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pass: butcherpriest


The undead throne rises from Chaos at the end of 2001, founded by F.Z. first time like Fenrizwulff on vocals/guitar, with an old line up , Kaeffel (Hetroertzen, Horns) on drums, D-Zoyd (Necrophago,Hetroertzen) bass. Starting a path in flames and the war against the Jew/Christian gods under the laws of chaos.



Zanimljivo mi je ovo "Jew/Christian gods", al' 'ajde. xD

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"Xasthur mi se ne svidja.. Najcheshce zgotivim german black metal, poput Blutklinge i Verdunkeln. Xihilisk je takodje interesantan. Njiqahdda mi je jedan od eternal favourites-a. also, opet ti kazhem, ne cimaj se za port-royal, i had a blast, so to speak."


I tako primih ja poruku i poshto nisam chuo ni za jedan gore pomenut bend reko aj da dam shansu tom eternal favoritu. Prve dve stvari sto su mi privukle paznju(osim toga sto nemogu da izgovorim ime benda) je to da doalze iz Amerike i tipa stancuje izdanja, bend postoji od 2005e a vec je izbacio 8 LPova. A druga stvar je bilo prilichno interesantno tagovanje Atmospheric Black Metal/Psychedelic Rock/Ambient . I tako reshih da dovujem posledjni album Taegnuub - Ishnji Angma, koji inache izashao 2009-e i to bash nehsto skoro krajem februara.


Sve u svemu kada sma poslusao album prilichno sam se iznenadio. Bash je fino sve iskombinovano i lepo uklopljeno pochevshi stvanro od dobre atmosfere koje nosi album pa do onih pravih blackerskih delova. Za divno chuda dobar broj pesama nije nehsto puno dug kao sto je obicaj sa Atmospheric Black metal albumima vec je tu negde prosek oko 3-4 minuta. Mada sve se to nadoknadi sa poslednjom pesmom od 15 minuta koja je predivna. Vredi poslushati., pogotovo ako volite malo "off the scale" black metal sa stvarno predivnom atmosferom(ili ako ste mozda chuli za one bendove gore :D ) .


Ja sam za sada samo ovaj poslednji poslushao, ali cu sigurno u skorije vreme i ove predhodne.


enciklopediaj link: http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=109826


link za album: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZSL4CXAV


torent(prilichno jak) : http://extratorrent.com/torrent/1844309/Nj...9)[email protected]


mysapce: http://www.myspace.com/njiqahdda



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Ne seri da si tek sad čuo taj album!? Koji je to kult! A Ashes?


Prvi album koji sam dowoao od Agollacha je Ashes, i album me je odushevio, tolko da nisam hteo da dowujem nishta ranije od njih da ne bi pokvario savrshenu sliku od albuma. Ali nehsto sam slusaho Agalloch i rekao aj da dowujem taj Mantle. Nachi jeste Ashesh fenomenalan album , ali ovaj je bolji.


Zapravo Ashes ima taj post-black metal atmosferu, nachi dosta atmosfere i post-metal upliva, dok je ovaj neki black/doom/folk metal album . A ono sto zapravo ja cujem na ovom albumu je paralela sa bratskom grupom Sculptured(koja se ne oseca na Ashesu), ovaj (mantle) album zvuchi kao neki savrsheni spear of lily spojen sa blackom i progresivom i to sve savrsheno ukombinovano. Ostao sam bez rech, kako je dobar album. :rockdevil:

Edited by Lunar

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Goxy ti ima zajeban chudan ukus, ne znam dal ce da ti se dopadne, ali poslusaj ovaj sto sam sada ja skinuo i poslejdni njihov za pochetak. Nachi:


Agalloch - The mantle

Agalloch - Ashes against the Grain




I prvi im je kult, takođe obavezno i demo, EP Of stone wind and pillor i The White (to je neofolk), ostali EPovi su malo smor ali ovo skidaj ASAP icon_rockdevil.gif


Naravno, samo da se izdrogiram ovim, pa cemo na ta ranija izdanja. Inache ovaj album je zajebo novi Dream Theater, ipak ce morati Dream josh malo da saceka dok ga preslusham. XD

