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Pa vidi, meni je to bio prvi put da ih cujem, jer ranije nisam imao priliku, pa tako da nisam znao ni jednu od pesama koje su svirali. Pesma koja mi se bas do jaja urezala u mozak tada je bila I'm the Earth jer je onaj intro na gitari zvucao krajnje bolesno i u onako morbidnoj atmosferi. Tako da sam za nju automatski otvorio folder u mozgu i spakovao je sa etiketom "hitno". Sa najave se secam da su svirali i Walls of Life Ruptured. Performans im je nikad jaci sa sve crnim okrenutim krstovima na bini i raznim sveca, a oni su poliveni krvlju u istrulelim majicama, koze i nitne na sve strane i prljavi corpsepaint umrljan krvlju. Onaj Erik je covek u transu kada peva, lik ima neki izgubljeni pogled u prazno, zaista zapanjujuce. Negde sam kasnije procitao da se on koncerata ne seca jer tokom njih pada u neka druga stanja svesti. Inace, bas im je svirao Mork is MALIGN, a bubnjeve Necromorbus iz FUNERAL MIST-a. Odlicna svirka zaista, DISSECTION bolju predgrupu nije mogao da nadje jer odlicno uvode publiku u tamu pr nastupajuceg zla, iliti "haosa". :evil:

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Sad mi se zelja da ih vidim digla na neslucene visine.Ma,citao sam i ja razne izvestaje na netu,svi se slazu sa tobom da su esencija zla uzivo.


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Evo sa sajta


Something smelt dead and rotting in the Scala. It was

as though a local tramp had crawled under the stage to die

and had been rotting there. This was kind of perfect as

Watain were coming on in all their rancid glory. In fact,

I found out the day after the gig that the smell was that

of blood, which had somehow been fed into the dry ice

swirling about the stage. The worrying thing is and I

cant work out why, but there was something about this

putrefying reek that I kind of liked....

The band really do look like they have just crawled out of

the grave and I do not mean in the Gothic sense but more

akin to being decked out in decaying burial rags.

...By the time we were cleaved asunder by The Limb Crucifix

the crowd were perhaps unwittingly baying for the blood

that was permeating the atmosphere. Lead singer E paced up

and down the stage howling away and delivered a commanding

performance. Tracks such as I Am The Earth (from album of the

year Casus Luciferi) virtually buried us in an unrelenting

cavalcade of leaden ice-cold grooves. Vocals were delivered

like a curse being hurled at an ancient enemy and as Black

Salvation rumbled out of the speakers like a tank crushing

skulls, it was evident that the band had won over a legion

of new souls here tonight. Rabid Death’s Curse spread it’s

contagion like the Black Death and it was accentuated by that

rotting smell that had me escaping to the gods of the venue

to catch the shows climatic spasms. This was provided by the

death grunts and thunderous crunch of On Horns Impaled,

seeming to hone in on me from below and swipe me back

into the very pit of hell.


"For all the cultism that has surrounded this band,

nothing, I repeat, nothing prepares you for the bestial

onslaught live in the red-raw flesh. The inverted crosses,

the corpse paint are mere dismissive artefacts as Watain

scythe through such nail bombs as "Rabid Death's

Curse", "Devil's Blood" and "My fists are Him" with

sadistic aplomb, a grating bassline that would deafen

even Lemmy and frontman E´s ghastly reverberating vokills

evoking the pitch-blackest of the sinister...

To reprise a lyric by one of the greatest metal bands

of all time; "The root of all evil is the heart of a black

soul". Watain are of that very fabric, a black-hearted

lesson in fearsome, word-and-thought-defying banality of evil.

You'd kill for them..."


Mora se ovo videti...Kad tad,ali mora.


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krv ti jebem

be afraid,be VERY afraid


Watain - Sworn to the Dark


1. Legions Of The Black Light

2. Satan's Hunger

3. Withershins

4. Storm Of The Antichrist

5. The Light That Burns The Sun

6. Sworn To The Dark 05:06

7. Underneath The Cenotaph

8. The Serpent's Chalice

9. Darkness And Death

10. Dead But Dreaming

11. Stellarvore


evo linka za novu pesmu




ne mogu da svucem,neka neko(Goxy)svuce i javi utiske.


ovo ce biti de misteriis za 2007,pazite sta kazem.

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salim se paljevino,jebote :) :) znas da tvoje misljenje najvise cenim.


znas sta lorde,ja mislim da ovo nema sanse da omane.

pravi stav prema muzici imaju.

sad,da li cu morati da preslusam album 1,2,3 ili ko zna koliko puta,nije bitno,uci ce mi u usi. :)

jos kad bi original dosao do mordora...radije bih kupio ovo nego isao na kanibale,zivota mi.

