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Assassin's Creed


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Michael Fassbender will star in and co-produce "Assassin's Creed," the bigscreen adaptation of Ubisoft's videogame franchise, through his DMC Film.


While Fassbender's profile has risen with roles in "X-Men: First Class," "Shame," "Haywire," "Prometheus," and will next be seen in "The Counselor" and "Twelve Years a Slave," thesp also has spent the past year developing films with Conor McCaughan. Together, they produced the short "Pitch Black Heist."


"Assassin's Creed" is the duo's most high-profile project, given that the game is Ubisoft's biggest franchise, selling over 30 million units since 2007. A third "Assassin's Creed" game bows Oct. 30 and is set during the American Revolution. First two take place during the Crusades and Renaissance.


Plot revolves around a man who learns his ancestors were trained assassins after he is kidnapped by a secret org with ties to the Knights Templar, and sent back in time to retrieve historical artifacts.


"Michael Fassbender was our first choice" to play the franchise's iconic hooded hero, said Jean-Julien Baronnet, CEO of Paris-based Ubisoft Motion Pictures. "Michael (Fassbender) is an extremely smart, talented, versatile and committed actor."


Last fall, Ubisoft was in talks with Sony to develop a series of "Assassin's" pics (Daily Variety, Oct. 20, 2011). But the companies have since put negotiations on hold.


Ubisoft execs now plan to stick to their initial plan and develop the film independently in order to maintain greater creative control. Last year, Ubisoft invested in launching UMP, headed by Baronnet, former CEO of Luc Besson's EuropaCorp, to adapt the company's games into films, TV shows and digital projects.


While Sony could still wind up distribing the films, UMP will package the project with a writer and director before resuming talks with the studio.


"We're open to re-discuss with the key studios once the production package is finalized," Baronnet told Variety.


Ubisoft also is looking to raise financing for the tentpole through foreign presales and co-production deals, which again could again involve Sony.


"Whatever the financial model, UMP will limit its risk investment," and will save on production costs by turning to its 26 in-house game studios like Hybride Technologies, to handle visual effects work, Baronnet said.


Ubisoft sees adaptations as a way to turn its games into larger brands that will get the titles in front of more consumers while creating lucrative new revenue sources for the company. One of its first projects is an animated TV series based on the "Raving Rabbids" franchise that will air on Nickelodeon. Ubisoft chief Yves Guillemot also wants to develop films for the games "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell" and "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon."


By controlling more of the creative through UMP, Ubisoft hopes it doesn't wind up with another "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time," adapted by Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer. Pic earned a disappointing $335 million worldwide, with just $91 million of that in the U.S. last year, ending any franchise dreams.

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Sad news for Assassin's Creed PC fans: in a panel at this year's San Diego Comic Con, Ubisoft creative lead Alex Hutchinson has confirmed that AC3 will be delayed on PC. While the console versions are still on track for an October 30 release, the PC version will come out later, sometime before Christmas. :mad::rolleyes::no:

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  • 1 month later...

Isto izlazi za konzole i jos neki Assassins Creed 3: Liberation gde je glavni lik zena,


Sto se tice filma, bice sranje ko i svi filmovi bazirani na igrama, tako da ne ocekujem nista puno od toga.

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  • 1 year later...

igram assassins creed 3 i toliko se mucim da mi se svidi igra, jednostavno likovi su prazni, connor je prazan i sve je nekako dosadno... u picku materinu vise sa novim igrama i lepim grafikama kada su jebeno dosadne, unistili su fransizu, monotono sranje. ima kul opcije neke ali nedovoljno je to, totalno izgubljena veza sa prethodnicima i identitet i pojma ubice, ovo sad su neki akcioni heroji koji samo kolju samo zbog toga da bi se klalo. i jebena trgovina sa deblima i stablima, prodaja burica i pravljenje nekakvih fabrika, rasciscavanje puteve trgovine i uposljavanje radnika PA NISAM JEBENI TRGOVAC, DAJTE MI DA UBIJEM NEKOGA!

