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Kada sam se vratio sa tekme i upalio tv to je bila prva stvar koju sam video. Čini mi se na SOS-u. Lik sa preteranim lažnim brkovima i preteranim lažnim zubima, u raznim Freddie pozama i garderobi Od bledo-plavog džinsa i bele potkošulje do onog srebrnastog trikoa koji mu katastrofalno stoji jer ima stomačinu a ne kao Freddie-u....u tako lik celo vreme šmekuje i vidi se da se zabavlja ali nekako sve to deluje kao parodija. (sama muzika...onako....kao brža i gitarskija verzija originala....) I onda na kraju taj spomenik sa Freddie-evim pravim imenom i prezimenom....(naravno,nije original jer je F.M kremiran)




Naginjem se više ka pozitivnom nego negativnom.... ph34r.gif

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@ shock! & dea & svim zainteresovanim:juce sam se vratio iz Budimpeste i video sam da su karte vec pustene u pretprodaju.Cena je 7900 forinti (~33 eura).Plus put...Pa eto,kombinujte...



čak i jebeni satanistički black metal bend kao što je Bathory ima dve obrade i to "Ogre battle" i "now I'm here"

Za Bathory mozes da kazes to (da su black metal) za prva 3 njihova albuma,a vec posle toga su se preorijentisali.Tako da reci 'satanisticki black metal' za Bathory na osnovu 3 albuma (od 15-ak koliko su izdali) je samo delimicno tacno (i oni su dosta menjali stilove,kao i Queen).

A i na kojim albumima Bathory se nalaze te obrade Queen-a?

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kapacitet je 12500...


cene karata tacno su:



101, 102, 105-108, 111, 114-118, 120, 121, 201-206 szektorok 13,900 Ft.-

Állóhely 12,900 Ft.-

109, 110, 112, 113, 207-219 szektorok 11,900 Ft.-

319-326 szektorok 7,900 Ft.-


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@dea:hm,nista ne razumes? 'Sektorok' je valjda 'sektor',posto se odrzava koncert u nekoj 'Sport Areni' (koja je valjda izdeljena na sektore).


@shock!:(i ti bi mogao ponekad da bacis pogled na onu temu 'Odlazak na koncerte u Budimpestu' icon_smile.gif ) trenutni kurs (od prosle nedelje) je da kad prodas 1 euro dobijes 238 forinti.Sto bi znacilo da su cene ovakve:

7900 ft=~33 eura

11900 ft=50 eura

12900 ft=~54 eura

13900 ft=~58,5 eura


Pretpostavljam da su one cene od 50 eura pa navise za prve redove (ili tako nesto)...odnosno za true fanove...

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Pretpostavljam da su one cene od 50 eura pa navise za prve redove (ili tako nesto)...odnosno za true fanove...

Ja sam tr00 fan, ali nemam tolike pare! icon_sad.gif

Sad se razmisljam da li da idem uopste...

Edited by dea

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Pazi u sustini ja sam slusao nesto video materijala u studiju koji su sva trojica radili,sve lici na tvrde stvari,kao sto su I wan't it all,All right now,can't get enough,hammer to fal,racunajte na dosta paul-ovih pesama jer i na njegovom sajtu naglaseno da ce biti u pitanju cista hard rocki svirka,cisto sumnjam da ce pevati stvari kao sto je a kind of magic,somebody to love ili tako nesto.Uzmite sto queen ima tvrdo i to racunjate plus one klasicne stvari sa turneje Magic Tour .... Ocekujte nesto slicno brian-ovim koncertima u parizu 98-me i back to the light tour.Naravno nece imati Coz powel-a ali ipak bice tu Roger koji nadam se da ima snage za jos malo magije....

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E pa bolje je i tako,sam paul nije ni prici fm-u na stage-u ali opet ima neki svoj smek i stav.Oni ne teze da ponove ono staro vec da naprave nesto novo,vredno pomena.Ova turneja je propracena od skoro svih media,novian,apsolutno svih,ovo ce biti veliki dogadjaj za rock'n' roll bar ja tako mislim icon_smile.gif

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izgleda da nisam bio u pravi,jer set lista za prvi koncert u fancourt-u je sledeca:



Tie Your Mother Down

Can't Get Enough Of Your Love

I Want To Break Free

Fat Bottomed Girls

Say It's Not True (B-Stage, Roger Taylor on lead vocal)

Too Much Love Will Kill You (feat. Katie Melua)

Hammer To Fall (Slow Version, Brian May on lead vocal intro)

A Kind Of Magic

Feel Like Making Love

Radio Ga Ga (Roger Taylor on lead vocal)

