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Ok,ljudi vratio sam se jutros i iskreno ja ne znam kako da vam opsiem ono sto se sinoc dogodilo.deo mene mi govori da je sve bio san,deo mene iskreno misli da je ono sinoc bio najbolji koncert i istoriji covecanstva...Ali da krenemo ispocetka.Krenuli smo sa zakasnjenjem od 45 minuta,i plus malih milion pauza i zadrzavanja na granici negde oko 3 sata.stigli smo u pestu negde oko 8-9 ujutru i recimo da je nas par jedva cekalo da ode do arene.U 13h nas 3 je bilo ispred arene i uprkos svim ocekivanjima stgli smo prvi prvcijati na kapije.Nigde zive duse,zamislite.I tako sve negde do 4 smo blejali kada su ljudi poceli da pristizu.najcrnja stvar je sto smo svi stajali na pogresnoj kapiji i smao odjednom smo pojurli ka ulazu.Licno poludeo sam do 6 i 10 kada su kapije otvorene.U pocetku ljudi nije bio mnogo posto su svi izgleda dosli oko pola osam.Logican zaljucak je da smo bili u prvom redu....sa leve strane u uglu izmedju catwalk-a i stage-a....Koncert je poceo sa malim zakasnjenjem od oko 20-ak minuta posto su sugavi madjari okasnili da popune mesta na tribinama.inace pri samom ulasku na koncert bila je ludnica,masa je trcala nenormalno,sva sreca te smo bili u prvom redu...

Koncert kao i svih pta dosada je poceo introm,uz neku pesmu eminema,koju ja neznam.Ljudi koji ovo nisu zali su se zabezeknuli ali bilo je i onih koji su cakznali i reci.

I onda......



lately i've been hard to reach,

i've been too long on my own..

Paul se pojavljuje na catwalku,sto smo tek provali posle prvih stihova.Obezbedjenje ga je izbacilo na catwalk i on je bio u nekoj gey sulji...A

A onda odjednom prvi rifovi od Tie your mother down i brian se pojavljuje na dva metra od mene iza zavese,izgledajuci kao bog od 4 metra.Najjeziviji osecaj u mom zivotu....Iskreno umalo se nisam onesvestio....Da stvar bude zanimljiva videlo se da je bio nervozan jer je arena bila puna....tako da mu je pukla zica na njegovom Red-u pa je mora da menja.Psle toga i want to break free,pa uvodni rifovi iz love token,pa fat bottomed girls,....aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....glas me je izdao posle te pesme,sve pesme su bile savrsenstvo...paul je svaku pesmu koju je otpevao otpevao na najbolji moguci nacin....Glas mu je se perfektno oporavio od prehlade...Muzika,tehnicki je bila savrsena...Roger je briljirao na bubnjevima,brian na svom red special-u,....Delirijum,boze,iskreno ja i dalje ne verujem....Sve neverice koje sam imao su nestale...Metallica,Deep Purple,deluju smesno,ali svarno smesno pored ovoga...Samo ne zelim da me napadni ljudi zbog ove izjave ali ovo je bilo nesto sto se retko dozivljava.Svirka po mom skromnom misljenju i jos nekih ljudi,izuzev sto nema freddija i john-a,bila bolja od one na wembliju.A sutka kad je pocela I want it all,opsti haos,paul je pevao bolje nego ikad.A gitarski solo brian-a.Stajao je na vrhu bine okrenut prema platnu na kome je isprojektovana brza voznja kroz london i put do west end dominion theatre-a gde je freddijeva bista,a posle do bakingemskog krova,gde se solo zavrsio i poceo last horizon.Cela dvorana je bila osvetljena on disco kuglom,i kad da smo bili pod otvorenim nebom,....Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa,....ne bih da vam sedam na dusu ali ja neznam da li cu ikada dozivetyi ono sto jesam sinoc...Ljudi koji su ikada osporavali nesto u vezi turneje,pa cak i ja koji sam imao zamerki,koji nisu otisli na ono sinoc,nikada nece znati sta su propustili i koliko je Queen ubedljivo najbolja grupa sa scenskim nastupom,i uopste....Iskreno ne verujem da trenutno postoji bolji zivi bend od njih,a da je aktivan...Ovo bi bilo veoma subjektivno misljenje da nisam bio sinoc tamo....

