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Everything posted by Millosh_024

  1. Dakle,na mnogim Black Metal albumima se zalomi i po koji klasičarski,gitarski ili klavijaturski instrumental....koji je po vama najbolji? Cradle of filth znaju da naprave dobar ali moj glas bez razmišljanja ide Emepror-The wanderer. Takvo smenjivanje i dopunjavanje gitare i klavijatura nikada ni pre ni posle nisam čuo. Ni približno.
  2. Millosh_024


    Hehehe...upravo pregledam Emperial live ceremony. Zapalo mi je za oko kako Ihsahn trgne glavu na gore kada spomene Equilibrium. Naravno,tu je i onaj trenutak sa "I am the chalanger of Gravitiiiii-hiiii---waaaahhh!!!!!" (a na albumu ide "I am the chalanger of Gravitiii-hiii-iiiiiyyy....." Očigledno mu puko glas na koncertu. ) Ali ipak....najbolji momenat ; (najava za I am the black wizards) "You know this next one. I want you to really bang your heads on this one" ili kako je Ihsahn to sročio; "Ju nou dis nekst van. Aj vont ju tu rili BENG jor heds on dis van!" Urnebesno! D00d,just shutthefuckup and play!
  3. Slažem se...lepo si objasnio i sviđa mi se primer mada...šuštanje....ali eto isto tako i gitaristi preteruju sa prženjem tako da nisu bubnjari jedini. Basiste da ni ne spominjemo....a klavijaturiste... Uostalom,ako je produkcija sranje tu ni Animal iz Muppet Show-a ne može da pomogne. (recimo,kad si već spomenuo Emperor, na I.T.N.E produkcija NIJE loša i mnogo mi se sviđa kako je sve odsvirano iako su kasniji albumi tehnički savršeniji. A stare pesme su sranje snimljene i onda neko ne može da provali da je zapravo odlična kompozicija u pitanju.) P.S - E,da...jesi poslušao Live verziju "Night of the graveless souls"? Eto,tu svira,naravno, Trym....mada opet,live verzija je i zna se šta to podrazumeva ali opet je utisak da bez obzira na blastove,kojih u toj pesmi još i nema puno kao u nekim drugi...i činele dolaze do izražaja. A i gledati sve to kako izgleda...
  4. Uuuu....najebali bi im se keve! Ovo me je podsetilo na onu foru iz Futurame kada su killer-robots krenuli da tamane ljude i Gen. Zapp Branigan uspe da ih pobedi. Kada su ga pitali kako je uspeo rekao je "shvatio sam da svaki robot radi na sistemu koji se isključi kada robot dostigne određen broj maximalnih ubistava. Shvativši to,slao sam talas po talas svojih jedinica dok se svi nisu isključili". U drugoj epizodi "evo ga Admiral Branigan koji se upravo vratio ostvarivši pobedu nad Pacifistima iz Ghandi sistema" Ok,da ne bude sve off topic....evo nekih osnovnih stvari o Islamu; Islam, one of the three major world religions, along with Judaism and Christianity, that profess monotheism, or the belief in a single God. In the Arabic language, the word Islam means “surrender” or “submission”—submission to the will of God. A follower of Islam is called a Muslim, which in Arabic means “one who surrenders to God.” The Arabic name for God, Allah, refers to the same God worshiped by Jews and Christians. Islam’s central teaching is that there is only one all-powerful, all-knowing God, and this God created the universe. This rigorous monotheism, as well as the Islamic teaching that all Muslims are equal before God, provides the basis for a collective sense of loyalty to God that transcends class, race, nationality, and even differences in religious practice. Thus, all Muslims belong to one community, the umma, irrespective of their ethnic or national background. Within two centuries after its rise in the 7th century, Islam spread from its original home in Arabia into Syria, Egypt, North Africa, and Spain to the west, and into Persia, India, and, by the end of the 10th century, beyond to the east. In the following centuries, Islam also spread into Anatolia and the Balkans to the north, and sub-Saharan Africa to the south. The Muslim community comprises about 1 billion followers on all five continents, and Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. The most populous Muslim country is Indonesia, followed by Pakistan and Bangladesh. Beyond the Middle East, large numbers of Muslims live in India, Nigeria, the former republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and China. One of the reasons for the growth of the Muslim community has been its openness to new members. Children born to Muslim parents are automatically considered Muslim. At any time, a non-Muslim can convert to Islam by declaring himself or herself to be a Muslim. A person’s declaration of faith is sufficient evidence of conversion to Islam and need not be confirmed by others or by religious authorities. II THE TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD Around the year ad 570 Muhammad, the founding prophet of Islam, was born in Mecca, at the time the central city of the Arabian Peninsula. Some 40 years later Muhammad started preaching a new religion, Islam, which constituted a marked break from existing moral and social codes in Arabia. The new religion of Islam taught that there was one God, and that Muhammad was the last in a series of prophets and messengers. Through his messengers God had sent various codes, or systems of laws for