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

The Show Must Go On

All Right Now

We Will Rock You

We Are The Champions (feat.African Childrens Choir)



p.s. barem sam pogodio sta ce pevati paul icon_smile.gif

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Ljudi da mi date orden za narednu vest.Prvo nisam verovao,ali izgleda da je vest tacna.Queen krjem godine dolazi u sarajevo.Da da sarajevo.I to nije sve,karte za koncert ce kostati simbolicnih pet jevreja.Vest su objavili kurir i vecersnji list iz hrvatske,a obavestenje se pojavilo i nawww.queenzone..com

tako da postoje sanse da od toga nesto i bude.i jos jedna stvar.na sajtu www.tiscali,com/uk je bio online koncert i ja sam ga gledao:)Iskreno svirka je bila dobra nacisto.Ljudi su nenormalno napaljeni izgleda pa ako mozda najave neki koncert u bg,to ce bas da bude festa.Ko dosada nije shvatio da je ova turneja jedna od najvecih i najzapazenijih u svetu trenutno(a kako ce tek da bude gad bude u jeku) taj je nacisto prso icon_smile.gif


link za vecernji list je sledeci :http://www.vecernji-list.hr/newsroom/scena/245629/index.do


poz od mene za sada icon_smile.gif

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Brixton set lis :


Set list in no order


Bo rap

Im in love with my car

love of my life


Tie your mother down

we will rock you

we are the champions

fat bottemed girls

crazy little thing called love

hammer to fall

radio ga ga

want to break free

kind of magic

i want it all

days of our lives

show must go on

lost horizon


feel like making love

all right now

cant get enough of your love

1 more paul rogers song i do not know


Nisam nesto odusevljen,trebalo bi ovih dana da to nabavim da odslusam pa cu vam konkretno rweci


Ostatak je sa nekih foruma :


Other Queen songs performed tonight, in no particular order;


I Want To Break Free - Paul didn't need to sing this as the crowd completely took over!


Fat Bottomed Girls - excellent performance by band.


Hammer To Fall (Slow/Fast) - vocal shared by Brian + Paul


Crazy Little Thing Called Love'

'39 - Not officially on the Set list but Brian played the opening few chords and the crowd took over and sang the rest of it.


Love Of My Life - Beautiful rendition of this song, Brian sat on a stool in the centre of the stage..next to him was an empty stool. (Paul Rodgers did not sing this song)


Days Of Our Lives - Great performance by Roger, video screen behind showed clips of Queen in their early years - very poigniant.


I Want It All - Brian on vocals...however this song was crying out for Paul Rodgers on vocals...i can't understand why he didn't do it.


A Kind Of Magic -


Bohemian Rhapsody - Band played along to video screen of Freddie at Wembley 86 for the first verse. For the opera section the band left the stage and the video screen played clips of Freddie and a few of John. Paul Rodgers sang the final part of the song.


Radio Ga Ga - Roger started singing this track to a drum backing track, Paul came out and sang the last verse (Paul should have sang the whole song as it sounded much better with Roger playing real drums on it.)


I'm In Love With My Car - Roger sang the whole song and played drums...the man still has it!


The Show Must Go On

We Will Rock You

We Are The Champions


Brian's guitar playing on Feel Like Makin Love and All Right Now was fantastic, those tracks rocked!

Brian also played a 10 minute solo which included snippets of Keep Yourself Alive, Brighton Rock, Chinese Torture and finished with Last Horizon.



A tacna setlista je : Queen and Paul Rodgers live at Brixton setlist

The set list for Queen + Paul Rodgers live at Brixton Academy, London on March 28, 2005 was as follows:


1. Paul Rodgers vocal intro


2. Tie your mother down


3. A little bit of love


4. I want to break free (audience sings most of the song)


5. Fat bottomed girls


6. Crazy little thing called love


7. Seagull (Roger Taylor on percussion)


8. '39 (Brian May alone)


9. Love of my life (Brian May and crowd)


10. Hammer to fall (slow version followed by normal version)


11. Brighton rock


12. Last horizon


13. These are the days of our lives (Roger Taylor on vocals) [Queen in JAPAN footage on screen]


14. Radio Ga Ga (Roger Taylor on vocals then Paul Rodgers joins)


15. Can’t get enough of your love


16. I'm in love with my car (Roger Taylor on vocals and drums)


17. I want it all (Brian May on vocals)


18. A kind of magic


19. Bohemian Rhapsody (Freddie Mercury on vocals - footage from "Live at the Bowl" on screen, band joins for the last part of the song)


20. The Show must go on


---- Band leaves the stage


21. Feel like making love


22. All right now


---- Band leaves the stage


23. We will rock you


24. We are the champions


25. God Save The Queen



STa mislite ovako,povrsno?


Ja cekam audio snimke,jos uvek...