A onda bohemian rhapsody i freddijev glas i projekcija na bimu,...mislim da me je to ubilo.....Pokusao sam da dobacim brajanu svoju harli majicu ali nsam imao snage tako da je zavrsila u rukama obezbedjenja....sada jedva pricam i sabriam utiske i dalje ne verujem sta se dogodilo...Nesumnjivo nesto od onoga sinoc ce biti na dvd-u koji je najavljen posle turneje,posto i sam brian je bio jezivo iznenadjen publikom i atmosferom...pevao je i tavaz Sziel ili kako se vec kaze,a naravno verovali ili ne pre love of my life umesto '39 je bila long away icon_smile.gif)))))))))))) Roger-ov solo je mozda cak i bolji od brajanovog.....

these are the days of our lives je za mene bio kra koncerta jer ja nisam mogao vise...ali onda radio ga ga,pa a kind of magic,.....ne znam,slikali smo sve caki snimali vidoe zapise pa cu vam cim mi to narezu i dostave okaciti ovde da vidite...Ljubi brian je sve vreme delovao tako nadmocno i nenormalno da je to nesto neverovatno...Lik pored mene je uzeo rogerovu palicu,a i sam roger je briljirao...I sta da vam jos kazem,kad ni sam nisam svestan nicega...Show must go on,i suze u mojim i ocima ljudi oko mene,mozda govore sve...Delirijum i sutka na allright now,takodje.....a ostatak znate sami....ja ne znam odoh sad da spavam a iskreno nadam se da sam vam preneo mali delic onoga sto sam ja sinoc osetio...Iskreno,mislim da nikada necu cuti bolju svirku ni od jednog benda na svetu...Koncert je trajao 2 sata,a set lista je ista kao sve sem ovih gore navedenih promena....

Ako nista Queen je ovom turnejom dokazao ko je ko i i sta znaci rec rock'n'roll!!!



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Au... icon_sad.gif

raspala sam se...

Da sam ja bila tamo i cula the show must go on uzivo, ne znam icon_cry.gif

Sinoc sam bila tako tuzna i sve vreme sam mislila kako NISAM na koncertu. Zaista se nadam da cu moci negde da ih "uhvatim"...


E, dodjavola!!!! icon_cry.gif

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Ja nemam reci da opisem ovaj koncert! Necu da kazem da je savrsen jer nije...bio bi da je umesto Paula istrcao Fredi icon_rolleyes.gif


Necu da ponavljam sve sto je dark earendil rekao vezano za koncert. ..u potpunosti se slazem sa njim. Zao mi je jedino sto sam uzela karte za tribine a ne za dole.. al dobro, Boze moj...i ovako sam presrecna biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


Necu da stajem na muku onima koji nisu otisli na koncert, ali ja znam da ne bih sebi oprostila da sam ga propustila!

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e jebote jesi i ti isla peko belvi travela ili solo?Svidja mi se jezivo tvoj avatar,bas je originalan :)To je karta,zar ne..

ma bilo je jezivo,svaka cast Paul-u,ne verujem da bi iko upotpunio mesto Freddija mada n je i sam izvaio:


And I quote what Paul Rodgers told VH1's Rachael Perry on 4-2-05:


"I know there will be comparison's to me and Freddie Mercury, and I am honored by that, because I have a great deal of respect for the man, but people should know, I am not Queen's singer, I am simply filling in because the man is no longer here. Plus, I get to perform my songs in a new way, with the help of Brian and Roger. I am not in Queen, nor are the members of Queen in my band. We have formed a union for this one tour, where they will be the acting musicians in my band, and I will play the role of singer in their band. My fan base knows these two men are talented musicians, and so far, I have been well accepted by the Queen fans. The only ones who will be disappointed will be those who come out looking for a Freddie impersonator. Because they won't find that in me, and thats not what Brian & Roger asked me to do. They asked me to come be Paul Rodgers, which is good, because thats all I know how to do anyway (laughs)."


