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Death / Grind - preporuke & kultovi


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drugari,zadnji pokusaj,jedino da nadjem nekako krull-a pa da a natjeram da iskopa barem ovaj video,posto sam nedje jos kad sebe prokopao da je on zapravo bestregao ovaj projekat:



na 3:17 pocinje pjesma,koliko se sjecam ovo je sajdprojekat krull-a sa nemam vise pojma kojim mufljuzima,i koliko se sjecam ime je bilo nesto dumersko,neko cvijece ili sl.znam da je ovo longsat,ali rekoh da probam,ako ima ikakav info,barem spot ili ovu pjesmu,jako jako bi mu bio zahvalan.

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ma kakvi,to bi mogao da bude ovaj corpus christi,mada koliko se sjecam bas je imao neko goticarsko ime


MD: I guess ‘Death By Metal’ on the album is the perfect example of mixing the old with the new because I gather some of those riffs are from over twenty years ago, and you’ve combined those with some new riffs? ALEX: That’s actually the one song, yes…[laughs]… I wrote it, by the way. MD: I read it was 1991 when you wrote those old riffs? ALEX: Yeah, the main riff and the riff in the chorus as well. Also, that’s quite funny because I had another band called Corpus Christi and we never released that stuff so I found it very cool to use it now. I said, “hey, come on, that’s like the real thing from back in the day.”


to je to,nemam pojma sto sam istripovao da se goticarski zove,mozda je taj album/ep trebao nekako tako da se zove.nista,sad cu da vidim taj album da vidim jel to to (mada nije sto posto),a onda da vidim da se on nekako iskontaktira barem taj spot da prokopa.


on misli na zadnji atrocity,evo sad slusam,nije to lose ali nije to ovo.


"the video you mentioned was a side project of our singer with some friends of ours in the beginning of the 90's. The band was called Corpus Christi. They wrote a couple of songs but never released or recorded them properly. all they did was this video of the song 'Melissa' because they new the filmmaker and he owed us something...


znao sam da je nesto goticarski :haha:


sad cu mu zategnem poruku na fejs jebes mi sve

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jbg, kad ne slusas prog death/thrash iz 90ih samo neke tupa tupa djubretare :haha:


kult bend u malo naprednijim krugovima :haha:


prvo su svirali neki tech death/thrash



pa su onda presli na nesto sto je bilo malo vise cyber i groovy


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