living, culminating in the Qur’an (Koran), the holy book of Islam. These messengers were mortal men, and they included among many others Moses, the Hebrew prophet and lawgiver, and Jesus, whom Christians believe to be the son of God rather than a prophet. The Teachings of Muhammad During the early 7th century, a trader named Muhammad was meditating in a cave near Mecca in what is now Saudi Arabia, when he experienced a vision of the archangel Gabriel who declared Muhammad to be a prophet of God. Other revelations followed, and Muhammad began to preach to others, reciting in verse the instructions he had received from God. These revelations became the Koran, the sacred scripture of Islam. In this passage from Muhammad’s teachings, he teaches his followers, called Muslims, to lead a righteous life through their faith and works. Islam also taught that the Christian Bible (which includes the Hebrew Bible as the Old Testament and an additional 27 books referred to as the New Testament), and the Qur'an were all holy books. According to the Qur’an, the two earlier Scriptures had been altered over time from their original forms given by God, while the Qur'an would remain perfect, preserved by God from such distortion. In addition to distinguishing itself from the Hebrew and Christian traditions, the new religion taught that the God of Islam had provided humanity with the means to know good from evil, through the prophets and the Qur’an. Therefore, on the Day of Judgment people will be held accountable for their actions. Muhammad’s teachings met with severe and hostile opposition, and in the year 622 he left Mecca and sought refuge in the city of Yathrib, as a number of his followers had already done. Upon Muhammad's arrival, the name Yathrib was changed to Medina (meaning “the city”). The date of Muhammad's immigration was later set as the beginning of the 12-month lunar Islamic calendar. During the ten years between his arrival in Medina and his death in ad 632, Muhammad laid the foundation for the ideal Islamic state. A core of committed Muslims was established, and a community life was ordered according to the requirements of the new religion. In addition to general moral injunctions, the requirements of the religion came to include a number of institutions that continue to characterize Islamic religious practice today. Foremost among these were the five pillars of Islam, the essential religious duties required of every adult Muslim who is mentally able. The five pillars are each described in some part of the Qur’an and were already practiced during Muhammad's lifetime. They are the profession of faith (shahada), prayer (salat), almsgiving (zakat), fasting (sawm), and pilgrimage (hajj). Although some of these practices had precedents in Jewish, Christian, and other Middle Eastern religious traditions, taken together they distinguish Islamic religious practices from those of other religions. The five pillars are thus the most central rituals of Islam and constitute the core practices of the Islamic faith. Many polemical descriptions of Islam have focused critically on the Islamic concept of jihad. Jihad, considered the sixth pillar of Islam by some Muslims, has been understood to mean holy war in these descriptions. However, the word in Arabic means "to struggle" or "to exhaust one's effort," in order to please God. Within the faith of Islam, this effort can be individual or collective, and it can apply to leading a virtuous life; helping other Muslims through charity, education, or other means; preaching Islam; and fighting to defend Muslims. Western media of the 20th century continue to focus on the militant interpretations of the concept of jihad, whereas most Muslims do not. The absolute focus of Islamic piety is Allah, the supreme, all knowing, all-powerful, and above all, all-merciful God. The Arabic word Allah means “the God,” and this God is understood to be the God who brought the world into being and sustains it to its end. By obeying God's commands, human beings express their recognition of and gratitude for the wisdom of creation, and live in harmony with the universe. The profession of faith, or witness to faith (shahada), is therefore the prerequisite for membership in the Muslim community. On several occasions during a typical day, and in the saying of daily prayers, a Muslim repeats the profession, "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his prophet." There are no formal restrictions on the times and places these words can be repeated. To become a member of the Muslim community, a person has to profess and act upon this belief in the oneness of God and the prophethood of Muhammad. To be a true profession of faith that represents a relationship between the speaker and God, the verbal utterance must express genuine knowledge of its meaning as well as sincere belief. A person’s deeds can be subjected to scrutiny by other Muslims, but a person’s utterance of the profession of faith is sufficient evidence of membership in the Muslim community and cannot be challenged by other members of this community.