.....Need I say more????

Does this guy sound like he thinks he's Freddie???


If Paul is saying he knows he's not replacing Fred...just filling...


Can't we at least give this man a chance??


Post su ljudi koji glavnom nisu bili na koncertu,ne odobravaju ovu turneju,ovo je nesto sto bi trebalo da im zacepi usta.Inace na svim forumima kako oficijelnim tako i neoficijelnim,vodi se bitka da li je ova turneja odlicna ili ne.Moj glas ide da jeste!

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icon_smile.gif (parody of queen’s another one bites the dust)


Riding in the bus down the boulevard

And the place was pretty packed (yeah!)

Couldn’t find a seat so I had to stand

With the perverts in the back

It was smelling like a locker room

There was junk all over the floor

We’re already packed in like sardines

But we’re stopping to pick up more, look out



Another one rides the bus

Another one rides the bus

Another comes on and another comes on

Another one rides the bus

Hey, he’s gonna sit by you

Another one rides the bus


There’s a suitcase poking me in the ribs

There’s an elbow in my ear

There’s a smelly old bum standing next to me

Hasn’t showered in a year

I think I’m missing a contact lens

I think my wallet’s gone

And I think this bus is stopping again

To let a couple more freaks get on look out




(weird sound effects)


Another one rides the bus

Another one rides the bus

Another one rides the bus ow

Another one rides the bus hey hey

Another one rides the bus hey-ey-ey-ey


The window doesn’t open and the fan is broke

And my face is turning blue (yeah)

I haven’t been in a crowd like this

Since I went to see the who

Well I should’ve got off a couple miles ago

But I couldn’t get to the door

There isn’t any room for me to breathe

And now we’re gonna pick up more


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Da da to je weird.Slika jos nema jer sam u uzicu,treba da dobijem kada stignem u bg.{Prilicno mi je tesko pratitit sve kada nemam komp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ovde mislim u ue!


E jungeisakakak ili kako se vec zoves,ajde posalji mi na pp taj link za sever da vidjim da poskidam sve icon_smile.gif


I necu vise komentarisati zamenu freddija od strane paul-a..... icon_mad.gificon_mad.gif


poz svima do sutre a onda brdo materijala,obecavam!

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hm stop spamu bla,stari drugaru....



Nisam imao vremena,sinoc smo gledali sve tri epizode ratova zvezda,tako da ono razumite me.A sto se tice slika,tekcu danas videti druga ciji drug je slikao,tako da cete doibiti slike.Sad cu pokusati da nadjem sa nekih drugih skorijih koncerata,pa da vam okacim ovde da vidite.Inace najnovija vest je da je Sheffield sniman za DVD posto je u backstageu bio david mallet,i koncert je sniman kamerama vrhunskjog kvaliteta sad.gif Samo ne znam zasto sheffield.cak samo 12000 hiljada publike.mada nista jos nije najvljeno,cudilo bi me da ne izdaju u hide Parku a da izdaju ovaj.Videcemo!


Inace set lista je modifikovana,tako da samd sviraju i AOBTD i TSMGO a umesto nje ponekad ubacuju under Pressure.I naravno tu je i Wishing Well od Free-a.Turneja se zavrsava pocetkom jula a zadnji koncert u engleskoj,ne racunajci hide park je u sugavoj Wembley Areni,i to 11-og maja...


e ovako da ja ne bih kacio slike,posto nemam vremena,evo vam linkovi za slike pa vi vidite icon_smile.gif




E a danas cu skinuti jos neke stvari kad budem bio na fau,pa postovati jos nesto!


poz za sada.Odoh da jedem!

