understanding Classes and Objects

Creating Methods

Understanding Overloaded Methods

Constructors and Destructors

Creating and Referencing Assemblies

Understanding Namespaces

Inheritance Basics

VB.NET Delegate Basics

XML Object Serialization

Inheritance Basics

Polymorphism Basics

Favor Composition Over Inheritance

Find What Varies and Encapsulate It

Strategy Design Pattern

Interface Basics

Program to Interfaces and not to Implementations

More About Scoping and Interfaces

Abstract Factory Design Pattern

GRASP: High Cohesion

GRASP: Low Coupling

GRASP: Controller

GRASP: Expert

GRASP: Pure Fabrication

GRASP: Creator

GRASP: Indirection

GRASP: Dont Talk to Strangers

Model-View Seperation Pattern

GoF Creation Patterns: Singleton

GoF Creation Patterns: Builder

GoF Creation Patterns: Prototype

GoF Structural Patterns: Adapter

GoF Structural Patterns: Bridge

GoF Structural Patterns: Composite

GoF Structural Patterns: Decorator

GoF Structural Patterns: Facade

GoF Structural Patterns: Flyweight

GoF Structural Patterns: Proxy

GoF Behavioral Patterns: Chain of Responsibility

GoF Behavioral Patterns: Command

GoF Behavioral Patterns: Interpreter

GoF Behavioral Patterns: Iterator


Plank.NET eCommerce Project

Episode 1 - Introduction to the Plank.NET Project

Episode 2 - Plank.NET: Microsoft Solutions Framework

Episode 3 - Plank.NET: Gathering Information and Organizing it with Use Cases

Episode 4 - Plank.NET: Creating the Use Case Diagram

Episode 5 - Plank.NET: Assembling the Team and Creating Informal Requirements

Episode 6 - Plank.NET: Beginning the Vision / Scope Document


SDKs, Tools, Utilities and 3rd Party Components

Using FxCop

Using SMTP, POP3, MIME and MX Validation in ASP.NET

MSN Style Popup Box

Dotfuscator in VS.NET 2003


Silverlight 101

Silverlight 101 - Textbook Lesson 1

Silverlight 101 - Lesson 1 - Video 1 - Silverlight Overview

Silverlight 101 - Lesson 1 - Video 2 - XAML Overview

Silverlight 101 - Lesson 1 - Video 3 - Silverlight Projects in Visual Studio 2008

Silverlight 101 - Lesson 1 - Video 4 - Linking a Silverlight Project to an ASP.NET Project in Visual Studio 2008

Silverlight 101 - Lesson 1 - Video 5 - Setting up a Silverlight Development Environment

Silverlight 101 - Lesson 2 - Video 1 - Working with the Canvas

Silverlight 101 - Lesson 2 - Video 2 - Defining Silverlight Shapes and Strokes in XAML

Silverlight 101 - Lesson 2 - Video 3 - Working with Fills and Brushes

Silverlight 101 - Lesson 2 - Video 4 - Understanding Opacity and Opacity Masks

Silverlight 101 - Lesson 2 - Video 5 - Working with Transforms

Silverlight 101 - Lesson 2 - Video 6 - Understanding the TextBlock Element

Silverlight 101 - Textbook Lesson 2


VB.NET for Beginners to Programming Workbook and Videos


Workbook ANSWERS

BEGIN1 - Orientation

Lesson 1 - What is Computer Programming?

Lesson 2 - Computer Programming Workflow

Lesson 3 - Obtaining the Tools You'll Need

Lesson 4 - Creating a User Interface

Lesson 4 - Exercise

Lesson 5 - Handling Events

Lesson 5 - Exercise

Lesson 6 - Setting Properties in Code

Lesson 6 - Exercise

Lesson 7 - Data Types, Variables and Variable Declaration

Lesson 7 - Exercise

Lesson 8 - Statements

Lesson 9 - Procedures - Sub-Routines and Functions

Lesson 9 - Exercise

Lesson 10 - Program Flow

Lesson 10 - Exercise

Lesson 11 - Re-Using Code in Modules

Lesson 11 - Exercise

Lesson 12 - Object Oriented Programming with Classes

Lesson 13 - Fields, Properties and Methods

Lesson 13 - Exercise

Lesson 14 - Object Lifetime

Lesson 14 - Exercise

Lesson 15 - What is the .NET Framework?

