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Everything posted by feyd

  1. ej, ajde danas odboravi te fotke sa posla, plz
  2. http://www.myspace.com/mcvader slike sa Wacken-a.
  3. feyd


    danasnji rucak: blurry lasagna a la feydowsky. (ubacis sta nadjes, zalijes besamel sosom i namontiras da dobro izgleda)
  4. delovi nekih tunela postoje. navodno postoji podzemni hodnik izmedju dve crkve, i jos nekoliko tunela u centru grada. imajuci u vidu kakva je subotica bila pre 200-300 godina (barustina), nije mi potpuno jasno ko je bio toliko blesav da to sve gradi. i zasto.
  5. tajanstveni hodnici crnog cara. (nije nista dark/horror/sexy - samo nagadjanja o tome da li postoje ili ne postoje katakombe i podzemni hodnici ispod subotice, cak nije ni potpuno bez veze napisano)
  6. to je otprilike 4 (ili vise) osobe sa jednom glavom
  7. baruch da spinosa, posto covek koga kler proklinje na ovaj nacin: ..."we anathematise, cut off, execrate, and curse Baruch de Espinoza with the anathema wherewith Joshua anathematised Jericho, with the curse wherewith Elishah cursed the youths, and with all the curses which are written in the Law: cursed be he by day, and cursed be he by night; cursed be he when he lieth down, and cursed be he when he riseth up; cursed be he when he goeth out, and cursed be he when he cometh in; the Lord will not pardon him; the wrath and fury of the Lord will be kindled against this man, and bring down upon him all the curses which are written in the Book of the Law; and the Lord will destroy his name from under the heavens; and, to his undoing, the Lord will cut him off from all the tribes of Israel, with all the curses of the firmament which are written in the Book of the Law; but ye that cleave unto the Lord your God live all of you this day!"... cela prica je ovde -----> http://www.philosophyblog.com.au/the-excom...baruch-spinoza/ moj prijatelj zatim, immanuel kant, naravno, i njegov kategoricki imperativ. carthesius (renee descartes), sir isaac newton, albert einstein, nikola tesla ... itd, da ne smaram.
  8. type o negative - everything dies type o negative - white slavery opeth - benighted pantera - hollow damageplan - soulbleed queensryche - killing words i od pre dva dana nevermore - dreaming black neon i u "cheesy, but good" kategoriji type o negative - nettie, mozda i anesthesia.
  9. feyd


    mozda su najgori tripovi tzv. fizioloski snovi - sranja koje ljudi sanjaju usled npr. neprirodnog polozaja u kome spavaju, ili bola koji osecaju. moj najgori san te vrste je bio kada sam sanjala da nemam levu saku (koja je utrnula). i probudim se, a kad ono stvarno ne osecam saku. i tako nekih 5 minuta. uzas. sveopsti.
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