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Pa sad sam vec i zaboravila koliko sam to platila. Znam da nije bilo skupo tj da sam imala kusur od 5 eura.



E jesi nasao onog lika sto je nosio aparat? On je imao i neke filmice sa koncerte icon_smile.gif

Ono sto sam videla na tvom sajtu je jako malo.mora da ima vise slika!

Edited by rhapsody

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Nazalost ja tog lika ne znam,a ono doista malo,i rekao sam drugu da je najveci idiot na svetu.....Nigde nisam nasao slike sa konca iz budimpeste ali sa ostalih uglavnom jesam....


I inace potvrdjeno je za dvd & cd sa turneje :



Download Update


- Wembley downloads will be made available shortly.


-There will be no downloads taken from the Sheffield show as the audio and footage will be used for a forthcoming CD and DVD package celebrating the Queen + Paul Rodgers European Tour.


- There will be no download tracks from the Irish dates as the shows were not recorded


- The download of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is to be made available free of charge for a limited period around the time of the Hyde Park show on July 8th - more information soon!






Queen have been name the 4th the most successful act of all time according to the annual list of the Top 100 Most Successful Acts Of All Time in The Book Of British Hit Singles & Albums, published by Guinness World Records.


The chart is based on the total number of weeks each contender has spent on the official UK Singles and Album charts.


The Book of British Hit Singles & Albums is set for release on May 20.


The Top 10 most successful acts of all time (including total weeks on the UK singles and album charts) are:


1. Elvis Presley 2,463

2. Cliff Richard 1,972

3. The Beatles 1,749

4. Queen 1,725

5. Madonna 1,653

6. Elton John 1,615

7. The Shadows 1,578

8. Michael Jackson 1,477

9. David Bowie 1,459

10. U2 1,402


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Bravo Survivor! pivopije.gif






Kay to Join Queen + Paul Rodgers at Summer Hyde Park Concert.


At face value it's an unlikely alliance: regal rockers Queen and popular-vote comedian Peter Kay. But for the third time in as many months, Kay and Queen are to appear together again.


First there was Kay's now famous 'Amarillo' video for Comic Relief which saw Queen's Brian May and Roger Taylor join Kay in a jog down the Mall. Next, Kay delighted 16,000 Queen fans when he and Max and Paddy co-star Patrick McGuinness made an impromptu stage appearance during the Queen + Paul Rodgers Manchester Arena concert earlier this month.


Now it has been announced that Kay is joining up with Queen for the band's massive outdoor London concert this summer.


Britain's best loved comic, Kay is to appear as the band's special guest when Queen + Paul Rodgers perform in Hyde Park on Friday July 8.


Kay will bring his unique brand of live performance to a concert bill which also includes band of the moment, Razorlight.


With no plans to perform live this summer, Kay was persuaded to appear at Hyde Park by Queen's Brian May and Roger Taylor and new front man, fellow northerner, Paul Rodgers, all committed fans.


Kay will perform a set specially tailored to the event as well at taking on the role of 'Master of Ceremonies'.


In just a matter of years Peter Kay has risen from success in television with series such as That Peter Kay Thing and Phoenix Nights to become the UK's biggest selling live comic performer. His most recent tour, his Mum Wants a Bungalow Tour had a sell-out run for over 11 months. The tour culminated in a record breaking performance to 8,000 at the Manchester MEN Arena. The recording of the concert shown on Channel 4 was seen by over 7.1 million viewers.


On the prospect of appearing before an outdoor audience of 85,000 and alongside two of Britain's heaviest rock bands, Kay says: "I can't think of a better way to spend a summer's evening.bring it on."


The Hyde Park concert sees Queen bring to a close it's phenomenally successful European tour with Paul Rodgers which brought them back to touring for the first time in almost 20 years and saw them sell out over two dozen concerts in the UK and throughout Europe. It brings the band back to Hyde Park after almost 30 years, having first played in the park on September 18, 1976 when their free concert drew an audience of more than 150,000.


