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Everything posted by TOOL

  1. aa... mozes to da sharujes ? ? ako imas neki upload ?
  2. cuo neko ? treba mi mp3... samo NEMA NIGDEE..uf.. no, inace.. neko cuo za ovaj industrial band ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRKEErmwo1o meni to zvuci odlicno
  3. to ko da si reko : ne volim jagode, vise volim repu
  4. eh, da , razmisljao sam nesto da promenim te magnete... moze neko da pojasni meni (idiotu) koji su mi magneti idealni za kopiju les paula, pa cu se ja raspitati ko moze da mi ih promeni... edit: e da, i koliko bi me to sve kostalo..dal da planiram to uopste..
  5. a garant si imo fenixa :S xD ... e hvala na odgovoru, znaci, da manim lampasa.. razmislicu jos, kontao sam ovog MG50DFX jer nemam bas vise kesa.. a i za to trebam tek da vidim..ih..ionako dobijam stipendiju xD jos cu videti za ovog AVT50 marshalla.. necu nista manje od 50W drug ima prostor sa bubnjevima.. dobro da si mi ti odgovorio, inace bi neki heavy metalac sa posebnim sluhom i ukusom pokusao da me ubedi kako je marshall samo brend il stavec...ono kao, fender i tu neki line6...ih... u svakom slucaju hvala...
  6. phew.. ok.. prosao sam kroz svaku stranu teme, naravno nisam bas sve citao... trazio sam odgovor, i nisam nasao nista ( mada moze covek dosta nauciti iz vasih postova) zato sad pitam.. elem, odlucio sam da prodam igracku od 15W i kupim nesto dobro..nesto sto kontam da je po mom ukusu, marshalla. imam fenixa, kopiju les paula..jbg kontam niko nije cuo za tu marku..proizvodilo se samo 90te i 91ve.. volim rok i grunge pa sam skontao od ljudi da je ono sto mi treba - lampas. trazio sam po netu o marshallu, i porpilicno nista posebno nisam saznao..jedino da mi se svideo ovaj MG50DFX ... e sad, da li to lampas ????? to nikako da skontam... il imitira lampasa... jbg ne znam, ne razumem se toliko, samo me interesuje kako sad da znam koji je marshall lampas, ili...da nisu svi marshalli lampasi ?il su valvestatovci (citao sam o tome da je to nesto pola-pola..?) ako nisu onda sam postavio urnebesno glupo pitanje za vas profi tonce/elektricare/stavec... ali moram znati, jer bi kupio tako nesto..od 50 W.. naravno combo mi treba, nemam ja tih para za glave... no, unapred hvala
  7. pokidao sam se kad sam video... @topic, jbg najlespi mi je les paul... jednostavan i lep.. ovo ostalo je popala.. sto se izgleda tice..
  8. : | dobar je nin i uvek ce biti...samo kad bi ih neko doveo, kao sto tool dolaze, sto ne bi i ovi ????????????
  9. hvala puno dushane za info. e sad znam da strasno smaram, al me interesuje sad samo za software sledece, registrovao sam ga i kako sam skontao ima taj isti registracioni kod stalno bez obzirra koliko sam ga puta reinstalirao, uninstalirao pa ponovo instalirao.. problem je sto svaki put kad startujem program izbaci mi send error report ili don't send i izadje iz programa.. takodje ako se program slucajno upali ne mogu da mu promenim audio settings jer mi inace izbaci istu tu opciju za don't send i opet mi izadje iz programa... pa me interesuje da nije to mozda zbog registracionog koda ? ili do prokletog windowsa ? ako ovo znaci propast , dal postoji slican program guitar rigu, malo gori..ili cak malo bolji ?
  10. uf probao sam... imam integrisanu zvucnu karticu i zvuk je uzasan.. :C proguglao sam na netu i nasao neki ASIO4ALL program.. i sad svaki put kad poteram guitar rig na ASIO audio settingu iskljci mi program..kao onaj error report sht ... se moze nesto uciniti ?
  11. :/ ehem.. gitara=----=marshal pedala=-----=komp ... :/ glavno pitanje " jel mi treba guitar rig pedala ? jel mogu direkt gitaru u komp da 'nabijem' ?"
  12. nov sam za guitar rig i interesuje me dal je neophodna ona gr pedala ili mogu jednostavno obicnog marshala da nabijem ?
