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Elem, pošto više nema Vargovih tekstova na sajtu, (zbog nepoštovanja autorskih prava Varg više ne želi da ih objavjuje javno), jedina vest u poslednje vreme jeste pojavjivanje njegove dugo najavljivane knjige: "Scandinavian mythology and worldview", a koja će izaći i na ruskom, btw. Izgleda da je Varg baš u nategnutim odnosima sa svojima, čim su Rusi preuzeli i zvaničan sajt.. :)


Mislim i jedino na ruskom-steta :da:

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Black metal was a revolt against the modern world, and in particular against the commercialised (Americanised) death metal scene. It was a just revolt, but a bit pointless, because there is really nothing to do when you face a tidal wave. There is no point fighting it. All you can do is to get out of the way, and then return after it is gone, to build a new village on the ruins of the old one.- Varg Vikernes

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Varg - Racial Socialist


Varg nije nikakav socijalista, da si pazljivo procitao ono sto je pisao znao bi to. Varg jeste ultra desnicar i njegova shvatanja bi se najblize mogla okarakterisati kao odalisticka. Sto se tice rasizma, rasista jeste takodje, ali nije socijalista. To je vise puta naglasio. Samim tim je najveca nebuloza svrstavanje Burzuma u NSBM, jer Varg dakle NIJE nacional socijalista. U tekstovima Burzuma se ne moze naci nista na osnovu cega bi se mogla povuci paralela izmedju tog benda i nacional - socijalizma.

Edited by Hell on Earth

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U tekstovima Burzuma se ne moze naci nista na osnovu cega bi se mogla povuci paralela izmedju tog benda i nacional - socijalizma.



i fala bogu na tome sto barem nije kaljao svoju umjetnost maloumnim nacistickim i rasistickim rezonima..love the art, fuck the bastard

a inace..NSBM mi je bitan koliko i politicko stanje u nekoj pm..koliko god bio iritantan kao pojam, toliko me savrseno boli klinac za njim..



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Varg nije nikakav socijalista, da si pazljivo procitao ono sto je pisao znao bi to. Varg jeste ultra desnicar i njegova shvatanja bi se najblize mogla okarakterisati kao odalisticka. Sto se tice rasizma, rasista jeste takodje, ali nije socijalista. To je vise puta naglasio. Samim tim je najveca nebuloza svrstavanje Burzuma u NSBM, jer Varg dakle NIJE nacional socijalista. U tekstovima Burzuma se ne moze naci nista na osnovu cega bi se mogla povuci paralela izmedju tog benda i nacional - socijalizma.

Pažljivo sam pročitao sve sa njegovog sajta i mogu reći da nacionalizam bez socijalizma je apsurdan i obrnuto: socijalizam bez jasno definisane zajednice nema smisla! To zna i Varg.


i fala bogu na tome sto barem nije kaljao svoju umjetnost maloumnim nacistickim i rasistickim rezonima..love the art, fuck the bastard

a inace..NSBM mi je bitan koliko i politicko stanje u nekoj pm..koliko god bio iritantan kao pojam, toliko me savrseno boli klinac za njim..

Ko je pitao za tvoje mišljenje!? Ako ti se ne svidja prosto nemoj ovde pisati/vredjati Varga i njegovu rasnu svest."Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white." :violent:

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''What makes me different from the "nazis" are basically three things; unlike them I am not socialistic (not even on a national level), I am not materialistic and I believe in (the ancient Scandinavian!) democracy.


So, since I am not a "nazi" I began to use another term, in the late 90ies. I did it not just to avoid confusion, but also to find a term more suitable and accurate than the other terms I had used. This new term was odalism, from Norse óðal ("homeland", "allodium", "allodial law", "nobility", "noble", "inherited goods", "fatherland", "land property", "distinguished family", "distinguished", "splendid", "kin" and "the nation")''. - Varg Vikernes


Kraj price. Evo i link za ceo tekst koga zanima vise.




Dakle da stavimo tacku na ovu raspravu. Burzum nije NSBM, jer za razliku od NSBM bendova Varg se ne izjasnjava kao nacista i u njegovim tekstovima nema NS tematike.

Edited by Hell on Earth

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Da,pročitao sam taj deo.A šta bi bilo da je na sve te odgovore rekao potvrdno "da ja sam nacional-socijalista"!? Verovatno ne bi izašao iz zatvora do 2044 godine.Izuzetno dobro poznaje uticaj jevreja u svetu,takodje je protiv ovog modernog društva,protiv rasnog mešanja je,nacionalista je,ne voli tamnopute majmune,obožava prirodu i sve njene različitosti i zakone,sve to ga čini Nacional Socijalistom :twisted: Ni Graveland nema u svojim tekstovima NS niti se izjašnjavaju kao NSBM ali na dnu njihovog sajta stoji "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children!" što je meni sasvim dovoljno . :pivopije:

