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Knjiga koju trenutno čitate?

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procitala Orsona Skot Karda - Enderova igra, knjiga je mnogo dobra, bas sam je progutala, trenutno citam Americke bogove Gejmena (poz gothic ha ha ha) i bas se pitam sta cu sledece...malo sam u nedostatku knjiga, ali mozda pocnem da raduckam svasta pa necu toliko primetiti. inace preporucujem svima da se dokopaju Enderove igre, a koliko znam postoji i nastavak, to moram da nadjem...

Edited by Angelene

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procitala Orsona Skot Karda - Enderova igra, knjiga je mnogo dobra, bas sam je progutala, trenutno citam  Americke bogove Gejmena (poz gothic ha ha ha) i bas se pitam sta cu sledece...malo sam u nedostatku knjiga, ali mozda pocnem da raduckam svasta pa necu toliko primetiti. inace preporucujem svima da se dokopaju Enderove igre, a koliko znam postoji i nastavak, to moram da nadjem...

Ima jos 'nekoliko' nastavaka (jos 3 zvanicna, plus price, plus ender's shadow.. icon_wink.gif) Inace, nastavci su, naravno, sve losiji i losiji.. Probaj Alvin Maker od OSC-a, mozda bi ti se svidelo prvih par knjiga iz serijala


link: http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/c/orson-...card/index.html

Edited by Joca

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Oliver Goldsmit- Vejkfildski Svestenik

Ej, ajde javi valja li cemu? icon_smile.gif



An Elegy On the Death of A Mad Dog


Good people all, of every sort,

Give ear unto my song;

And if you find it wondrous short,

It cannot hold you long.



In Islington there lived a man,

Of whom the world might say,

That still a godly race he ran,

Whene'er he went to pray.



A kind and gentle heart he had,

To comfort friends and foes;

The naked every day he clad,

When he put on his clothes



And in that town a dog was found:

As many dogs there be--

Both mongrel, puppy, whelp, and hound,

And curs of low degree.



This dog and man at first were friends;

But, when a pique began,

The dog, to gain some private ends,

Went mad, and bit the man.



Around from all the neighbouring streets

The wondering neighbours ran;

And swore the dog had lost his wits,

To bite so good a man.



The wound it seem'd both sore and sad

To every christian eye;

And while they swore the dog was mad,

They swore the man would die



But soon a wonder came to light,

That show'd the rogues they lied--

The man recover'd of the bite;

The dog it was that died.



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Ma meni je samo zao sto se ne setih prva da nastancujem neke gluposti i uzmem gomilu para.

nije bre glupost... cak nije ni toliko decija. Mislim radnja jeste za decu, deca su glavni likovi price, li nije sve to uopste naivno osmisljeno icon_da.gif Film je glup, ali od onih koji su procitali sve knjige sam cuo da ona (kao i obicno) nema bas mnogo veze sa filmom i da je prica zapravo mnogo kompleksnija icon_da.gif

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nije bre glupost... cak nije ni toliko decija. Mislim radnja jeste za decu, deca su glavni likovi price, li nije sve to uopste naivno osmisljeno icon_da.gif Film je glup, ali od onih koji su procitali sve knjige sam cuo da ona (kao i obicno) nema bas mnogo veze sa filmom i da je prica zapravo mnogo kompleksnija icon_da.gif

Ja sam i dalje fan onih Enid Blajton fora(More avanture,Zamak avanture i Pet prijatelja 594839 knjiga itd. itd. ) gde su se deca bavila normalnim stvarima tipa sredjivala krijumcare,spijune,ubice i ostale kriminalce a nisu se bavila madjijom icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

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