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Planescape Torment

Jabba the Hutt

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Dogurao do Dead Nations-a, lomatam se sa undeadovima i cranium pacovima. I ovo je prvi put da pokusavam da igram kao mage, dotle sam uvek bio fighter.

No imam jedan quest sa undeadovima, postoje ta dva kostura jedan koji postavlja jednu zagonetku, a drugi vise, pa se sa njim mogu nadmetati za odgovor te jedne kod ovog drugog. Cini mi se da mi treba veci wisdom ili intelligence jer nikako ne uspevam od drugog da izvucem informaciju, i uvek me pobedi sa zagonetkom. :redface:

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Da, da, ako imas dovoljan intelligence dobices tacan odgovor, inace ima tu par stvari koji ce ti kasnije trebati, tako da precesljaj dobro taj ceo region.


Btw. ako ti bas fali intelligence, odes do Fell-a (on ti je kod Smoldering Corpse Bar) i uzmes neku tetovazu koja ti povecava intelligence.

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Kada si kreirao lika trebao si nagruvati na max wis/intel (mada realno kao i za bilo koju klasu, zbog memorije i dijaloga, posle kada krenes da se lvl-ujes udaras po ostalim atributima) ako si vec planirao da igras kao mage, a zatim ono sta ti ostane da popunis charismu.

Mada realno i ja sam ovaj drugi put igrao kao mage, ali retko kada sam bacao magije jer sam resio skoro svaki quest pa mi je fight na normal bio realno kao na easy, nagruvao sam experience.

Msm. da ti treba intelligence 16 da resis tu zagonetku, probaj da iskoristis jedan cranium rat charm, trebao bi da dobijes privremeno +1 intelligence.

Edited by light_blue

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Ima neki gajd od jos pre sto godina, ugl. poenta je za najbolji gejmplej, da ne propustis nista, treba ti valjda 15 cha i 16 int i naravno nabiflana na maks wisdom (koja je ono esencijalan stat za SVE - vise xp-a, dijaloga, memorija kojih se setis, bla bla). Sa takvim statistikama jedino mage-a ima i poente igrati, ali srecom Nameless je prilicno solidan kao mag pa je igrivo skroz cak i na vecim tezinama. Smor je igrati kao strvina, propustis pola sadrzaja igre.

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Zanimljiva pričica o nastanku omota.


I had a cover stunt before, back in the year 1999 or so when we were finalizing a computer game called “Planescape: Torment” that I was producing for Interplay at the time. An ad agency had a cover design laid out and we had booked a male model for the cover shoot. About a day before the shoot, news came in that the model had a scheduling conflict and would not make it. While we were sitting around the office and wondered what to do, someone looked at me and said, “Maybe you should be the model.” I thought it was joke at first but everyone in the room looked at me and went, “Yeah, why don’t you?”




Well, who am I to say no? So, the next day I went to the photo shoot. The really cool part about it is that we needed a monster-like look on the cover, as the character to be portrayed was undead. The agency had hired Hollywood special effects guru Tom Burman for the job, so I went to his workshop in Burbank. It was bit surreal, to walk into his studio and seeing all the work he had done on all sorts of movies, going way back to the original “Planet of the Apes” movies.




The next few hours were a completely new experience for me. Tom applied prosthetic make-up to my face – a process that took about two hours if memory serves me right. Applying layers and strip of latex to my face he slowly transformed me into a demonic-looking creature. Then, to top it off, he hand-painted the entire make-up to give it a realistic look that would hold up under the glaring light of a camera.

The photographer then took a series of shots of my face, trying to capture what we needed for the cover layout and about 45 minutes later it was time to take it all off again.




Just on a fun side note, my face was red as a beet and burned for the rest of the day, because of the solvent that was used to remove the appliances. Nonetheless, it was all well worth it, and as you can see in the pictures, it was a lot of fun. A once-in-a-liftetime experience, really, and an incredible honor to meet Tom Burman and actually have him work on me.

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Yup, omot koji se lako pamti, uostalom kao većina igara sa kraja 90-tih ka 00-tima, nijedna nova igra nema omot koji mi upadne u oči, i ostane u sećanju...


Razmišljam da ponovo instaliram igru i da je pređem na konto preporuka sa statistikama koje sam pre dobijao. A i udari svaki put nostalgija kada iskopam nešto novo o igri, bio to intervju ili ovakva sitnica.

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