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Kako je tema otišla u qrac...


Da nije bilo Pekinške Patke, Green Day nikad ne bi bio osnovan.


Hansi je odličan pevač za bendove u kojima peva, a porediti ga sa nekim kao što je Merkjuri je totalno debilno. Prvo, zato što je čovek mrtav, drugo, takve glasove kao što su imali Fredi ili Elvis recimo, niko nije mogao da nadjebe... Da li bi Hansi mogao da peva blues, gospel ili pop? Verovatno bi zvučao kao da ima problema sa stolicom...



Gryphon je osnovan krajem šezdesetih, a popularnost je stekao tek 2003.godine, reizdanjem starih izdanja. Pra očevi onoga na šta se danas cimaju i Guardiani i Rhapsody i slični.

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Mene ne zanima šta ko može da peva, već komentarišem ko ima moćniji glas. Zna se šta znači moćan glas, da je hrapav, da je pun i snažan, da ti zvuči nemoguće da neko na taj način može visoke tonove da peva. Namoćniji glas imaju operski pevači, a za njima metal pevači. Kakav gospel i pop, to i moja baba može da peva, metal i operu ne može.

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Mene ne zanima šta ko može da peva, već komentarišem ko ima moćniji glas. Zna se šta znači moćan glas, da je hrapav, da je pun i snažan, da ti zvuči nemoguće da neko na taj način može visoke tonove da peva. Namoćniji glas imaju operski pevači, a za njima metal pevači. Kakav gospel i pop, to i moja baba može da peva, metal i operu ne može.





Strašno...da li si ti ikad slušao pravi Gospel?

Dobro, baba mozda ne može da peva metal i operu, ali deda... jesi li ikad slušao one delije sa Romanije?


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Ima i veći stomak od pokojnog Fredija.


Tacno. :da:



Hansi ima bolji glas od većine pevača, a pogotovo od Freddie Mercury-ja i drugih rokera.

Pretera ga.


ima neuporedivo bolji glas... (moje misljenje)

Gresis sinko. :da:


Pazi, ima Hansi dobar glas, al' da ima neuporedivo bolji od Freddiejevog, to nikako ne moze da se tvrdi.


pa hansi je jako inspirisan tehnikom pevanjem fredija merjkjurija to i sam priznaje u nekim intervjuima,ali slazem se da hansi ima bolji glas od fredija

Hansi voli Queen, i jako ceni Freddieja, i mislim da bi se covek slozio sa tim da mu glas nije bolji od Freddiejevog.


Nego sta nego jesi. Pocevsi od tehnike, visine, boje i zvucnosti vokala do traga koji je ostavio na rock i metal muziku. Hansi se ni u jednoj sveri ne moze porediti sa velicinom kao sto je Fredi!


Da, slazem se.


Btw, pise se sferi (ne znam da l' je napisano namerno il' slucajno). Sa f.

Sorry, morala sam. :)


Pa, recimo da je Hansiju glas puniji kad peva visoke tonove.

Pa kad pevas falsetom, kao sto je Freddie pevao one bas bas visoke tonove, ni ne moze da zvuci punije.


A Hansi ima mnogo grublji i hrapaviji glas, Freddiejev glas mnogo opusta. :da::wub:


Ne kazem da ne volim Hansija, volim ja i njega i Gardijane, al' Prince je preterao.


To mu dođe isto. Jednostavno, neki pevači mogu da pevaju visoke tonove samo vrišteći i krešteći, a neki, poput Hansija, baš imaju jaja.

Al' Freddie nije vristao i krestao, nego pevao falsetom te jako visoke tonove, k'o sto sam i spomenula.


ne bitno je ko je kolika legenda i ko je ostavio kakav trag... ovde se prica ko ima bolji glas!

Pa Freddie, naravno. :da::razz:


Btw, a bitno je i ko je kolika legenda, al' dobro, sad ne pricamo o tome.


Odgledaj Queen @ Wembley '86.

Obavezno! :rockdevil:

Bilo bi cool da mogu da prisustvujem tome i sada, al' jbg, nema vise Freddieja.


No dobro, i Paul Rodgers je sjajan!



Dakle, da zakljucimo iz svega ovoga, ko ima bolji glas - Hansi ili Freddie?

Tacan odgovor je - Freddie. :bigblue::razz:


Kazem vam lepo, moguce da bi se i sam Hansi slozio sa tim.