Queen + Paul Rodgers, with special guest Peter Kay, featuring Razorlight, London Hyde Park, Friday July 8, 2005. Doors open 3:30pm. Bands on stage 5:00pm.

Edited by Millosh_024

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  • 1 month later...

Da,taj deo. Znam da je "brat blizanac" rapsodiji (kao i recimo The march of the black Queen koja im je priva pesma u toj formi) ali mi je taj deo previše uvrnut i utripovan. Bez njega je onako...tr00 epic stvar. icon_smile.gif Možda i zato da bi što pre došlo do zadnjeg stiha koji obožavam (i text i muzika).

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Innuendo mi ne diraj! icon_smile.gifpivopije.gif Taj deo (i posle isto to ali električno sa Brian-om) je kvlt! icon_smile.gif Ma,taj psihodeličan deo (lepo rečeno) je istog tripa kao sredina "Get down make love" koji je još i lepo palio na koncertima. Ma,niko ne radi pesme u ABCD fazonu bolje od Queen-a! Kod njih je dobra stvar što su uglavnom radili pesme za svoju dušu. To je znalo i da maximalno urodi plodom ali je znali i da ih sjebe. Ne mogu reći da postoji Queen pesma koja mi se ne sviđa ali u svoj toj eklektičnosti i raznovrsnosti ima svačega. Za svakog po nešto za nekoga sve.


Prophet je pesma...koliko dugačka? Nekih 8-9 minuta. Bez tog "psihodeličnog" dela bi bila tada prihvatljivije dužine i mogla je čak i singl da bude a i sem šmeka,taj deo ništa nije davao pesmi i ona funkcioniše i bez njega. Dok je iz Boemske Rapsodije NEMOGUĆE IZBACITI DEO a da dobro ispadne.

Edited by Millosh_024

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Cekaj bohemian rahapsody je pesma koju je FM imao bukvalno celu u glavi.taj deo nije bio izmotavanje,vec sprovodjenje ideje zamisljene u lavi u delo.(nemoj sad da pomislis da sma rekao da s ti nesto rekao ili sta vec)Ta pesma je toliko kompleksna,odise zivotom,eklekticnoscu,i jednom jedinom stvari koja je meni najbitnija:vremenski kontinualna i odrziva sve ove godine,kao sto su bozanstvena komedija,deveta simfonija,rekvijem,...I jos jedna stvar koja mi se svidja u vezi te pesme.Odise 70-im.5 pesama su po meni epske:Bohemian Rhapsody,Prophets Song,Innuendo i The march of the black Queen & Brighton Rock :)Prophet song,ima ono sto nema bohemian,innuendo i ove ostale.Ove ostale imaju ono sto nemaju ova.Ova pesma je onako prekrivena prasinom bila sve ovo vreme krijuci u sebi ono najlepse od njih po meni.Nije ni trebalo da bude singl.Ja je ne bih dao za singl icon_smile.gif


The world owes more regards to this monumental song. The Prophet's Song together with Love Of My Life (and the whole "Opera" album) belong to the finest, most artistic compositions of rock music. Some would pigeonhole it (them) into the art-rock genre due to the long duration and the orchestration-like arrangements (mainly of guitars and vocals). In the second half of 1960s many bands (Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Pink Floyd, Nice, Gentle Giant, Emerson Lake And Palmer, King Crimson) tried to mix classical music with rock: symphonic orchestration, covers of classical movements, sometimes weird chord progressions, long durations (10-20 minutes), etc... The bands all had their own way to do it right. Queen's early approach was writing all original and self-performed guitar orchestrations, powerful vocal arrangements, dramatic changes, maze-like or acyclic song forms, and non-standard but still ear-friendly harmonies. On the other hand, they tried to keep the form of the song, at least this time. We can find the standard sections like Chorus, Verse, and Bridge. Still, there are about ten sections not repeated at all. The variant-repetition of sections, phrases, and even shorter parts (plus the suspended chords) effectively unifies the song. Nevertheless, the listener meets with extended new melody-material until the end of the song, and unlike many monumental progressive rock compositions of that era, this one doesn't include an extended instrumental solo section with a simple repeated chord progression.

