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Ja sam danas posle ko zna koliko decenija instalirao drajvere za moj matori modem, tako da mi je pristup netu omogucen naredna 4-5 dana, posle toga komp pici sa mnom u BG, a posto zivim u kuci od pre hrista, nema telefona, nema neta, tako da me oplakujte dok mozete... Aj...

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Windsor For The Derby - Giving Up The Ghost [2005/Secretly Canadian/MP3/206 (VBR)]


With a name like Giving Up The Ghost, you might expect this album to be an exercise in fatalism. After all, Windsor For The Derby has been around for over a decade; for most of that time principal members Jason McNeely and Dan Matz have been based in different corners of the country (the former in Austin TX, the latter in different parts of New York state), and they’ve filled out the band with a long line of part-timers. But they’re far from shuffling off this mortal coil.



About a year ago McNeely joined Matz in Philadelphia, and they settled on a relatively stable line-up with returning bass/keyboardist Anna Neighbor and drummer Gianmarco Cilli (since replaced by Charlie Hall). The effect on the music is a subtle, yet palpable solidification. They’ve melded their early atmospheric excursions and the acoustic, song-based approach of The Emotional Rescue LP with the bold, '80s-tinged beats and intuitive guitar interplay that made last year’s We Fight Til Death so great. And like a batch of chili that’s better after a couple days in the pot, they’ve given these elements time to stew together; this is the first record that the band has recorded at a leisurely pace at home, rather than in a studio on a watch-tapping schedule.



The result is diverse yet coherent, and possessed of enough rhythmic wallop to dispel any titular phantoms. The brief, brisk opening instrumental, “Dirge For A Pack Of Lies,” uses harmonium and hand percussion to establish a caffeinated middle-eastern vibe that flows with paradoxical ease into the new wave-ish keyboard jam “Empathy For People Unknown.” Here and elsewhere, McNeely and Matz use an ear-grabbing guitar lick to resolve the tension between simple, catchy melodies and brooding lyrics. Next up are a couple songs with thick synth textures and bold drumming that bring to mind early New Order, but just as you’re ready to try and zip up your Members Only jacket, they switch up with “The Front,” an eerie, guitar-dominated instrumental. On side two, the changes come quicker and sharper, yet they feel as inevitable as the swings of a pendulum. “The Light Is On” is light and frothy, a tonic before the shuddering rave-up “Gathering.” Far from snuffing out, Windsor For The Derby sounds like a band with a new lease on life.

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kakav carski disk!! 233.gif233.gif233.gif


jeste da nisam nikad slušao melvins, ali ovo je SVE do jaja.


made out of babies najviše


opasno dobar bend.

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Preslusavam novi Arcturus, tek prva pesma doduse. Zvuci interesantno, malo cudan miks (bas skroz napred, pa tek onda ostalo), ne znam da li je do toga sto je neki promo ili sta li. Zvuci interesantno, ima razlike od prethodnih albuma, kao i svaki do sada, ali se vidi da je Arcturus.

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Veoma je dobar novi Oceansize, neki momenti su stvarno za razdusev, no, ipak, titula najboljeg britanskog rock albuma ove godine ide Martinu Grechu, nema sumnje.


Inace, Oceansize + Amplifier + Martin Grech - London Barfly, 15/8/05, kazu kvlt koncert bio...

Bratac... icon_frown.gif

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gretch mi se nije mnogo dopao zato sto se vidi da je on dosao sam u studio sa vokalima, textovima i idejama, a onda su neki nadrkani producenti i iznajmljeni gitaristi nabudzili i razbudzili sve sto su mogli..


trigerovan bubanj, preciste gitare..


izgubio mi se duh onoga sto je martin verovatno imao da kaze.


da ga je snimio sam na gajbi na 4-tracku verovatno bi bolje zvucao, ovako mi je mnoooogo sterilan.


hint hint: oceansize je ipak pravi bend, a martin neki lik kome su svirali na albumu

Edited by slowdiver

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slažem se da je: oceansize album > gretch album


ali tebra, mnogo je dobar martin.. mene nerviraju samo neki copy/paste NIN momenti..

album je vrh!





btw, sjebao sam nogu gadno.. sva mi plava. a gips sam skinuo sam. nožem i papagajkama. koji sam car. sad sedim ovde i ne mogu da ustanem. to znači da ću da napravim 100+ postova večeras. ako me ne odvedu u bolnicu ponovo

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haha care.


nego, aj budi srculence pa mi potrazi nesto od ovoga:


django reinhardt - swing de paris

charlie christian - the genius of the electric guitar

snooks eaglin - new orleans street singer

howlin' wolf - howlin' wolf

wes montgomery - incredible jazz guitar

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Jeste, Andy Ross mu je pomogao dosta, ko bi i odbio njegovu pomoc icon_smile.gif, ali kakve to veze ima, meni je muzika bitna, makar je potpisali i Kelly Family. Venis, Holy Father Inferior i Elixir su tri gromade koje poklapaju 98% Oceansize-ovog novog albuma.


hint hint: I Sufjanu Stevensu su svirali na albumu, pa je napravio album koji muzika odavno nije videla. Plus, Martin je tvoje godiste. Think about it.

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2slo-d: taj django je sranje.. skidao sam to već. muzika kao iz predratnih (koji rat?!) crno belih filmova.. sranje na kub.


a koliko vidim, ovo je sve u sličnom fazonu. aj videću.. tj ako ostanem u stanu, skinuću ti.

Edited by KRANG

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verujem da je martin dobar, samo ja obicno bljujem vatru na prvo slusanje.. videcu vec.


mada sam vise skrenuo paznju na produkciju nego na samog martina


rispekt za godiste.. ko zna, mozda da sam se rodio u engleskoj, mozda bih snimio bolji album pre njega icon_smile.gif



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trenutno ono sto me nervira kod gretch-a.


kad je radiohead momenat, peva u radiohead fazonu.

kad je NIN momenat peva u NIN fazonu.

Kad je Cure momenat, peva u Cure fazonu.


Slusao svu pravu muziku ali retko nesto njegovo izadje.


Znas sta bi bilo najbolje. Nadje nekog pevaca koji bruka peva ali uopste nema veze sa tom muzikom koju gretch slusa, tako da je odsutan od kradje u nekom smislu.


mislim nije nista onako copy/paste jadno, samo se vidi da gretch mnogo voli svoje uzore (kao i mi svi) zato je ipak bend bend u rock/metal muzici.

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