Lesson 16 - Keeping Track of Data with Arrays

Lesson 16 - Exercise

Lesson 17 - Obtaining Data from a Text File

Lesson 17 - Exercise

Lesson 18 - Obtaining Data from a Database

Lesson 18 - Exercise

Lesson 19 - Data-binding Data to User Interface Controls

Lesson 19 - Exercise

Lesson 20 - Inserting, Updating and Deleting Data in a Database

Lesson 21 - Handling Exceptions

Lesson 22 - Debugging Applications

Lesson 23 - Building an ASP.NET Application

Lesson 23 - Exercise

Source Code for BEGIN1 Series

Loading Source Code for the BEGIN1 Series


Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition for Beginners

Getting Started with Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions

Creating a Windows Application User Interface

Writing Code to Handle Events and Set Properties

Working with Variables, Expressions, Statements, and Operators

Using Branching and Recursion

Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals - Part 1

Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals - Part 2

Getting to Know the .NET Framework

Obtaining Data from a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Database

Databinding Data to User Interface Controls

Working with XML

Handling Exceptions

The RSS Reader Project - Designing and Planning

The RSS Reader Project - Building the UI

The RSS Reader Project - Working with XML and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Data

The RSS Reader Project - Expanding and Refining Application Functionality

The RSS Reader Project - Fortifying, Testing and Deploying the Application

Supplimental Readings


Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Study Guide

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 01 (vb 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 02 (vb 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 03 (vb 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 04 (vb 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 05 (vb 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 06 (vb 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 07 (vb 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 08 (vb 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 09 (vb 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 10 (vb 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 11 (vb 2005)

Study Guide for Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition for Absolute Beginners


Visual C# 2005 Express Edition for Beginners

Getting Started with Visual C# 2005 Express Edition

Creating a Windows Application User Interface

Writing Code to Handle Events and Set Properties

Working with Variables, Expressions, Statements, and Operators

Using Iteration and Selection Statements

Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals - Part 1

Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals - Part 2

Getting to Know the .NET Framework

Obtaining Data from a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Database

Databinding Data to User Interface Controls

Working with XML

Handling Exceptions

The RSS Reader Project - Designing and Planning

The RSS Reader Project - Building the UI

The RSS Reader Project - Working with XML and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Data

The RSS Reader Project - Expanding and Refining Application Functionality

The RSS Reader Project - Fortifying, Testing and Deploying the Application

Supplimental Readings


Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Study Guide

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 01 (C# 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 02 (C# 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 03 (C# 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 04 (C# 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 05 (C# 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 06 (C# 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 07 (C# 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 08 (C# 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 09 (C# 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 10 (C# 2005)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 11 (C# 2005)

Study Guide for Visual C# Express Edition for Absolute Beginners


Visual Source Safe Series

Installing and Setting Up Visual Source Safe

Basic VSS Workflow

VSS Integration in VS.NET


Visual Studio Team System Features

Static Analysis of Unmanaged C/C++ Code

Code Coverage

Static Analysis of Managed Code

Profiling ASP.NET Applications

Profiling Windows Applications

Generating and Running a Unit Test

Class Design with the Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer

Refactoring Classes using the VS2005 Class Designer

Using the Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer for Creating Documentation

Visualizing code using the Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer

Designing a Distributed Application using the Application Designer

Binding a Distributed Application to a Logical Datacenter Diagram using the Deployment Designer

Importing IIS Settings into the Distributed System Designers

Designing a Logical Datacenter

Using the System Designer to Create Composable Systems

Extending the Distributed System Designers using the SDM SDK

Automating Nightly Builds w/ Team Build

Customizing the Build Process w/ Team Build

Using the Team Explorer

Configuring Team Foundation Notifications

Customizing Process Templates

Customizing Work Items

Microsoft Excel Integration

Microsoft Project Integration

The MSF Agile Process Template

Project Metrics Data Warehouse

Navigating the VSTS Project Portal

Understanding VSTS Reports

Creating Custom Reports in VSTS

Introduction to Version Control in Visual Studio Team System: Branching

Using Team Foundation Server's Command Line Tools

Enforcing and Customizing Check-in Policies

Introduction to Version Control in Visual Studio Team System: Check-in/Check-out

Introduction to Version Control in Visual Studio Team System: Changesets

Introduction to Version Control in Visual Studio Team System: Workspaces

Introduction to Version Control in Visual Studio Team System: Diffing

Introduction to Version Control in Visual Studio Team System: Shelving

Creating and Running a Web Test

Command Line Test Execution

Creating and Running a Load Test

Creating and Executing a Manual Test

Managing Test Cases in Visual Studio Team System


Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta

What is X#?