Edited by NatashaNS

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Ima još jedna stvar, pošto posedujem dosta bootleg-a i od Queen-a i od Blind Guardian-a, Hansiju je na koncertima, čak i na onim u 2002-oj pucao glas na pojedinim pesmama (da ne govorim o snimcima iz perioda 1987-1995) (ili još bolji primer-nabavite video ''Live in Bangkok '95''-korpus delikti), čak na jednom snimku iz 2006, morao je da predje na growl jer nije uspeo da izvuče neke visoke tonove, da ne pominjem baljezgarije koje se nalaze na '' ''Live'' Outtakes'' snimku, što s Fredijem i nisam primećivao na live snimcima.

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"Majesty" is based on J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. One can also find references to The Lord of the Rings from the songs "Wizard's Crown" and "Run For the Night"

"By the Gates of Moria" and "Gandalf's Rebirth" are instrumentals and thus contain no lyrics but are also based on the same work. "By the Gates of Moria" is derived from Antonín Dvořák's Symphony No. 9, "From the New World".

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Obviously this song is dedicated to the Tolkien’s world, or, more accurately, to the book "The Lord of the Rings". The line

"..hunted by goblins, ho Gandalf to help.."

surely indicates this. However, it is not clear who "Majesty" is. On the one hand the line

"...hunted by goblins, no Gandalf to help.."

is evidently pointing at Aragorn, the title suits him well. But more likely that the Majesty is Dark Lord Sauron himself. Tdhe refrain speaks in his favour

"...your kingdom is lost... and ruins remind of your time..."

and moreover,

"...deliver our kingdom and our reich...

just give me the the thing That need or I kill...".

The thing is apparently a Ruling Ring. However, the last line may point at Boromir as well, and the one before

"...no Gandalf to help with swords in the night.."

may point at Frodo too. Yes, yes! You know that there is similar chapter in "The Lord of the Rings" called "The knife in the dark", it's about Morgulian sword-blade and broken sword of Aragorn. Following lines speak in Frodo's favour

"...eyes they are watching They look for me but cannot

find Creature is following no place to escape..." -

- it looks like Frodo's journey in Mordor to Orodruin


The Last Candle


This song is also dedicated to the Middle-Earth of Tolkien (as I see it). It's about the beginning of the Ring War and orcs' attacks.

"...The elves and gnoms have to hide

when the moon is showing it's face

and raging orcs will set their traps ...".

"The old man" is probably wizard Gandalf...


However, there are some other theories. Ia supposes that it has nothing to do with Tolkien's world. Indeed, no wood named Caladon was found in the Middle-Earth. There is elven word "calen" - bright green, "galen" - green and "galad" - the tree, but I fail to find the wood ;-(( . But roots are really close to "caladon". Ia considers that "...the thing is, as I see it, that it's about some wizard who sang the song but whether his life was sold to corrupted old gnome (there is just little chance to save the wizard's life) or he just died. And then they hang about in this wood with the last candle (there was no such candle in Tolkien's books), looking for salvation.


But that's just what he thinks.

There also one point of view by LordCyclohexane ()Zak Gillman):


"Personally, I think the wizard referred to in the song is Merlin, of Arthurian legend. The reference to Caledon was what made me think of it, as, if I recall correctly, the forest of Caledon was where Nimue imprisoned Merlin for quite a while (if you don't remember Nimue, she was a forest spirit rumored to be a child of one of the Tuatha de Danaan who Merlin often went to visit).


At least, that's my take on it. I also believe that "The Wizard" by Uriah Heep is about that same wizard Merlin. It's just the way the lyrics flow, which show someone being inspired to want to create a better world, that makes me think of Merlin raising young Arthur to become the responsible, caring young man that would eventually build Camelot."


source: http://www.kulichki.com/fantasy/bg/analyre.htm

Edited by vegeta

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Pa ja sam hteo da uzmem par stvari, dux,shal,majcu, al stvarno neam repa da placam postarinu msm 30 e za dostavu... pa stvarno je mnogo, a ovi iz oatha nemaju te duxeve sto oni prodaju na svom shopu :udri:

tako da sam se smorio, btw

koji je po vama najbolji album od BG-a , i najbolja pesma?

evo ja cu 1.


Naj pesma: "Majesty"

naj album: "Batalions Of Fear" xD

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