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Sva sreca pa je meni slab racunar za trojku. Moja 2 drugara koji su veliki fanovi AC kazu da im je to najbolji deo od svih ali ja iako ga nisam igrao ne mogu da se slozim.


Kada sam video kako u Black Flag isto imas neke gluposti stvarno se i meni smucilo i pitam se dokle ce da doguraju

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i meni je dosta slab, komp mi je sa konfiguracijom bio high end 2007 kad sam ga kupio pa mogu tu i tamo i danasnju neku igru da poteram sa solidnim podesavanjima. ne znam sta su oni igrali ali ovo nema veze sa vezom i vajbom proslih AC igara, ovaj novi lik je potpuno izgubljen i bezlican, u principu krvolocan tip koji trazi osvetu. ovo sada nema toliko veze sa temom i pojmom ubice, sad si akcioni heroj i ides po prostranstvima i osvajas i ubijas, potpuno pogresno od principa kojeg su se drzali ranije vezano za stealth mirnocu. ja igram AC 3 i ne osecam se kao ubica zapravo, to ej problem. tako isto je i u Black Flagu, izlazi sad za koji dan, verovatno necu igrati, to je sad pravljeno za debele gejmere, nema vise tu draz i jaku pricu, sad samo osvajaj i pokoravaj i kolji

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за викенд сам био без нета, па коначно узех да пређем све што ми је остало (тј, само двојку). и након свих одиграних делова, одговорно тврдим да је први убедљиво најбољи.

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AC1 je postavio temelj i pricu, AC 2 je usavrsena verzija keca i najbolja igra iz fransize, sve kasnije je udaljavanje od koncepcije koja je postavljena u kecu i fokus na akciju i borbu. Evo sad sam skinuo AC4 Black Flag, juce se zvanicno pojavila u prodaji, pokrenuo je i uzasno koci, ocaj zivi, a nekako mi je i drago sto ne radi, lakse ce mi biti da je uninstaliram i zadovoljim se onim sto sam vec odigrao

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http://assassinscreed.wikia.com/wiki/Assassins - sve hronoloski objasnjeno, izgleda da sve ovo ipak ima nekog smisla samo nije hronoloski objavljeno, skacu iz epohe u epohu malo.


Corey May, one of the writers for the series, stated in 2009 that Assassin's Creed will never take place during World War II. Asked about future of the series, Sébastien Puel from Ubisoft said that "[...] we could do 35 of these [Assassin's Creed games]", while Laurent Detoc from Ubisoft said "we hope to reach Assassin's Creed 10".

In November 2011, Empire State Gamer spotted a supposed Ubisoft survey that could have outed eight settings for future Assassin's Creed games. These settings were: Medieval China, Victorian England, Ancient Egypt, the Portuguese and/or Spanish Invasion of the Americas, the American Revolution, the Russian Revolution, Feudal Japan, and Ancient Rome. The online survey asked participants which locations and time periods they would like to see in the "next Assassin's Creed games". Alex Hutchinson, creative director of Assassin's Creed III, suggested the most requested Assassin's Creed settings, World War II, Feudal Japan and Ancient Egypt, are "the three worst settings for an Assassin's Creed game". However, Hutchinson stated both he and Corey May were open to the idea of a future entry set during the time of the British Raj, which now consists of the modern states of India and Pakistan.

In March 2013, Jade Raymond, a key creative force behind the first Assassin's Creed game, announced that Ubisoft Toronto will help Ubisoft Montreal on the follow-up to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.

In June 2013, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot stated that there are currently three Assassin's Creed games in development, with one presumably being Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Guillemot said, "We are making sure the teams who are creating the different iterations have enough time—two years, three years, so that they can take risk and they can change the concept enough so that it can be appealing and fresh."