  5. Jebiga, možda je stvar predrasude. Jednostavno treba shvatiti da nogama samo daje podlogu onome što radi rukama. Kao zvučni zid na koji onda prospe sve ono što mlati rukama. I možda se onda slušalac tu zajebe pa umesto da se skoncentriše na ručni rad, stavi u prvi plan rad nogu i onda mo normalno ide na živce monotonija jer ipak...koliko stilova i načina trčanja postoji!?
  6. Pacifizam. Pacifism, opposition to war and other violence, expressed either in an organized political movement or as an individual ideology. Pacifism varies from a form that is absolute and doctrinal to a relative and more practical form. Absolute pacifists are against all wars and against violence in any form whatsoever; relative pacifists are selective of the wars and violence they oppose. Most absolute pacifists stress the immorality of the taking of one person's life by another person. The philosophy of pacifism has been propounded throughout history on grounds of morality, divine will, or economic and social utility; the term itself, however, did not become popular until early in the 20th century.
  7. Ovo ima smisla? Ako ti je Biblija bolja zato što je nerealnija...pa,onda slobodno možeš da je zameniš sa "lord of the rings"....mnogo bolja fantazija. Nemoj da misliš da pljujem po Bibliji. Daleko bilo. Odlična je ali je izvučena van konteksta. Kada bi bilo onako kako u njoj piše ovaj svet ne bi ličio na ovo na šta sada liči a hrišćanstvo bi bilo daleko od globalnog virusa čije karakteristike ispoljava vekovima već bi vladao mir u svetu. Boriti se za mir ratom je isto kao jebati se da bi sačuvao nevinost.
  8. Ništa Ihsahn? Mislim da bi na ovakvim temama trebalo da bude mandatorno glasanje. Paja Patak definitivno!
  9. Da...moglo bi se reći "jao,pazi ga kako samo brzo sedi!!!"
  10. Da ali ustvari....na kojoj pesmu kao ne blista?!
  11. Villain,očigledno je da nisi u stanju da sagledaš situaciju na realan način zbog predrasuda.
  12. Nećeš se pokajati. Rain je odličan album (najviše mi se sviđa "smell the witch) ali je malo mekši od "the grudge" koji mi je ovih dana stalno u glavi. Naslovna je najbolja pesma do sada od ove faze. 3. The Grudge Trying to think of you as come kind of heroin. Trying to think of you as somethin' that will fade with time. Trying to think of you as some kind of distant sin. Trying to think of you as yesterday's forgotten dream. Things that you said, and the things that you never did. Things that you did, and the things that you never said. Left me empty and alone, kinda tryin' to atone. Empty and alone, the only thing that's real. You must be an emotional heretic. Your word has become like shit on a stick. No matter how hard I tried. Someone close to me lied, now I carry the grudge. Things that you said, and the things that you never did. Things that you did, and the things that you never said. Left me empty and alone, kinda tryin' to atone. Empty and alone, the only thing that's real. How could someone be so elusive? How could someone be so fuckin' passive? Even if I walk through all the circles of hell for you You wouldn't even piss on me. But it's too late, it's too late my dear. Because I'm already there! You've become an emotional heretic. Your word was always shit on a stick. No matter how hard I tried. You fucking had to lie. Empty and alone, the only thing that's real! Empty and alone, the only thing that's real! Empty and alone, the only thing that's real! Empty and alone, the only thing that's real! How can someone be so elusive? How can someone be so fuckin' passive? Even if I walk through all the circles of hell for you. You wouldn't even piss on me. But it's too late, it's too late my dear. Because I'm already there!
