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Portnoy je imao prvi intervju (i izgleda jedini takav planirani) nakon odlaska iz benda...


Dugačak je, pa izvolite link:




A ovde ću samo citirati par zanimljivijih odlomaka:


''I love DREAM THEATER, I love the guys, it's been my baby for 25 years, but I just needed a break from DREAM THEATER. And a lot of people have already misinterpreted my press release, saying, "Well, if he needs a break, why is he playing with all these other bands?" I didn't need a break from playing and from touring and doing projects — I really just felt like DREAM THEATER needed a break''.


'' (...) I was already feeling these feelings last September/October. If you watch the "Wither" video that we shot on that tour, almost all the footage is me hanging out with Mikael Åkerfeldt [of OPETH] or Damon Fox [of BIGELF]; I was already feeling some separation from the guys in DREAM THEATER. The groundwork in those feelings was already laid down back then. So, really, the feelings had nothing to do with AVENGED SEVENFOLD (...) ''


''When I proposed it, I proposed an indefinite hiatus, as so many bands go on, and all of whom have come back bigger and better than ever. But that didn't go over [well with the other guys], so then, after talking about it, I said, "Well, then how about, let's say, a year [or] a year and a half? Why don't we take off 2011 and reconvene in 2012?" John Petrucci could do a solo album — he's been talking about that for the longest time — and James [LaBrie] just did a solo album, and John Myung just did a JELLY JAM album, and Jordan's got plans... It made sense. It's like, "Let's just take off 2011 — everybody could do their own thing — and reconvene in 2012." And that didn't go over [well] either; they didn't wanna do that either. I even offered to do various work with them in 2011 — even though it wasn't what I wanted, I was willing to do it just to keep the band afloat. It just didn't fly. It's just unfortunate that that's the way that the chips fell''.

Edited by MyNameIsMisery

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Bilo bi najbolje da DT postane instrumental bend i odrade neki teski psychodelic/jazz/avantgarde/progressive/jamm album, onako cisto iz zezanja, jer im se moze.

Postoji vec tako nesto, zove se "LTE Liquid Tension Experiment" Nije lose, mada duzim slusanjem bude jaaako dosadno.


Ste culi da Mike Portnoy napusta Dream Theater?


Dao je jesnu preteranu izjavu:



I am about to write something I never imagined I'd ever write: After 25 years, I have decided to leave Dream.

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Kad smo vec kod sajd projekata,poslusajte Petrucci-ev Suspended Animation iz 2005. Meni bolji od svih LTE.



Taj album je odlican. :da:


Glasgow Kiss i Tunnel Vision mi se posebno svidjaju. :muzicar:


Volim i An evening with John Petrucci and Jordan Rudess

./ Prelep album.

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Suspended Animation je do jaja album, zanimljivo je sto na Petruccijevom sajtu ima tone tih side projects i sa Sherenianom, i sa Marty Friedmanom, Explorers Club, John Finn Group na kojima uopte ili jako slabo zvuci na kao na DT.


A Rudess je predrkan klavijaturista ali svoj potencijal koristi samo na nekim svojim stvarima za ostalo koristi samo neke paterne...

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Meni je sve sto rade Petrucci i Rudess van DT-a mnogo mnogo bolje. Rudessovi solo projekti su predrkani svi, samo 20% toga da je iskoristio u DT-u bruka bi bili albumi, nego on uvati continium i krene da se proserava.

Suspended Animation Petruccijev je stvarno nevidjen album, zbog cega velike nade polazem u novi koji jedva cekam, nego predpostavljam da ste culi Glasgow Kiss i Damage Control live sa G3-ija, mnogo bolje zvuci live neko studijske :rockdevil:

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Erotomaniac, overlord & azal - u pravu ste, skroz...


Petrucci-jev novi album ima da razbija, sigurno; nadam se da će nadjebati i već odlični 'Suspended Animation'. Nego, na nekoj temi ovde, vezanoj za muzičku opremu, čini mi se, naleteh na još jedan dokaz toga koliko je Jordan jebeno dobar muzičar - pogledajte kratke demo klipove sa linka i skontajte koliko je samo lik raznovrstan, na kraju, muzički inteligentan, nesputan u izražavanju čak i kad je ograničen (određenim stilom, na primer):




Fantastično... ovaj čovek je car. :muzicar:

Edited by MyNameIsMisery

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Verujem da ćemo do kraja godine svakako imati o čemu da pričamo ovde. Svakog časa se pojavljuje novi LaBrie, pa onda Petrucci. Poslušaću i The Jelly jam, mada nisam upoznat sa prva dva albuma... Interesuje me ima li Jordan nešto u planu što se tiče ostatka 2010.


Sto se tice The Jelly Jam, imam ta dva albuma po meni i nevredi nesto puno to da se slusa, nema tu nekok teskog brainstorminga, sve neka laganica i uopste nije preterano tehnikalan

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