  13. e imam kao promo album..i neke falove.. i ne kontam koja je poenta svega ovog.. al evo vam YEAR ZERO: Links myspace.com/nin nin.com yearzero.nin.com http://symphonyofnoise.com/nails/yearzero/ artisresistance.com http://www.artisresistance.com/warning_tools.htm http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=399108993&size=l anotherversionofthetruth.com http://anotherversionofthetruth.com/audio/opalo.mp3 http://anotherversionofthetruth.com/opal.htm http://anotherversionofthetruth.com/audio/ballgameOver.mp3 http://anotherversionofthetruth.com/audio/nohurry.mp3 http://anotherversionofthetruth.com/forum.htm http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com/missing.htm http://anotherversionofthetruth.com/end.htm http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com/resist.htm http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com/cops.htm http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com/artist.htm http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v699/mea.../tourtshirt.jpg http://www.symphonyofnoise.com/nails/YearZ...intourshirt.jpg bethehammer.org http://www.bethehammer.net http://www.bethehammer.net/mallory.htm ChurchOfPlano.com hollywoodinmemoriam.org/ http://www.hollywoodinmemoriam.org/memoriam.htm http://www.theninhotline.net/archives/news.../invitation.jpg http://iamtryingtobelieve.com http://www.iamtryingtobelieve.com/purpose.htm http://www.iamtryingtobelieve.com/whatis.htm http://105thairbornecrusaders.com/ http://105thairbornecrusaders.com/history.htm http://www.105thairbornecrusaders.com/memories.htm http://deadcop-opal.com/ http://www.consolidatedmailsystems.com/citizen_unknown/ http://www.consolidatedmailsystems.com/nooneimportant/ http://www.consolidatedmailsystems.com/nooneimportant/# http://www.consolidatedmailsystems.com/noo...es/email_02.jpg http://www.consolidatedmailsystems.com/noo...es/email_03.jpg http://www.consolidatedmailsystems.com/noo...es/email_04.jpg http://www.consolidatedmailsystems.com/noo...es/email_05.jpg http://www.echoingthesound.org/phpbbx/view...7971825d9ec181b http://www.echoingthesound.org/phpbbx/viewtopic.php?t=20265 http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&a...sa=N&tab=wi http://www.sendspace.com/file/0jsdw9 http://www.argn.com/ http://www.opalescenthaze.com/ http://www.uswiretap.com/case_number_required/ http://www.uswiretap.com/71839J/ http://inthistwilight.com/ http://www.securebroadcastinformatics.com/ http://www.solutionsbackwardsinitiative.net/pilgrims/ http://www.physics.uconn.edu/~mallett/main..._activities.htm http://symphonyofnoise.com/nails/yearzero/ [email protected] http://cloudmakers.org/ http://mygoaldiscussion.blogspot.com/ Release Date 04-17-2007 24th/october/2008 possible release date of next album after year zero as 24.10.8 ..--- ....- .- .- .- .---- ----- .- .- .- .---- 2 4 a a a 1 0 a a a 1 (parts of some morse-code left on one of the flash drives) along with a mp3 titled "2432" containing a sortof whistled/cricket chirp morse code of some sort which was with the first leak of "me I'm not" 13102951040 is the phone number found in the code on a tour shirt http://iamtryingtobelieve.com/images/content_02.jpg [email protected] http://anotherversionofthetruth.com/images/end_04.jpg http://anotherversionofthetruth.com/images/end_11.jpg http://anotherversionofthetruth.com/images/end_12.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/xffan/cloudarm.jpg o surgodgiventanoin IAMTRYINGTOBELIEVE is the message in the tour shirt which is the one of the websites also in the trailor clip you can view on the offical year zero site there is a blue and white sign that is passed very quickly and it says I AM TRYING TO BELIEVE. http://www.theninhotline.net/archives/news...alism_cover.jpg http://www.theninhotline.net/archives/news...valism_back.jpg http://www.theninhotline.net/archives/news...valism_disc.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v127/Dav...kingshitea8.png MORE ON CODES ..--- ....- .- .- .- .---- ----- .- .- .- .---- 2 4 a a a 1 0 a a a 24.3.1 - s - 216.333.1810 phone number 24.3.2 - u - myviolentheart.mp3 (ID3 comments), also from 2432.mp3 on "Me, I'm Not" RAR file 24.3.3 - r - uswiretap.com 24.10.1 - g - nohurry.mp3 24.10.2 - o - http://churchofplano.com/ 24.10.3 - d - opalo.mp3 24.10.4 - g - WARNING CODE 24.10.5 - i - ballgameOver.mp3 24.10.6 - v - http://www.105thairbornecrusaders.com 24.10.7 - e - http://www.bethehammer.net/ 24.10.8 - n - http://www.anotherversionofthetruth.com - "Select All" to see it. 24.13.1 - t - http://www.artisresistance.com/warning_tools.htm 24.13.2 - Flyer Screech of Machines says: "Under the right side of the horizontal part of the T, there are a bunch of horizontal lines running down alongside it. If you count, there are 24 horizontal lines, then a vertical line, then 13 horizontal lines, then another vertical line, and finally 2 more horizontal lines. This gives 24.13.2." Thanks! 