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Skroz ok album. Mnogo više heavy nego ranije, zato se i više sviđa Mr. Princu nego ostatku ekipe ovde ali meni je skroz pristojan. Nije nešto da puca tlo pod nogama od kvaliteta, ali teče sasvim fino.


I ne znam koji vam je više kurac sa Angelom, zvuči (dobro) kao i uvek a Liivini fanovi uvek mogu uzeti "Black Earth" pa ga slušati kako uzdiše.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Khaos Legions", the ninth studio album from Swedish/German extreme metallers ARCH ENEMY, sold around 6,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to enter The Billboard 200 chart at position No. 78.

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Opada im prodaja jako. Googlah malo da uporedim:

ARCH ENEMY's new album, "Rise of the Tyrant", debuted at position No. 84 on The Billboard 200 chart with first-week U.S. sales of around 8,900 — approximately 25 percent less than the opening number (12,000) of its predecessor, 2005's "Doomsday Machine" (which landed at No. 87).

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Opada svima jer vidiš da im je ovaj album, iako slabije prodavan, najbolje plasiran na listi do sada.


Pozicija na listi je samo pitanje koji još albumi izlaze te nedelje. Da su ga izbacili dve nedelje kasnije, možda bi bio 27., a možda 151.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pljuvao sam Arch enemy na tone ali jednostavno su razjebali Kavarnu i pokazali kako jedan veliki metal bend treba da zvuči.

Headlineri trećeg dana, isto noć išla na ruku, plus kao bonus neki vetar koji je davao neki šmek uz stejdž koji je svetski izgledao, bukvalno uz zvuk je sve bilo kao da se gleda neki DVD. Prva pesma Yesterday is dead and gone i odmah se vidi situacija: bend zvuči kao mašina usvirana do krajnjih granica, gitarski rad za padanje u nesvest ali naravno... Angela. I da, žena jednostavno ne može da peva taj žanr što se videlo po tome što je posle svake 3-4 pesme išao neki solo, ali ovom prilikom zaista sa ukusom osmišljeno, i kapiram da se ona u tim momentima vraćala iz mrtvih iza stejdža. Ali jebiga šoumen je (šouwoman?), digla je ceo stadion na noge za sekund, nije stala sekunde baš kako jedan metal frontmen treba da radi, i kad se to sabere sa bolesno dobrom svirkom i odličnom listom dobije se svirka za pamćenje, priznajem od srca: svaka im jebena čast.

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  • 3 months later...

Rockoverdose.gr: Based on your tour itinerary, you have an extremely busy schedule with shows day after day and short breaks. Where did you find all this energy on the stage during the concert?


Angela: Yes, we play a lot of shows and my workload as the manager and vocalist in ARCH ENEMY is immense. I have to be strong and healthy for that — so I take good care of my body, I am a vegan, I work out a lot. I will also take a year or more off after we finish the touring cycle for "Khaos Legions" in 2012. I need some time to recharge my batteries. ARCH ENEMY will go on hiatus for a while.

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  • 2 months later...

ARCH ENEMY have parted ways with guitarist Christopher Amott in an amicable split.


Christopher Amott was a member of ARCH ENEMY between 1996-2005 and again between 2007-2011.


Following is a joint statement by ARCH ENEMY.


”We thank Christopher for the time he’s worked with the band and of course wish him the very best in his future endeavours.


Thankfully, there is no drama behind the scenes here. This is the best way forward for all involved. Christopher simply isn’t into playing extreme metal anymore.


We have already chosen and rehearsed with a new guitar player and we will complete the ’Khaos Legions’ 2012 touring cycle as planned. We are highly motivated and look forward to continue spreading our music around the world!


Finally, our deepest thanks go to the ARCH ENEMY fans, whose amazing support and belief inspires us ever onward.”


ARCH ENEMY are pleased to welcome 26 year old American guitarist Nick Cordle on board as they continue their touring activity following the release of their recent ”Khaos Legions” (2011) album.

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