Edited by Lunar

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Evo ko voli industiral black,naleteh na ovaj bend,malo smesan naziv- Mechina :) kao meshina :)

No salu na stranu uopste ne zvuci lose,imaju jedan EP,evo overite prvu pesmu sa istog,sta ja znam,meni se svidja pogotovo negde na 4:36



I link za dl



Inace bend je iz amerike

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Weakling - Dead As Dreams


1. "Cut Their Grain and Place Fire Therein" - 10:28

2. "Dead as Dreams" - 20:39

3. "This Entire Fucking Battlefield" - 14:47

4. "No One Can Be Called as a Man While He'll Die" - 13:09

5. "Desasters in the Sun" - 17:05



Otkrih ovaj album skoro, i prijatno se iznenadih pa da podelim ga sa vama. Neshto me mrzi da pishem pa cu vam dati recenziju allmusic guida.


"Weakling was not a band who did things halfway. They reportedly spent two years writing and practicing material for their set list before ever playing a live show, and listening to this album that doesn't seem unreasonable. The five songs on this album range from ten to 20 minutes long, each moving through multiple sections and employing dense, Wall of Sound guitar parts with layers of subtle details and harmonic ambiguities happening beneath the surface. In you listen to this music, say, from the next room in your house, all you can really make out is a washed-out wall of fuzz with some guy (that would be vocalist John Gossard) shrieking over the top. But there is, of course, much more to it than that. Their overall sound, a black metal-as-ambient Wall of Noise approach coupled with an epic songwriting style, certainly owes something to Norwegian bands such as Darkthrone, Burzum, and Immortal, as well as Sweden's Opeth (no strangers to 20-minute songs themselves), but Weakling took those influences and made them into something of their own. The standout track is also the longest, "Dead As Dreams," which begins with a wash of keyboards and then a drawn-out, lamenting guitar prelude before a dramatic, twisting, and utterly heartbroken guitar riff enters at about the three-minute mark; when the drums finally kick in, it is incredibly powerful. It is this kind of dynamic songwriting that lets the band get away with writing such long songs without becoming boring. Taken as a whole, Dead As Dreams is not an easy album to get into, not only because it's emotionally demanding but also since it takes a bunch of listens just to get a handle on all the songwriting twists and turns, but it's a worthwhile investment for anyone interested in hypnotic, epic metal.


Uglavnom verujem da je ovaj album kasnije pokrenuo lavinu atmospheric, post, black metal albuma u Americi poput Wolves in the Throne Room, Leviathan, Fen, Coblat, Lurker of Chalice, Krallice itd. Ako volite ovakav tip muzike downloudujte pa sami ocenite dal vam se dopada. Jedino malo produkcija jebe.




NA wikipediji pishe par interesantnih stvari o bendu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weakling

Edited by Lunar

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Veneficium- (album: De Occulta Philosophia - A Missae Taenebre), je black metal bend (pre bih rekao symphony black metal) iz Kanade. Muzika je neshto brzha, brutalnija nego kod vecine symphony black metal bendova; vokal je zaista odlichan. Vredi poslushati. Preporuchujem drugu pesmu Marcia Funebre i pesmu Nenia Solemnis (treca).


Za download, evo adrese.




Ako vas zanima da chujete na YouTube-u kako zvuche, evo link-a:








Avzhia (album: The Key of Throne) je neverovatan meksichki symphony black metal! Produkcija je odlicha, vokali su raznovrsni, a muzika ima ne samo mrachnu stranu, vec i dosta epskog! Absolutno zasluzhuje pazhnju!


Evo linka za download:





Ako vas zanima da chujete na YouTube-u kako zvuche, evo link-a:


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O, hvala na preporukama, ovi Veneficium zvuce vise nego interesantno. :da:


Mada, u related videos za ovog Avziju :) :) :) nadjoh nesto vrlo interesantno:


Imaju 3 dema, skidam sad jedan. Muzika je apsolutno fenomenalna ali im je ideologija idiotska - mislim, majku mu, kako je moguce mesati nacizam i aztecke mitove??? :) :) :) Mada, kad pogledam sliku benda sve mi je jasno:




Proverite, ipak zvuci vrlo zanimljivo.

Edited by Talvi

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