Novel idea is the canon being directly imported from classical music. On the other hand, one would think it was also inspired by the echoplex-machine that had been in circulation for a while. Brian May also used it for many of his guitar solos to date (e.g. Stone Cold Crazy). Brighton Rock was the first of these where the two echo-parts were in harmony with each other. There are hints that the idea of a canon preceded the use of delay machine: the intros of both My Fairy King and Liar contain close-to-canon guitar-fills produced without a delay machine. Pop-music sometimes used canon-like antiphonal vocals, moreover prog-rock also have a garden variety of real canons. Our canon is among the most creative ones of it's era in terms of harmony (drop me a line please if you disagree).

This song opens side B of the album (vinyl) and, similarly to the other side-opener Death On Two Legs, starts with fade in. The intro really needs silence to enjoy its fine touches.

We have five (and a half) Choruses and two and a half instrumental Chorus-variants. Due to the duration of over eight minutes and the varying arrangement, it's far from being repetitive.


The song opens and closes with an acoustic-guitar-dominated section. In the first seconds wind-blow imitating noise fades in. The music (and Intro I) starts when solo acoustic guitar enters. The performance is rubato; this makes it harder to count the measures (five measures). Intro II starts where the Chorus theme (shortened to four measures) enters.

The special instrument that can be heard during the intro is a toy (mini) koto, a traditional Japanese srtinged intrument. The acoustic guitar part (with the Outro) is very inspired.


All Choruses have different lyrics with some recurring lines; the arrangement and even the final chord change. In the first chorus the last chord is a superimposed Bb and A5 chord that badly needs a resolution to Am. Second chorus closes on F9; the third one - on Gsus2.

The lead vocal in the second phrase is harmonized. Note the fine and quick crescendo ("fade-in volume control") on the voices, especially at "...gathers here". This trick of performance was used in some of Brian's guitar orchestrations on Queen II, but also in more popular "applications" like the backing vocals of One Year Of Love. Second and third Choruses have very different backing riffs from the first Chorus. It's a clever riff, one of Brian's most clever ones, as it has different rhythmical breakpoints from the lead vocal. These two phrases have mostly harmonized lead vocal.


The third Chorus' backing vocal is in higher range than the preceding second one. The final chord (F#m) is backed with a short guitar orchestration. It enters on a fourth beat. Two further Choruses can be found after the Canon. Second of these is instrumental (solo 3) for its first half. If you can use the karaoke trick, listen to the last Chorus, and you'll hear the powerful Chorus-riff more clearly.



The Verse has a climactic design which is articulated by the thickness of the arrangement and also by the syncopation. First two phrases have no harmonies except 8th measure, and the rhythm is hardly syncopated; at many times we can hear only quarters. The third phrase adds guitar harmonies. One of the parts fades in with feedback. (Queen examples for using feedback: Get Down Make Love, Let Me Entertain You, Innuendo). The guitar harmonies, the entrance of drums, and the melody all prepare us for the climactic fourth phrase which has quickened harmonic rhythm and more syncopation. During the first measures of this phrase the descending lead vocal is nicely counterpointed with the ascending guitar figure. The lead melody reaches its peak point in the last measure.


The Canon

Technically it has three subsections. The first one features Freddie in solo with two additional delay-parts. Second subsection features three-part harmonies with one additional delay. The delay time is four beats. The canon part is about 2:30 minutes long. It keeps the tempo, but some entrances are not synchronized. Note that both the first and the last subphrases of the Canon are taken from the Chorus' beginning and end.


3:24-3:32: this part recalls the chorus theme. The key-setting scale used is g-minor, differently from the Chorus (d-minor).