In August 2013, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag's director Ashraf Ismail, said that the ending of the franchise had been written. Ismail said "We have an idea of where the end is, what the end is. But of course Yves [Guillemot, Ubisoft's overall boss] announced we are a yearly title, we ship one game a year. So depending on the setting, depending on what fans want, we've given ourselves room to fit more in this arc. But there is an end."In a later interview, Ismail commented that he and the team would be interested in doing an Assassin's Creed game in an Ancient Egyptian setting, along with reiterating an earlier statement that a female leading character was not an impossibility for the series.

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oni vec znaju kakav je kraj ali fanovi diktiraju koje ce epohe raditi i ko ce biti akteri, bukvalno od pocetka i ubistva Cezara do prvog svetskog rata, toliko prostora, toliko ubica. mozda ce ovog rusa ostaviti za kraj posto je nekako najblizi desavanjima u realnosti koja se desavaju, a mozda se i vrate na sam pocetak kada je osnovan Assassins Order:


''The bloodline of the original Assassins was formed centuries ago, after various members of the First Civilization conceived children with members of the human race. These children had the visual appearance of humans, but were gifted with several extra senses from the precursor race, such as what the former dubbed "Eagle Vision"


During the Roman Republican era, the Assassin Order was a secret enemy of the SPQR – the Senatus Populusque Romanus – who composed the ruling body of the Roman Republic, which was in fact a precursor to the Templar organization.[5]

Little is known of the Order's hierarchy and activities during this time, except for a few major assassinations. In 44 BCE, forty Assassins, who had previously took part in the Roman senate, plotted the assassination of the recently declared dictator of the Roman Empire, Gaius Julius Caesar.''


Marcus Junius Brutus was tasked with planning the plot by Gaius Cassius Longinus, and after Brutus was shown visions by the First Civilization in the Colosseum Vault, twenty-three of the forty Assassins stabbed Caesar to death at the Roman senate.[4] Following this event, the Assassins went their separate ways, but most were killed by Caesar's allies.


osecam da ce sam pocetak biti i kraj

Edited by chess

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  • 6 months later...

Kako ljude ovo vise ne smori? Izbacuju manje vise jednu istu igru vec koji put?! Ovo je bukvalno call of duty-izovano. Evo, ovaj prosli je bio prvi koji sam smogao snage da igram vise od 2 sata posle originalne dvojke (ne onih silnih medju-delova) posto su pirati kul i sve to, ali cak i od Black Flaga sam se smorio na pola i mrzelo me dalje da igram. Moraju nesto radikalno da promene a ne samo dodaju sitnice i menjaju epohu a gejmplej i struktura igre manje vise nepromenjena od keca.

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Ovo je bukvalno brootherhood samo modernizovan i u drugom dobu sa drugim likom... vise me ne vozi prica, sve je reseno, sad samo jedno te isto vrte, imaju formulu, vode se filozofijom zasto nesto menjati kada ovo radi posao. Smorcina, a i ovako bi mi trebao astronomski komp da bi igrao ovo koji nemam, tako da mi je lako, AC je za mene umro posle AC III, mada je i trojka realno sranje al ajde, tu se nesto zaokruzilo sa pricom, sve ostalo posle je recikliranje.

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Ovo je bukvalno brootherhood samo modernizovan i u drugom dobu sa drugim likom... vise me ne vozi prica, sve je reseno, sad samo jedno te isto vrte, imaju formulu, vode se filozofijom zasto nesto menjati kada ovo radi posao. Smorcina, a i ovako bi mi trebao astronomski komp da bi igrao ovo koji nemam, tako da mi je lako, AC je za mene umro posle AC III, mada je i trojka realno sranje al ajde, tu se nesto zaokruzilo sa pricom, sve ostalo posle je recikliranje.


Rekli su da ce svake godine da izbacuju jednu igru, i da vec na umu imaju oko 20ak


Jebiga, imaju tu neku publiku i to je to. Bogami oni su jedini koje ja znam da imaju toliko delova i da toliko delova jos planiraju

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