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eto ija sam pecnut

pa vidis, ima tu neke nepravilnosti. ok eto ode choek u sveshtenike iliti popove, e sad ako to tamo kod njih (katolika) moze tek tako pravo iz benda u sveshtenike nemam rechi, al dobro ne bitno,da ne skrecjem.

ovo sto kazes nema sanse da mu Bog oprosti, nisi upravu icon_da.gif ako se covek iskreno (iskreno!) pokajao ispovedio svoj grehe oprosteno mu je, mislim sad moze da zvuchi glupo ili ne znam ni ja kako al tako je.

s jedne strane zao mi je sto je napustio korn, jer ipak oni odavno nisu samo bend kao sto svi odje znaju, pa mi je zao sto se to dogodilo, jeste da to verovatno nece biti vise isti korn, ali i dalje je korn - korn, kakav god da je i kroz koje god faz eda prolaze. a sa druge strane mi je drago sto se okrenuo malo i tom duhovnom smislu zivota, jer je verovatno uvideo da nije sve u autobusima, parama, ribama i slichnom...jer taj nachin zivota preovladava na zapadu ukljuchujuci i "evropu", dok je ovaj drugi gotovo zanemaren ili je izopachen.

eto napravio sam se i ja pametan! icon_biggrin.gif


videcjemostacedaljebiti. pivopije.gif





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Bilo je vreme da se i oni raspadnu VALJDA? wallbash.gif  icon_evil.gif  kad sam chuo bio sam

u shoku  i bilo mi je  icon_redface.gif  no.gif  sad but true  icon_mad.gif

Zbilja, da li to bese onaj momak koji je pljuvao i povracao na Jona i Fieldyja, onaj koji je srkao pivo sa patosa, heftao nevinu ovcicu otpozadi, krao kikiriki, onaj bre sto mnogo voli sir?!? icon_confused.gif



...bice neobicno bez njega. icon_sad.gif A mi izgleda necemo imati priliku (i da ima prilike) da vidimo korn u originalnom izdanju...


sekta!!! ph34r.gif




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icon_confused.gif ovo je neverovatno...

mislim da bih se slicno osecao da sam cuo da je umro... qqruz nece biti isti bez glavonje (ne nikako!)


pa kad covek ima tako veliku glavu sigurno svakakve ideje prolaze kroz nju...

zao mi je sto je njegova odluka takva- (ne zbog toga sto pronasao u religiji, nego zbog toga sto je postao svestenik katolicke crkve... mislim da covek moze da bude vernik u dusi a da ne bude shraf u masineriji organizovane religije..) no sthta sad.. on u to veruje pa nek mu je sa srecom...


pivopije.gif long live the memory of Brian 'Head' Welch


jer od sada ce ga svi zvati 'reverend Welch' wallbash.gif

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mislim da bi sada nakon head-ovog odlaska za Korn bilo najbolje da se rasformira... dostigli su vrhunac karijere, imaju kinte i fanaticne obozavaoce (koje nece izgubiti raspadom... ja cu, recimo, Korn slusati ceo zivot...), imaju bre SVE, sta zele jos?! ako su vec zajedno svirali 12 ili kol'ko vec godina, bilo bi glupo da nastave bez glavonje... jednostavno, nije to to (zamislite nekog novog napaljenka na mestu drugog gitariste... uzas!)....


Korn je najsuroviji bend na planeti ikada! ali, sada bez head-a nista!

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ja sam mislio da si ti batalila koRn... svaka ti chast


inache - ja se dobrovoljno prijavljujem da drndam djitru u kornu, poshto sam trenutno bez sigurnog angazmana icon_biggrin.gif



propade nama shansa da IKAD vidimo live korn u punom sastavu icon_cry.gif


jebem ti sebe kad sam 2 njihove svirke za dlaku promashio wallbash.gifwallbash.gifwallbash.gif

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1.Well one is are you guys staying together after the album?

2.Will you still be touring?

3.Playing older songs live?

4.If so will that mean you will be finding a new guitar player?


Jonathan Davis said:


1.Yes we are staying together...

2.Yes we are touring...

3.Yes we will play the old songs...

4.And no we won't get a new guitar player we are going to be a 4 piece live...


NewKoRn is coming...




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Brian "Head" Welch, founding guitarist of the Bakersfield-based metal act KORN for 13 years, is leaving the platinum-selling group for God.


Welch told The Californian Tuesday that his decision to leave KORN, a band that has sold millions of records, may be seen as surprising to many.


"My old friend called today and said he was called up by another friend of mine who said, 'Who brainwashed Brian?'" the rocker laughed. "Man, you guys don't even know.


"A lot of people think I'm crazy. I don't care."


Welch said he quit the band the first week of January, although he didn't go public with the decision until a radio interview Sunday.


Welch said he will go into more detail about his reasons for leaving the band during Valley Bible Fellowship's three Sunday services this weekend.


"He just wanted to share a little bit about what's going on in his life and we said OK," said Josh Vietti, office administrator for Valley Bible Fellowship on East Brundage Lane.


Welch said he became more and more disenchanted with the image he saw of himself in KORN's music and videos, versus how he actually felt about himself.


"Those guys in the band, they're not bad guys. They're just a bunch of kids getting marketed how these guys in the big corporate firms want to do," Welch said. "It makes us look like bad people, but we're really just a bunch of kids who never had a chance to grow up.


"You're shut in a (tour) bus with your best friends with as much beer as you can handle. Drug dealers come to the show. I'm growing up right now. I didn't have a chance to (before) with all the free beer I got."


And as a father of a 6-year-old daughter, Welch said he knew he needed to set a better example.


"I just grew up a little bit," he said. "I've got a daughter. I've got to think of my kid. I just want to do the right thing."


To keep him on, Welch said management offered to try to accommodate his daughter coming with him on tour, but he wasn't interested.


Welch was also unhappy with the music video for the band's recent hit, a remake of funk band CAMEO's 1985 hit "Word Up", where the band members' faces are superimposed over the faces of dogs and go to a strip club.


Welch said the video was "so dumb that it's not even funny" and added it was "horrible, horrible. It's just not me."


Welch said he debated leaving the band over the past year-and-a-half and that he has upset a lot of people with his decision.




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maaa to zhare ima nevidjenu sposobnost da estrahuje tri informacije iz jedne reci.


ja uopste nisam to tako skontao.mislim prichao je neke stvari, ali nigde nije pljuvao bend.a spot nije njihova stvar, sumnjam da je hteo da tako pljuje bend.jer je je li besmisleno. biggrin.gif

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pa ja kako sam shvatio rekao je da nije mogao da odraste, dok je bio u kornu, da je bio i dalje jedno veliko dete, i da ne vidi vise sebe onako kako ga predstavljaju spotovi, i da ne moze da da dobar primer cerci dok je u kornu. dakle ovi sto su ostali, su jos deca, vide sebe na drugi nacin (sto ne mora obavezno da bude negativno ali cini mi se da je tako mislio) i ne daju dobar primer svojoj deci (sto je obavezno negativno)

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