  13. Millosh_024


    Nije mi jasno zašto. Možda se radi o onom "kada urlaš kao da ti vade jetru na živo dok ti stiskaju jaja klještima, dok pališ,siluješ,uništavaš, prizivaš sotonu... e,tada si cool a čim počneš da se malo zanimaš za druge stvar ti si prodana duša i ko te jebe!" I Mortiisa pljuju odkako je odlučio da ispuzi iz tamnice bez obzira što su mu zadnja dva albuma perfektan cyber metal u najboljem duhu NIN-a. Prometheus....Meni se odmah na prvo slušanje svideo iako me je poprilično iznenadio. A bio sam spreman na promenu. Što se mene tiče ne mogu da rangiram albume. Svaki je na svoj način. E,sad...stvar ukusa. Ja sam generalno gledano svaštar tako da ne robujem formama tipa "to nije black! To je sranje!" dobra muzika je dobra muzika i to je jedino bitno. Kao što rekoh, možda mi se malo više sviđa Peccatum od Zyklona ali kada se spoje ta dva benda definitivno se dobije Emperor. (pošto nije slučajno da su se formirali raspadom istog.) Prometheus jeste 80% Ihsahn ali svejedno mu nije prišao kao da je Peccatum album već kao da je Emperor album što i jeste. Inače,ako neko ima Ashes kompilaciju,kada se sluša gotovo da se i ne primete razlike albuma. Dobro, primeti se kada uzmeš recimo Wizards i Empty ali ako se ide redom...mnogo je manje upadljiva razlika.
  14. Millosh_024


    KHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meni i dalje nije jasno kako je moguće da onoliko buke,onolika količina zvukova natrpana na jedno mesto može da zvuči tako....sav taj haos a opet harmonija. To normalan um ne može da zamisli i iskomponuje. Mislim,jebote, na Anthems-u, sve vrvi od gitaraskih,bubnjarskih zidova a pored svega toga čuješ klavijature i glas i to je u prvom planu a ne sve ono ostalo što divlja na sve strane od energije.
  15. Millosh_024


    Normalno. E,sad...to što neki ograničeni dripci viču "To više nije black, znači sranje je, znači prodali su se...." Ko i jebe! Slušajte ITNE do besvesti i svi zadovoljni. Emperor ne bi ni pribložno ovoliko odličan da su snimili ITNE I, ITNE II, ITNE III, ITNE IV.......svaki album je zaseban i na svoj način genijalan.
  16. Millosh_024


    Diskutabilno je da li je IX doista black...ali dobro,nije ni bitno zaista. Meni se sva četiri albuma sviđaju,svaki na svoj način. Najlakše sam se primio na IX, i meni je to prvi album od njih koji sam kupio...posle toga na Anthems (možda je to ipak najbolji...obožavam klavijature na tom albumu) pa na Prometheus i još nisam 100% sa Nightshade ali idem polako tamo... Uhhh...jedino mi je žao što je nestao onaj osećaj pri prvim slušanjima Emperor albuma....majko mila,koji je to bio moćan osećaj...mislim,i sada je ali sad kad znaš šta sve čuješ....a nije to baš sasvim to jer kada te mlati na sve strane onako izgubljenog...
  17. Pa,cela poenta je da jeste bitno. Ako je ambijentalna muzika onda to nije za ovaj topic. Ovaj topic je za njegova dva zadnja albuma koji su u cyber fazonu. Valjda toliko možeš da proceniš o tome što imaš...
  18. Možda nađeš angažman u nekom grind bendu.
  19. Ima neko da mi proda svoj primerak tog broja? Plaćam u naturi.
  20. Možda bi svet bio bolje mesto kada bi sve ovo bilo filozofija a ne religija....
  21. Nešto me mrzi da na ovo odgovorim. Sorry. Možda neki drugi put.
  22. Ummm...da ali si zapravo samo stavila track-listing sa "slight case of overbombing".
  23. "Bend traži devojku koja neodoljivo podseća na Tarju iz Nightwish-a." Glas apsolutno nebitan.
  24. hmmm...uglavnom odmah detektujem sarkazam ali evo ni sad nakon što poslušah klip....mislim,ono....nit smrdi nit miriše. Jedino što baš i ne zvuči kao nešto što bi on svirao...
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