24.14.1 - a - Black/red 2007 tour t-shirt 24.14.2 - n - E-mail from iamtryingtobelieve.com, "------------------------AUTO_RESPONSE-------------- " (Thanks, Gewalt Warten!) 24.14.3 - o - http://iamtryingtobelieve.com/ 24.15.1 - i - White 2007 tour t-shirt 24.15.2 - n - 1-310-295-1040 PHoneMessage.mp3 24.17.1 - http://www.hollywoodinmemoriam.org/memoriam.htm 24.19.2 - http://www.solutionsbackwardsinitiative.net/pilgrims/ Swirling around the announcement of Nine Inch Nail's upcoming album, Year Zero, are stories of mysterious finds related to the album: songs "leaked" on thumb drives left in bathrooms during concerts, unsettling websites and videos haunted by an ominous presence, and glimpses into a dystopian future not far removed from our own. Unfolding from the websites, songs, and videos is a tale of oppression, injustice, and revolution. Fed up with increasing violence, civil unrest and terrorism, an unelected U.S. Government created a Bureau of Morality and restarted the nation's clock at Year Zero. The First Amendment is now a thing of the past and the authorities have their thumb firmly positioned over all matters pertaining to art and culture. The quasi-totalitarian administration also utilizes the power of reactionary religious organizations to ensure that U.S. citizens are kept under tight control. If history tells us anything, however, it is that such a restrictive regime cannot last forever. A resistance has been formed to speak out against the government's oppressive intervention into its citizens' lives. Using codes, flyers, USB drives left in restrooms across the world, spectrograms on MP3 songs, and a handful of websites, the faithful (or fanatics, depending on your point of view) are spreading their message and gathering in secret to discuss the latest salvos in their ongoing battle against The Man. But there's more going on here than just freedom fighters arrayed against the full tide of an overbearing and illegitimate leadership. A hand-like creature has been seen walking the desert, slipping downwards to earth from the heavens. The sightings started after a drug, Parepin, was added to the water in an effort to prevent bioterrorist attacks. Is it a hallucination? Divine intervention? The Angel of Death? Or, as clever Unfiction players recently suggested, might the Presence be a cross-temporal manifestation of the players themselves? With speculation that this might be the latest production from 42 Entertainment, curiosity about the way the story is being told (is this a flashback hidden between clips of music, a la The Handmaid's Tale? And how is it being transmitted back in time to 2007?) and a claim from Trent Reznor that this is not "some gimmick to get you to buy a record...this IS the art form," which is "just getting started," interest is high. The scheduled release of the Year Zero album is 4/17/07. Until then do not drink the water. Get talking on the Unforums, or start at the sources: anotherversionofthetruth.com and www.iamtryingtobelieve.com http://digg.com/music/Nine_Inch_Nails_Conc...From_The_Future
  14. eeeh too bree... nego.. koliko su karte obicno za skc ?
  15. ja ozbiljan ako dolaze u bg.. ja cu da postujem gde secem,kad i sta .. pa ko dodje dodje ko ne ima da se kaje.. :S
  16. Moram dodati.. siouxsie ima najbolji zenski vokal glas koji sam cuo... :S IKAD... xD : P steta sto nisam rodjen sezdesetih.. : C
  17. jel zna neko torrente gde mogu da nabavim od siouxies & the banshees ..spotovi, dokumentarci, koncerti... BILO STA.... :S opijen sam ovom muzikom :/
  18. ubicu se bre za TYPE O NEGATIVE ako ne dodju u bg bre vise.. cujem dolaze u zagreb uskoro... :S aaabre secem desnu ruku i penis ako dodju samo da odem na ToN ....
  19. jeste, to je jedna velika zavera. vidis : Crkva mora da bude siromasna.
  20. ok. da si ateista ne bi srao nego bi sa nekom dozom tolerancije rekao da ti neverujes u to. ako ti mislis da je postojanje boga glupost ne mora da znaci da si ti pametniji...
  21. nisam ja radio sliku al valjda ste culi za brom-a ?
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