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Instalirao sam pre neki dan i jedva sam izdrzao 2 sata da igram, najvece dve mane su mi sto su je odradili kao igru iz prvog i treceg lica i to jako, jako lose. To stvarno ne razumem kada su mogli da odrade mnogo bolje i lepse sa izometrijskom (old school) kamerom, ukljucujuci 2D/3D elemente. Druga mana jeste sto igra uopste nije turn based kao 1 i 2, vec mi vise vuce na FPS, ne vidim uopste poentu preteranog koriscenja V.A.T.S. Jedino sta mi se svidja jeste kako je prica krenula, ali ne mogu da je teram dalje, cak ni sa silnim modovima za poboljsanje.

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ovo bi trebalo da bude interesantno... jedan deo ekipe iz fallout 1 i fallout 2 radi igru...brian fargo je director, mark morgan radi muziku...

ima bash shmek starijih fallouta


Otvorih ja temu odavno, nula postova i minus naravno



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Mislim da je Fallout 1 inspirisan prvim delom Wasteland-a iz '80-tih, barem mislim da sam to negde procitao. Meni se svidja kako izgleda, samo da ne bude linearna kao Shadowrun Returns.


pre par godina sam probao da igram wasteland iz 80'ih :)

nemam problem sa grafikom i sa tehnichkim izvodjenjem igre, al ovo je jednostavno preprimitivno bilo za mene

igra se uz neku knjizicu koja koja se originalno dobijala u paketu uz sam wasteland software

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  • 1 year later...



Uveliko igram 3, koliko su je neki ljudi kudili (kultaši koji obožavaju originalna dva dela), ovo je i ispalo igrivo. Ako se izuzmu razni bagovi i povremena pucanja igre.


P.S. Kako je lepo videti stručnjake na delu, po n-ti put nešto reizdaju u lepom pakovanju i uzmu masi novce, kudos.

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Meni se trojka svidela tek iz treceg pokusaja, kada sam skapirao da se mora igrati iz prvog lica inace je neigrivo. Iako, i tako je igrati bi bilo katastrofalno da nema VATS. Prica valja, okruzenje valja, ali je kombat smejurija...samo ga VATS izvlaci.

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I sa VATS-om zna da bude poprilično klimava borba, čak iako recimo imaš dobre statistike na određena oružja, i određene perkove. Naciljam neprijatelja (neka bude Super Mutant) i skoro svaki deo tela obeležim, i pokazuje mi dole koliko mu se energije oduzima i onda tropa. Niti je oprema u kvaru, jer redovno održavam, i još se bufferujem sa Jet-ovima, Buffout-ima i ostalim đakonijama za poboljšanje. Da pripišem to onda bagovitosti igre?


Jedina stvar koja me je za sada razočarala su skillovi, ispade da samo nekolicina skillova igra bitnu ulogu u igri, repair, science, medicine, i ovaj tipa za oružje, ostali manje-više.

Zapanjen sam time, kako je igra ipak velika, iako sam nešto tripovao u početku da mi je kompletna mapa Wasteland-a, malena, ali kako polako otkrivam svaku lokaciju, shvatam da sa te strane nisu omanuli.


Nisam imao sreće da nađem kompanjona, naleteh u Megatonu na Jericho-a, ali on će doći, samo ako poseduješ lošu karmu. Gde li je Dogmeat? :cry:

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Friške vesti u vezi četvorke:


Today, QuakeCon attendees were treated to a brand new Fallout 4 demo chock full of new information. While there’s no footage of this panel, we’ve rounded up the most interesting details for you.

Thanks to a combination of an IGN liveblog, as well as Twitter updates from PC Gamer andKotaku friend Dave Oshry, here is everything we’ve learned about Fallout 4 today:

  • There will be about a dozen possible companions, including Dogmeat, Mr. Handy, Preston Garvey, and ‘Piper,’ a newly-revealed companion who you can meet in Diamond City.
  • Mr. Handy can actually say your name—be it John, or something more ridiculous like “Mr. Fuckface.” He will vocalize it all the same. I can’t wait to see all the offensive and silly names that people come up with! In any case, Mr. Handy is voiced by Stephen Russel, who PC Gamer notes also voiced Garret in Thief. Finally, the inside of Mr. Handy is actually modeled, because I guess Bethesda wants to make sure you can see the details if he’s ever blown up.
  • We’ve already gotten a look at Preston Garvey, as he was a character that was added earlier this year to Fallout Shelter. He is the leader of the Commonwealth Minutemen, a group which needs some serious help. Preston Garvey looks like this:


  • Dogmeat is based on a real dog, who is named River. Quakecon folks got to see footage of this dog, but we’ll have to settle for a Tweet:


Additionally, you can command your in-game dog to scout areas for items (fetching, looting, and so on.)

  • Piper, the new companion, wears a red leather coat and a newsboy hat.
  • You can romance your companions, regardless of whether you play as a male or female. Not clear on whether or not this includes robots like Mr. Handy, but here’s hoping.
  • Things that are back: bloody mess perk, Super Duper Mart, computer hacking, lockpicking, the Fat Man, and Behemoth mutants. The demo actually ends with the player shooting an atomic bomb at a Behemoth mutant.
  • Book/comic book covers will be more detailed this time around, and you can zoom in and look at them.
  • The leveling system works differently now. Perks are tied to SPECIAL stats, and not levels. Having specific high special stats means having good related perks.
  • It sounds like factions can war with one another. IGN described a scene where the player watched ghouls attacking raiders, and noted that the player had the option to let it happen without interfering. Awesome. Additionally, they also noted that at one point the Brotherhood of Steel appears and joins the player in a battle against raiders.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"To our fans who've asked: Fallout 4 doesn't end when the main story is over and there is no level cap. You can keep playing and leveling," the developer stated on Twitter.




Iako i dalje nisam prešao treći deo, ubija me u pojam quest sa Tennpenny tower-om i ghoul-ovima, kako god da postupim gubim karmu, a naradio sam se da budem dobričina 100%. :haha:

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