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Dea nisam ja tek taki fan,cisto da se kaze,...Veze,prijateljstva sa ljudima sirom sveta,ljubav za muzikom queen-a i jos mnoge stvari su uticale na sve to,....A inace ce mi "neko'" poslati snimke koncerta....


Evo nekih review-a preuzetih sa glavnog sajta :


The Daily Telegraph

"a remarkable rock-and-roll experience, a daring and potentially disastrous experiment that, most of the time, worked brilliantly. An extraordinary evening that was both a raucous celebration and a respectful memorial. A kind of magic indeed."


The Guardian

**** (out of five)

"May and Taylor were the real deal - the engine of the band as well versed as Mercury in the art of grandiosity. As a one-off, though, a marvellous night than ranks as one of the gigs of the year."


The Daily Star (3/4 page)

"Five minutes into their comeback show any cobwebs are blasted away. Mature members of the rock aristocracy playing together is often awful, but Queen prove they still rock."


The Daily Express (full page)

"Rogers rules as the show goes on for Queen. While Paul Rodgers and Queen are emphatically not Freddie Mercury and Queen, the new group more than did justice to the songs in their repertoire. They will undoubtedly enjoy success and acclaim this summer when they move to playing the kind of huge stadium venues which they rocked so successfully in their heyday."



Sto se tce slika sa brixton-a :


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  • 2 weeks later...

Eh,blago meni sto studiram pa necu ni reci calu da idem,....A onda jednog dana pricacu svojoj deci kako sam prodao svoj mobilni da bih otisao u pestu na fesdtu....I dalje ne verujem da idem,ali imam jos par dana...Ne znam i dalje sam skeptican,iako sam skinuo i gledao,fancourt,polaznicu turneje(dea to mozes dobiti uskoro,tj. cim se vratim....)Nadam se da ce da bidne dobro,rekli su da je koncert pola sata duzi jer nema predgrupe.Samo me interesuje da li je i to novinarska patka,sta li ce da ubace u tih pola sata.Set lista je na skoro svakom koncertu ista,neznam sto,mozda nece biti nista zanimljivije....Set lista nije losa,mada moglo je i bolje,ali nikako da svarim sto su love of my life stavili na sami pocetak koncerta....I jos jedna stvar...mozda ali mozda ce da se budimpesta snima za dvd.To ili Hyde park na leto.ionako Holywood records je najavio novi dvd queen-a ali nije otkrio koji je...mzoda greatest hits 3 ili nesto novo...

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Ova tema je toliko ubedačena da ja nemam reči. no.gif


Legende i činjenice o Boemskoj Rapsodiji


Legends And Facts




Freddie as the only songwriter: That's completely true in my opinion. Check the quotes about songwriting and you'll find at least one comment by each band member saying that Freddie had "everything in his head" or "all the ideas in his head". What most people discusses is the guitar solo. I think even Brian has said a couple of times that Fred just wanted a solo there, and Brian took charge of writing it. That contradicts the previously mentioned comments. So the question is, was the solo beyond Freddie's limits? absolutely not. Of course it's nearly impossible that he could play it, but you don't necessarily need an extraordinary ability in the guitar to create that solo, you just need to have it in your head. Brian was the "instrument" Freddie used to recreate what he had in his head. About the rest of instruments Roger also confirmed Freddie coordinated the punctuation of drums, and note that bass is most of time doubling Freddie's left hand, so that was his invention too.


Freddie as the only arranger: Ditto. Somewhere it says that the operatic bit was arranged by Brian and Roy Thomas Baker but that's wrong. Note the comment of Brian himself saying that in this particular song all the harmonies were arranged by Freddie (the old story of the phonebook notes etc), and also remember the old story of "he had all the ideas in his head". Some people also discuss the orchestral backdrops of the reprise, but note that the melody was already in the piano. Moreover still there are many comments of "he had everything in his head", made by different people in different times, so it's very unlikely they're all wrong. The guitar scales before the piano show-off are something perhaps Fred couldn't play but he could either sing the scales or play them in the piano or tell Brian "play C then Eb then...".


Operatic bit growing every day: That legend is based on a comment by Roy Thomas Baker, in which he said that the opera section was very small and everyday Freddie came up with new parts of it. That's again contradictory because, by one side, apparently the backing track of all the song was recorded live in the studio, and apparently Freddie already had "everything in his head" (in fact Roger didn't know what was going to be on top of what they were playing). If Roy's version was correct then that'd mean they modified the backing track, which, according to Brian, wasn't done at all (at least in this song). Moreover Brian mentioned sometime that the first time they ever edited a backing track was in 1979 working with Mack.