Understanding Data Relations

WHIDBEY - View Edit Properties

WHIDBEY - Control Array

WHIDBEY - Find and Replace Enhancements


WHIDBEY - Auto Complete

WHIDBEY - .NET Generics

WHIDBEY: DataSource Control Pt. 1 - Basic Binding to GridView Control

WHIDBEY: DataSource Control Pt. 2 - Inline Editing in GridView

WHIDBEY: DataSource Control Pt. 3 - Filtering GridView Rows Based On Other Controls

WHIDBEY: DataSource Control Pt. 4 - Binding to DetailView Control, Master-Detail

WHIDBEY: GridView Field Types

Introduction to VS.NET 2004 Whidbey Alpha/Beta

ClickOnce Deployment

Visual Basic.NET 2.0 My Namespace


Visual Studio.NET IDE Proficiency

Start Page

Main Area

Working with Windows

Working with Toolbars

Creating a New Project

Opening and Closing a Project

Understanding Solutions and Projects

Adding a Project to a Solution

Using the Solution Explorer

File Management within Projects

Understanding Designer Generated Code

Code Window: Keyboard Shortcuts

Code Window: Intellisense

Code Window: Using Dynamic Help

Code Window: Organizing Code with Regions

Code Window: Navigating Through Code

Defining Breakpoints and Stepping Through Code

Advanced Breakpoint Techniques

Server Explorer's SQL Server Integration

Using the Tasklist

Starting Multiple Projects within a Solution

Understanding the TargetSchema

Using Macros

Using the Watch Window

Using the Command Window

Creating Templates

Hyperlinks in your Comments

Launching External Tools

Layout and Positioning Toolbar

Turn on your Line Numbering!

The Browse With ... Tool

VS.NET 2003 DB Password Saving Options

Correcting VS.NET Debugging Problems


Visual Studio.NET XML Designer

Walkthrough: Creating an XSD Schema

Walkthrough: Creating an XML Document based on a Schema

Walkthrough: Generating a DataSet from a Schema

XML Designer User Interface

Understanding Elements and Attributes

Creating Sub Elements (Unnamed Complex Types)

Understanding SimpleTypes and Facets

Understanding (Named) Complex Types

Understanding Groups

Understanding Keys

Understanding Relations


Visual Web Developer (C#) Study Guide

Study Guide for Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition (C# Edition) for Absolute Beginners

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 01 (vwd c#)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 02 (vwd c#)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 03 (vwd c#)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 04 (vwd c#)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 05 (vwd c#)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 06 (vwd c#)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 07 (vwd c#)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 08 (vwd c#)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 09 (vwd c#)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 10 (vwd cs)


Visual Web Developer (VB) Study Guide

Study Guide for Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition (VB Edition) for Absolute Beginners

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 01 (vwd vb)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 02 (vwd vb)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 03 (vwd vb)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 04 (vwd vb)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 05 (vwd vb)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 06 (vwd vb)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 07 (vwd vb)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 08 (vwd vb)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 09 (vwd vb)

Study Guide Exercise Solution for Lesson 10 (vwd vb)


Web Service Enhancements 2.0

Introduction to Web Service Enhancements 2.0

Using Web Service Enhancements 2.0 to add Basic Security and Diagnostics


Windows Forms

Walkthrough: Creating an MDI WinForms App

Walkthrough: Using the Data Form Wizard

Visual Inheritance

Docking and Anchoring

Using an ActiveX Control in a WinForms Application

Using the ErrorProvider Control

Understanding DataBindings Under the Hood

Loading an MDI Child in WinForms

Drag and Drop in WinForms

Understanding DataBinder.Eval and Container.DataItem

.NET 2003 Non-Rectangular WinForms

DropDown in WinForms DataGrid

WinForms HelpProvider Control

WinForms ErrorProvider Control

WinForms ListView Control

WinForms TabControl Control


Windows Forms Controls Series (2005)

How to Add Audio - Part 1

How to Add Audio - Part 2

Customizing the Button Control

How to use the Dialog Controls

How to use the FlowLayout Panel

How to create a System Tray application using the NotifyIcon control

How to call other applications using the Process control

How to use the SplitContainer control

How to use the TableLayout control

How to use the Timer control

How to use the BackgroundWorker Control

How to use the ListView Control Part 1: Basics

How to use the ListView Control Part 2: Advanced

How to use the MenuStrip Control

How to use the PictureBox Control

How to use the RichTextBox Control

How to use the StatusStrip Control

How to use the Tab Control

How to use the ToolStrip Control

How to use the TreeView Control

How to use the WebBrowser Control


ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 8 - Video 5 - Extending an AJAX Control


ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 8 - Video 4 - Creating a Custom AJAX Control


ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 8 - Video 3 - Exploring the Use of Client Side Classes


ASP.NET AJAX 101 - Lesson 8 - Video 2 - Creating a Custom AJAX Extender - Part 2







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