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King Diamond


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e stvarno ovo moram da vas pitam....svi kazu drugacije...da li je King Diamond Heavy!!!!!????? :? :?

svuda procitam da jeste u katalozima....a neki mi kazu nije...apa moram da vas pitam...hvala!!!! biggrin.gif


Well, King Diamond ima specifican stil... Nije klasican power, a nije ni heavy, a daleko od thrasha... On sve to spaja na najbolji moguci nacin. Opet, ima jakih elemenata heavy metala...


Uostalom, boli te kita sta je - vazno je da je King jedan od najboljih!!! biggrin.gifa: biggrin.gifa: biggrin.gifa:

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pa da probamo nadam se da ce im se svideti.....heh....mora da im se svidi King..

hmm.da pocnemo.ono najbolji albumi pesme...textovi ( price ) i slicno!


meni su naj albumi naravno House Of God i The Graveyard..a pesme sa njih ...sve su super a naj su House Of god..Help,Iam not a stranger,i tako!!!!

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Da,Kralj definitivno svira neki....dark heavy power( 8O )recimo.

Inace jedan od mojih najomiljenijih bendova!

A za album stvarno ne mogu da se odlucim.

Od Fatal Portrait,koji je perfektan album pogotovu The Lake pesma,Abigail(fenomenalan album),The Graveyard(Najmracniji Kraljev album),Voodoo(Ceo album jedna fenomalna prica,ko je cito tekstove shvatice zasto),fenomenalni rifovi,odlicni vokali,House of God odlican(mada je bolji Voodoo),a ovaj zadnji nisam slusao :cry::cry::cry: .




p.s.napokon tema a da nema m******a!


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Nema taj čovek loših albuma. Samo su dobri i manje dobri.

Mani će uvek najbolji biti "Abigail", "Them", "Conspiracy" i "The Eye".

Ako moram da biram pesme, "Sleepless Nights", ceo "Abigail" a posebno "The Four Horsemen" i "7th July 1777" i "Burn".

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Haha,ne znam da li je po istinitom dogadjaju ili ne to nikad nije hteo da kaze,inace u bookletu ima pismo koje je on kao napisao,to pismo je u stvari uvod u album,glasi ovako:


"To whom it may concern.


I am scared to death.9 years ago they finally let me out,and I

was just beginning to feel better.I am not Myself any longer.

I guess You could not even recognize My face if you saw Me now.

That phone call 2 hours ago has torn me apart.It was Grandma.

She invited me back to the old house.I do not want to go back,

but I must.Maybe you will understand my fear if I tell

you happened during my childhood.


18 years ago I was living with my mother and

my sister Missy in Grandmas old house.I had

been told that Grandma was away on a long vacation,

and that she would soon return.She did.


I have later find out that she was actually being released

from that same asylum"She's insane",they said when she

kept babbling about "THEM".I still cannot make up

my mind about who really separate Grandpas head

from his shoulders.You see"THEY" were always so

nice to me.


Anyway,time is short and I must leave for the old

house.So here is what happened 18 years ago.And

in case we never see each other again,at least you

will know why.


I bet we are going to have tea."



K.D. 3-12-87




A pesmu je stvarno tesko odabrati,bio bi to poduzi spisak.

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