Number of voices: In my humble opinion, the 180 story is an exaggeration. That was a calculation Brian did basing on 9 part harmonies and 20 times they did each one. Now, first of all, there's only one line with nine-part vocal harmonies (the last "for me"). There you can note (in surround channels) that top voice (Bb4) is only done once, as it's the second from the top (Ab4), and the bottom line by Freddie (F1). That leaves six harmonies. Let's say each one has in fact twenty voices (which I also doubt). That'd mean the biggest line of the song (in terms of having most voices) would have 123. Freddie said in 1977 that it was a 160-200 quantity. Now, a friend of mine told me some years ago that easily 20 voices could do it, I think that's too little, but certainly, in my opinion, I think the "200 voices" are in fact about 50. About the "no no no no no no no" line, Freddie said it was 150, but, in my opinion, they're no more than 5 (in fact I really doubt they're over three).

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E deice ajde ako hoces da ti narazem ja to na mp3 i imam i fancourt 2005 video.moglo bi sve na jedan cd da stane icon_smile.gif mislim ako hoces da se nadjemo pa da ti to isporucim nekako....


a sto se tice pesama,pa ne znam mislim da je paul malo prehladjen ovih dana pa zato,kako pise u novinama.Set lista nije losa ali ceka se kako su najavili izvodjenje Another One i One Vision,a prica se da su sad u Munichu u sound cjheck-u svirali long Away.Koliko sam ja razumeo ta lista se nece nesto posebno menjati dok ne dodju do engleske.Hm no.gifno.gif Nije losa,svirka deluje dobro,podseca na stare dane naravno,Freddijevo odsustvo se tako primecuje da je to neverovatno.Ali iskreno meni se ovo svidja jer realno to je najbolje sto cemo dobiti od njih.Kazu da ce mozda sledece godine nova turneja i novi materijal...Iskreno da se ne lazemo ja vise volim Paul-a nego opciju da peva Robbie Williams ili cak Brian i Roger.To mi se jedino ne svidja,bas su im glasovi propali,nisu kao nekada,pa se u nekim momentima osecam kao da slusam krecanje.A i Roger se ugojio poprilicno icon_smile.gif


ne znam,ja palim u petak,a utiske cu vam pricati...

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Hm jutros sam dobio mail od jednog friend-a iz nemacke koji je sinoc bio u frankfurtu.

imala je velike sumnje, oko paula ali sada je razuverena icon_smile.gif ax jedva cekam!Posto su izbacivali ljude sa koncerata zbog aparata ja ne verujem da cu nositi aparat ali nacicu neku budalu koja hoce icon_smile.gif

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E,pa sad...da je delom "narodnjak" može da se kaže (više etno...)...kao što rekoh...ali to da je srpski...jedino da nekako sad povežem da su srbi i španci isto. ph34r.gif


Što se Steve Howe-a iz grupe "Yes" i njegovog akustičnog pojavljivanja na Innuendo albumu (tj. pesmi) tiče...


Interviewer: I'm going to play the title track from _Innuendo_ right now, and it just occurred to me that a lot of people may not have heard this, it's literally brand new. The album has only been out, you can count it in hours almost. Now Queen is not known for bringing in musicians, but Steve Howe makes an appearance on this track.


BRIAN: That's right, purely by fortuitous accident. He just happened to be around in Switzerland, when we were working and he just dropped in. We were working on this little Spanish guitar piece in the middle. He's very good at that sort of stuff, so instantly it seemed like a good idea to get him in to play all the stuff that I can't play.





Inače, proverite ovaj sajt; mnoooogo je dobar (tehnički i stručno) http://queen.musichall.cz/index_en.php?s=sa&d=innuendo





Queen je JAKO RETKO imao "guest musicians" ali povremeno...Na "one year of love" saxophone svira Steve Gregory a ima i verzija "cool cat" sa David Bowie-jem na pratećim vokalima. (ta verzija nije na "hot space".)

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da imam tu verziju.Hvala na vestima...Inace sajt je ok ali onaj rrakli.freewebspace24.de je ugasen tako da vam saljem nove linkove


Queen+Paul Rogers 14.04.2005 Munich





















































desni klik pa save target as icon_smile.gif

Inace ljudi su ovo proglasili za jedan od najboljih koncerata na turneji do sada.Cudno nije mi se toliko svideo.Inace bohemian rhapsody ne peva paul vec pustaju glas fredija do onog dela : so you think you can... kad peva paul!

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Inace bohemian rhapsody ne peva paul vec pustaju glas fredija do onog dela : so you think you can... kad peva paul!

A, bas sam htela da pitam da li je moguce da to neko sem Freddija moze da odpeva...


So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye

So you think you can love me and leave me to die




E, napravio si mi zazubice... icon_sad.gif

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