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Iron Maiden

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Nemoj da se zainati nas nekoliko, pa kidnapuje Mejdene :)


Pa da vidimo sta ce onda da se desi, hoce li da nastupe u Srbiji :red:

evo, neki vec razradjuju plan :pivopije:


Kad su nesposobni da ih dovedu, moramo da ih 'apimo :violent:

Hehe... svidja mi se kako razmishljash :red:


E sta da vam kazem koncert je bio super, nazalost nisu dali da se unosi foto-aparat

bilo je po mojoj slobodnoj proceni jedno 15.000 ljudi


Ostajem pri tome da novi album nije neki, a dodajem:

DOK SE NE CHUJE UZIVO, ono je bilo stvarno mochno, josh sam pod shokom.


Zvuchali su 1000 puta bolje nego na albumu, a setlista(iako ne idealna) je bila mnogo dobro uradjena, stvarno sam odushevljen.


Predgrupa je bila je bila Trivium, tako da sam stavio vatu u ushi naslonio se na barikadu i spavao jedno pola sata dok nisu zavrshili.


Posle su uradili koreografiju za Maiden, pocheo je intro i navedena setlista (nekih par strana unazad)...

Narochito mi se dopalo kako su uradili Different World, This Colours Don't Run, Benjamin Breeg i Lord of Light, ostalo je naravno bilo isto jako mochno.


Jedino nisu morali da sviraju Legacy i Out of the Shadows sto se mene tiche.


Onda su pocheli da sviraju klasiku:

Fear of the Dark,

Iron Maiden,

pa bis:

The evil that men do

2 Minutes to midnight

Hallowed be thy Name


steta sto nisu svirali the trooper, ali barem sada imam razlog da zivim, jer da su troopera svirali mogo sam da umrem i da mi ne bude zao... :muzicar::muzicar::muzicar:


Nema bio sam na raznim koncertima Helloween, Primal Fear, Bitterness, Slayer, Goddess.... ALI OVO JE DEFINITIVNO NESHTO NAJBOLJE STO SAM IKADA VIDEO.


Maltene sam pao u ekstazu i histeriju, ali jbg. 5 godina chekanja se isplatilo...


Majce su koshtale od 30-45 eura(kako koja) tako da nisam kupio, ali bice na internetu za jeftinije :D.


Sad chu da vidim dal ima nekih slika po netu pa chu da postujem kad/ako nadjem.

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Uzgred u ceo stuttgartov sistem sabracajnih znakova sa displejima od LED diodama je bilo oznacheno "IRON MAIDEN", tako da gde god se chovek nalazio u Stuttgartu, mogo je bez problema da se snadje...


Edited by The Trooper

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Gledao si Bitterness? Lepo, lepo, dobar je to bend. Ali, gde njhi nadje da poredis sa Maidenima.

pa bitterness nisam samo gledao nego sam cak bio i u organizaciji (vidi link dole) :D!


simpatichni su mada nisam imao vremena da ih slusham, jer sam radio na kasi, radio na bini i posle maltene odmarao u backstage-u, pa sam tek pred kraj otisho da pogledam :)


nisam nasho da ih poredim sa maidenima, nego sam hteo da naglasim da su maideni daleko ispred svih :D

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Rock star, pilot and expert swordsman — now IRON MAIDEN singer Bruce Dickinson has even becomes a movie producer.


This week, Swedish newspaper Expressen reported that Dickinson is working on a film about the satanist Aleister Crowley.


"They are hoping for the Cannes festival," a source told Expressen.


Crowley has been Bruce Dickinson's idol for many years. The IRON MAIDEN song "Revelations" is said to refer to Crowley's classic claim that he was the "anti-christ 666" reincarnated. In other words, the Devil himself.


Bruce Dickinson is now involved in the pre-production of a movie inspired by Crowley, who lived between 1875 and 1947.


"The project has been going on for a while, and is still at an early pre-production stage," said Dave Pattenden from IRON MAIDEN's management. "At the moment, Bruce cannot comment on the movie."


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Crowley has been Bruce Dickinson's idol for many years. The IRON MAIDEN song "Revelations" is said to refer to Crowley's classic claim that he was the "anti-christ 666" reincarnated. In other words, the Devil himself.


Bruce Dickinson is now involved in the pre-production of a movie inspired by Crowley, who lived between 1875 and 1947.


Very interesting :red:



sugestija:prizvati duh A.C. tokom snimanja filma...

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Odakle ova info?


Hm, da li su je vec izveli na certu?

veze i vezica :P... pishe na njihovom sajtu, mora malo da se trazi :D


nisu svirali nista novo, nego kao sto rekoh samo novi album, Fear Of The Dark, Iron Maiden, The evil that man do, 2 Minutes to midnight i Hallowed be thy name

Edited by The Trooper

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Jeste, to je obrada Focusa to su inace i najavili jos na Bonus DVD-u koji je dosao sa special edition albumom (vidi se i na ekranu iza Adriana pred kraj). Osim Focusa rekli su da ce kao B-Side na narednom singlu biti

Thin Lizzy - Angel Of Death

ZZ Top - Tush

Deep Purple - Space Truckin'


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