3:33-3:44: it uses a bb-minor scale without 6th degree. The delays create tight harmonies because of the slow descent of the notes.


3:44-4:00 Starts with three notes of G# harmonic minor (frame-chords: E, Eb). It is followed by a B-major triad.


4:00-4:17 It starts downwards with a Bb triad (closed on minor 7th); then comes a Bbm-based (pentatonic scale + 7th degree) downward scale. The created delay-triads are oscillating between Bbm and G#.


Brian May, performing Brighton Rock on stage, frequently used both aproaches (among many others): single chord triad and a hexatonic scale resulting in an oscillating progression.


4:18-4:33 B-major triad starting from F; toward the end Freddie adds a minor seventh. Special effect is that the micro-phrases are three beats long, which results in the pulsing effect due to the four beats delay-time.


4:33-4:39 This is the same hexatonic scale. The dissonance towards the end shows what happens if pentatonic scale is mixed in.


4:40-4-48 Freddie brings the key one step down. (B > Bb-major)


4:50-5:39 This part goes with three-part harmonies with a single delay. Three voices combined with two delays could result in nine voices singing simultaneously, which is hard to keep under control and avoid disturbing dissonances. That's why the arrangement here is mostly antiphonal and uses only one delay. This subsection is 36 measures long.


The power chords are completed with guitar harmonies with many bent notes. The harmonies, in a somewhat higher position, are mainly used during the second eight measures. Note the 5th (13th) measure the first harmony-chord is Em instead of C. Note Roger's great drumming, too!

There's a short six-note guitar fill in the fourth measure shared between three guitars following each other. This gambit is called a hocket (applied also in the songs I Go Crazy and Spread Your Wings). The first guitar solo starts on the upbeat of the last measure.


Solo 1

The "rest" of the solo is backed by a new eight-measure subsection. The backing concept is not easy to describe: three-part guitar chords on each fourth beat and a short single note on each second beat, but there are deviations from this concept. What we've got here is in fact a shift of accents that we can explain as anomalies of meter:


Similar shift of accents can be found in Killer Queen, Now I'm Here, Save Me. ( I can't find a non-Queen example yet). Common factor in these examples is that the shortened measure has an elongated pair at the end of the phrase, and between these two there are "normal" measures.


Check out how the guitar solo applies break-points fitting to this subsection. The harmony fill is based upon Em and A chords, while rhythm guitars play powerchord-based riffs rooted on Em and Am (!).


Solo 2, Connector 5

Right after Solo 1 there is another solo. During its first phrase (four measures) it is backed with riffs, reminiscent to the ones of the second Chorus, and delicious guitar orchestration. The second phrase is a connetctor with guitar harmonies.


This section is followed by the last phrase of the Verse that is in a-minor. Pivot modulation takes place during the last two measures of Connector 5.


Connector 6

Metrically, it starts one beat after the final chord (D) of the last Chorus, and 16 measures long with eight repetitions of a guitar figure. It is closed with a dramatic Bbsus#4 chord, introducing the Outro.



Similarly to the Intro, it starts with a rubato-performed part followed by a Chorus-variant phrase. The rubato part features the koto again.


E sad koga ne mrzi da cita nek procita sve,ali mkoga mrzi nek procita samo prvi pasus.Iskreno mislim da je ova pesma remek delo.Malo me je uvek nervirala cinjenica sto su se posle nje sve do innuendo,nisu imali neke zelje da urade nesto sto ce ih toliko zapanjiti kao sto su ovih par stvari.Harmonija u svemu tome jeste kljuc koji otvara vrata njihove muzike na najboljhi moguci nacin.Svirali su za svoju dusu,da,ali mislim da su imali period zasicenja kada su pravili fenmenalne stvari ali losije od ovih.O boze tek sam ustao a vec lupam.


p.s.mogao bih ja i dalje ali mrzi me iskeno


izvor za ovo je queen royal legend site

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