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a ne sumnjam ni ja da ce album biti dobar,nego samo ova pesma na prvo slusanje me nije zacnula ni malo

uostalom sam ces cuti,a mozda ce jos neko nesto reci o ovoj pesmi

sto se tice poredjenja sa de mistreiis dom sathanas,meni recimo vise inquisition albumi imaju monenata i nesto od atmosfere koja krasi mayhem iz tog perioda

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Slusam je vec treci put! :rockdevil:


pocetak mi vuce malo na devil's blood...sta velis,lorde?

promena jeste u zvuku,produkciji,ali u stilu bas i nije.

meni se dosta svidja,mada ja ne volim bas da slusam pesmu po pesmu,ja sam covek koji voli ceo album od pocetka do kraja.

album ce da zakolje.





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Sempl sa Storm of the Antichrist je odlicno zvucao, ali ovo... nekako mi je neubedljivo. Brine me cinjenica da ova pesma nije na mene ostavila onaj utisak koji sam imao kada sam prvi put slusao I am the Earth ili Devil's Blood. No i ako numera nije ostavila neki jak utisak, iskuliracu od komentara sve dok ne cujem ceo album.

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CELTIC FROST and KREATOR have announced the support bands for their co-headlining tour of Europe. Personally picked by both bands, Dutch thrashers LEGION OF THE DAMNED will be taking over the special-guest slot until March 29 and Swedish black metal act WATAIN will be opening the touring package until then. Afterwards WATAIN will climb to the special-guest position.


Krv ti jebem!!!


Ako ovo bude u Pesti...............!!!!!!!!!!!! :rockdevil::rockdevil:

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CELTIC FROST and KREATOR have announced the support bands for their co-headlining tour of Europe. Personally picked by both bands, Dutch thrashers LEGION OF THE DAMNED will be taking over the special-guest slot until March 29 and Swedish black metal act WATAIN will be opening the touring package until then. Afterwards WATAIN will climb to the special-guest position.


Krv ti jebem!!!


Ako ovo bude u Pesti...............!!!!!!!!!!!! :rockdevil::rockdevil:



Koliko sam cula, najblize sto se ove turneje tice nam je Stutgart. :cry:

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Prvih nekoliko sekundi ove Swarn su fenomenalne, ima tu nesto sto vuce na DsO Monvmetvm, recimo na Sola Fide I. 'Refren' je dobar, mada se nadam da ce biti jos remasterovano..malo mi distorzije fali i bubnjevi nisu velicanstveni kao na RDC.u. Jedva cekam komplet album :wub:

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Au brate... Evo slusam album i nije mi dobro koliko je dobar... Produkcija jebe kevu, svirka je neverovatno progresivna (DISIPLIN mi prolaze kroz glavu), razvili su osecaj komponovanja, pa tako se svaki deo pesme odlicno slaze sa prethodnim! Tacno vodi i vozi raspolozenje u onom pravcu koji ti odgovara, ako razumete sta hocu da kazem ovim. DISSECTION uticaj je neporeciv. Ima melodija u njihovom fazonu, a i ceo album je ocigledno inspirisan Reinkaos-om. Auh jebote, kakav album!!! Jebote kakav album!!!!!!! Evo slusam Storm of the Antichrist, ima cak i onil klasicnih death metal kucanja sa deljenjem na bas bubnjevima. BRATE MILI DAJTE MI ORIGINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Au brate... Evo slusam album i nije mi dobro koliko je dobar... Produkcija jebe kevu, svirka je neverovatno progresivna (DISIPLIN mi prolaze kroz glavu), razvili su osecaj komponovanja, pa tako se svaki deo pesme odlicno slaze sa prethodnim! Tacno vodi i vozi raspolozenje u onom pravcu koji ti odgovara, ako razumete sta hocu da kazem ovim. DISSECTION uticaj je neporeciv. Ima melodija u njihovom fazonu, a i ceo album je ocigledno inspirisan Reinkaos-om. Auh jebote, kakav album!!! Jebote kakav album!!!!!!! Evo slusam Storm of the Antichrist, ima cak i onil klasicnih death metal kucanja sa deljenjem na bas bubnjevima. BRATE MILI DAJTE MI ORIGINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Druze, pa nije valjda da si ga vec skinuo!!!??? :muzicar:


Kad se vidimo za narezivanje?


Don't keep me waiting... :sad:

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