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Bata Trokrilni

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Ovaj poljski gothic/symphonic/black metal bend stavljam ovde pre svega zbog njihova zadnja dva albuma, Semidevilish (2004) i Transkarpatia (2005), koji su u symphonic black fazonu. Raniji albumi, In the Flames of Black Art (1996), In the Opium of Black Veil (1998) i Oniriad (2001) su gothic. Promena pevačice poklopila se sa promenom pravca. Najbolji album je ubedljivo Transkarpatia, a sa nje pesme: Vampiric Prose, Reccuring Yell, Labyrinth of Anxiety, Virus, The Burning Times (snimljen je odličan spot, imate na zvaničnom sajtu benda za download); sa ranijih albuma, izdvojio bih: In the Opium of Black Veil, Ancient Philosophy, Into the Abyss of Forgotten Woods, Era Agression, In Red Iris (takođe odličan spot). Da čujem komentare, pretpostavljam da ima dosta onih koji su slušali. :twisted:

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The Burning Times


Trials tortures executions

Fire gender extermination


Collective hysterics, crazes

Mass murder and panics

Witch - hunts resulted in trials and tortures and executions


Ill - fated heroines exterminated by the holy deadly institution

Mere victims of narrow-minded prejudice

And fanatical judgment (mass murder)

Scapegoats on which every imaginary blame can be laid


For male - dominated Christian society

Women were anathematized and cast as witches

Because of enduring grotesque fears they generated

In respect of their presume abilities to control men


Witchcraft was one expression

Of the constant effort of the race

To rid itself of the sick religion imposed on it


Mislite o tome...

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Naravno da niko ne piše mesecima, kad se na prste jedne ruke mogu nabrojati ljudi u Srbiji koji slušaju ovaj bend, iako se radi o jednom od najkvalitetnijih bendova ovog žanra. Novi album slušam već mesec i kusur dana i slažem se sa ocenom da je odličan. Nastavljaju sa standardom koji su postavili dva albuma ranije. Iako je album konceptualan, ima par hitova na prvu loptu (False Sleepwalker i Gloria Inferni su moji favoriti). Nisam još stigao tekstove da pogledam, pa da vidim o čemu je priča. Ipak, veličinu albuma Transkarpatia ne može da dostigne. Taj album je ipak vanserijski i neponovljiv.

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