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imam taj poster iz hard metala u sobi vec godinama. imao sam i gomilu tih brojeva (ukljuchujuci te sa trodelnim intervjuom), dao mi neki lik shto zivi blizu moje babe kad sam josh bio klinac, imao sam mozda 12 godina. mislilm da sam mu ih vratio kad sam ih dobro izuchio.

imam i sepulturin poster iz arise perioda, takodje iz hard metala, stoji mi pored monitora.

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Guest srbinpravoslavac

Kao prvo, Kirk Hammett nije isao u skolu Erica Claptona vec Joe Satriani-a. Kao drugo, solazu na I Dissapear porediti sa bilo kojom solazom Dejva sa prvih 5 albuma je u najmanju ruku idiotski. Kao trece, bend, za koji sebe smatras dovoljno kompetentnim da ga komentarises se zove Megadeth a ne megadeath. Cetvrto, Megadeth je u svojoj postavi od 83e pa na ovamo imao 5 razlicitih bubnjara od kojih 3 ne da su bolja od Ulricha, nego Ulrich zasluzuje da ide na kolenima za njima ljubeci put po kojima oni gaze. Peto, ako je Metallica prodala vise albuma to znaci samo jedno - popularniji su bend, ali nikako ne znaci da su kvalitetniji, cak to nema veze jedno s drugim. Sesto - Klif duva svakog basisu Metalike????? wtf... ne kapiram ovo, izgleda da si pogresan bend upotrebio, ali OK, bices bolji!!! Sedmo, ako Mustaine ima glas kao promukli jarac, onda Hetfield ima glas kao stogodisnjak koji je ostao bez proteze. Osmo, kojih to pola albuma Megadetha su zivo njesra??? objasni ovo molim te...


Kao deveto i najvaznije - pun mi vas je kurac vas (tebe i hiljade njih pre tebe) sto napravite nalog na forumu i od prvog posta krecete da dizete Metaliku u nebesa, a pljujete Megadeth iz nekog razloga. Samo cu reci jednu stvar - odrastite... Ja razumem da je vecina vas jos u osnovnoj skoli, ali vreme ce vas nauciti mnoge stvari. Jos mnogo metal albuma cete preslusati i onda cete se setiti vasih, najblaze receno, glupih postova!!! Slazem se da je Metalika super bend sa kojim bi neko poceo da slusa Heavy Metal, verovatno zbog svoje jednostavnosti i minimalizma kojima njihova muzika obiluje. Tek posle, kada krenete da slusate ozbiljnije stvari, koje u ovom trenutku ne slusate, naterace vas da razmislite malo i vidite da ima i drugih, puno boljih bendova od Metalike. Medjutim, onaj koji ne prodje tu pocetnu fazu i ostane da slusa Metaliku ceo zivot (a ima ih), taj iskreno i ne zasluzuje da cuje predivne opuse bendova tipa Testament, Exodus, Slayer, Muncipal Waste, Overkill, Vio-lence, Megadeth, Anthrax, Destruction, Tankard, Sodom, Kreator, pa zatim domacu metal scenu itd itd...




Sucessful troll is sucessful. :spava:

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Guest srbinpravoslavac

ako si trol onda si previshe ochigledan, ako nisi jebiga, vishe srece u narednom zivotu.

jebiga, ne bi da se hvalim, al ovo mi bese najuspeliji ulov ikada. Sad ce da bude prikazano na nasem forumu. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

MEGADETH mainman DAVE MUSTAINE has posted the following statement about how he miraculously recovered from pissing blood through the power of prayer. All this took place in Russia and the good thing was, by managing the strength to play atleast six songs, the band was able to get paid for a full set from concert promoters.


"Last night I was getting ready for the concert, and two hours before the show, I started to feel like I had a hernia, or more like I had been hit in the groin.

I told my tour manager that I needed a doctor and that there was no way I was going to get through this on my own; that I thought it might be in my best interest to consider canceling the show.

Now I rarely, if ever cancel shows, and after 45 minutes of prayer with my loving wife and sweating like a dog, I was told to pee for the doctors. They then explained that there was blood in my urine. I was mad; I would say pissed, but that is an obvious pun.

So they gave me an IV, and analgesic, and an anti-inflammatory injection. The next hour is kinda blurry, but I woke up and David (Ellefson) was holding my hand and praying over me, and even Tom (Araya) and Dave (Lombardo) from SLAYER came in to check on me, so I knew I was gonna be ok.


For now.


And to anyone that thinks Tom and I are still opposed, I feel sorry for you.


Anyway, when I woke up, they said that there was so many people outside of the venue still, that they could hold the show for 30 additional minutes, and I said, 'Guys, I am ok, and we can do this.'

Well, the doctors were not amused at all.

But then again, they have never met the likes of one Dave Mustaine.

I told the band that I was 'ok' going on for a few songs, to at least help the fans feel a teensy bit better, and that not to allow the promoter to cancel the show. Please don't get me wrong, the promoter did not want me to cancel, but he also was concerned with my health.


So what was said was this:

Dave Mustaine has become seriously ill (the kidney stone and the blood in my urine), and the doctors are INSISTING he goes to the hospital.

The crowd immediately voiced their displeasure, and right then, perfectly timed, the promoter finished by saying, 'But Dave Mustaine is refusing to go to hospital until he can play a few songs for you. So, stand by, because coming up next, Megadeth!'


The fans lost it.


So we were going to play four songs and someone said, Let's play 'Trust', 'Sweating Bullets', 'Symphony Of Destruction', 'Peace Sells', and the 'Holy Wars' reprise, and I said, We have to play 'A Tout Le Monde', and let's put that in before 'Sweating' and if I can't do it, then I will just skip it, and we can just go to 'Symphony'.

Well, it turns out that all of my friends were praying for me and when the lights went out the audience went off!

I ended up playing all six songs after all, and I truly believe it was the prayer that got that stone out of me.


I feel 95.7% better today, and I don't want anyone else to worry. I am a tough old skunk, and so I am taking this time to explain in more detail than I normally would about a physical matter.


Thank you to everyone who prayed for me, and for everyone that continues to pray for me.

And now, I have a concert I must go to. God bless you all, and now everyone who prayed for me, please pray for Jeff Hanneman of Slayer."





Sad znam šta da radim kada budem zapatio kamen u bubregu.

Edited by Lou

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Od kada su otisli Samuelson i Poland, Ellefson ostaje najbolji svirac u Megadeth-u, do dana danasnjeg.


Takodje, ovoga puta bih se slozio sa Towerom da je pola albuma Megadeth-a sranje, a ja sam ih i preslusao, mnogo puta, neke cak i previse.

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