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Decko, ubedjuj sebe u sta hoces, ja sam ti rekao sve sto treba. Sto se tice nacional - socijalizma mogao bih o njemu mnogo da ti pricam, kao i o mnogim drugim ultra desnicarskim strujama koje nemaju veze sa socijalizmom. To da li on izmislja ili ne i da li se zarad nekih povlastica ustrucava da kaze ono sto stvarno misli, ti ne znas i ne mozes da znas nikako. Ja sam siguran da to nije istina, jer on se nikada nije ustrucavao da kaze ono sto misli, a i oni koji nastoje da ga iza resetaka zadrze sto duze su ga odavno proglasili za nacistu, tako da mu je sve jedno. Tvoje izjave su izjave indoktrinirane osobe, da ne kazem napaljene i tebi ocigledno nije u celosti poznata ideologija nacional - socijalizma, kao ni druge desnicarske struje kada ne mozes uociti razliku. Varg je konzervativac, elitista, rasista, anti - semitista, ali njegova shvatanja se zbog cinjenice da nije socilaista ne mogu poistovetiti sa nacizmom. Da li pseudonim Count Grishnack, arogantno ime koje te uzdise iznad ostalih, kako je rekao Varg, prilici jednom socijalisti? Sam socijalizam nije u duhu Black Metala, i iz tog razloga nemam ni malo simpatija prema NSBM. Taj NSBM je toliko minoran i nebitan. Stvari kao sto su nacija, jednakost, porodica, dogma i sl nemaju nikakve veze sa onim sto Black Metal jeste u svojoj biti. Da ne govorim o tome da se hriscanski duh zavijen u pagansku sarenu lazu preko naci blackera uvlaci u Black Metal, pogotovo kod nas. Black Metal je nastao kao nesto sasvim drugo, a sta je sustina istog najbolje ces skapirati ako procitas moj potpis. I ako nameravas da nastavis sa tim naci stvarima bolje idi na stormfront i batali Black Metal.

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Author:Varg Vikernes


The Clean Blood - Humanity's Last Chance


We have dawdled race hygiene research and discovered proof that race blending is harmful to offspring. The race hygiene institute in Oslo was taken down after the second World War and all research results were destroyed because they were "Nazis". A fraction of the work were not destroyed. We know that race blending is harmful to mankind or more correct - those that made an effort to understand race hygiene found this out. The others life in disbelief that it isn't harmful to blend races. Those who study anatomy also understand race blending is harmful for humanity - they ought to, at any rate, understand it. I have myself come across materials that have taught me much about this topic, but it's been labeled as Nazism and racism and confiscated by the prison. Politics and religious freedom are considered after all of correctness here in this country. This brings about that I can't use Latin names of different skeleton parts and that I cannot say the accurate forms of all the different race's skulls. The woman's pelvis is adapted to the woman's own race's head form, so that the birth shall be as clear as possible and so that the child would not be inflicted with head damage during the birth. If one mixes two races there is a 50% chance for the offspring to have the father's head form. When the woman gives birth to the child and the pelvis is adapted for birth of children with the mother's race's head form, the child will be exposed to a large quantity of hereditary weakness. Usually there's a 5% chance that the child incurs concussions during the birth. This can all be from serious to not so serious concussions, or such a serious threat to the child that it becomes imbecilic or so narrve that it only inflicts the child with allergies (it's important to notice that all allergies are not a result of brain damage, most often a result of bad genes). When a mother gives birth to a child with another race, brain damage increases to 20% because of the pelvis form. Another example of race mixing's harmful effect is when a European (u originalnom tekstu greškom stoji German) has a child with a Sami. A European has powerful legs and powerful hips, a Sami has much less. If the child inherits the Europea's leg power and the Sami's hip power, or the other way around, increases the chance for hip damage considerably. We have then one that has legs too big for the hips, or vice versa. This knowledge is refused among our people because it gives national socialism the right, and because if we are not willing to mix races then the Jewish-Christians will not increase their power in the world. Jews are "god's chosen people" and think they have the right to banish and slaughter all others. They also think they are above everyone else, and can make all others Jewish slaves. Why give way to the culture only to become Jewish slaves by the mountain Zion?








We all know the number of the beast if 666, but what is actually the symbol of the beast? The so-called "upside down cross" is a Peter-cross, named after him because he was crucified upside down according to the Jewish Christian mythology. It has nothing to do with Satanism. I have discussed the Star of David earlier, the Jewish star. And I criticized them for not having modified their symbol after our knowledge increased, but now I understand why they stick with the old symbol. It is Satan's sign, "the symbol of the beast!"







The symbol has six points, six edges (one behind each point) and the symbol has six lines, this becomes the same as three sixes; 666, the "number of the beast". This agrees with the theory - that the Jews are "Satan's people" more than any other, and their god is none other than Satan, the world's evil!










Pride can make one blind from one time to another, both good and bad. It can give extremes against, good and blindness that makes one proceed to a dead end as not driven some place without turning around conscious of what they are driven by, an evil.






Ceo tekst možete ovde pročitati:

<a href="http://www.burzum.com/burzum/library/text/vargsmal/" target="_blank">http://www.burzum.com/burzum/library/text/vargsmal/</a>

Interview with Varg Vikernes:

<a href="http://www.metalcrypt.com/pages/interviews.php?intid=170" target="_blank">http://www.metalcrypt.com/pages/interviews.php?intid=170</a>




Count Grishnack :evotigana:


Decko, ubedjuj sebe u sta hoces, ja sam ti rekao sve sto treba. Sto se tice nacional - socijalizma mogao bih o njemu mnogo da ti pricam, kao i o mnogim drugim ultra desnicarskim strujama koje nemaju veze sa socijalizmom.
Nemoj molim te, jer da si čitao nešto o NS mogao si zaključiti da to nije politički pravac.Tako da ne može da pripada ni levici ni desnici.Kada se već praviš pametan prelistaj malo neke literature vezano za teme o kojoj pričaš.To da li ću ja da idem na SF je moja stvar a ti nisi moderatore da određuješ ko će ovde šta da piše.Jasno! Hehe super 88


Black Metal je nastao kao nesto sasvim drugo, a sta je sustina istog najbolje ces skapirati ako procitas moj potpis.


Black metal was a revolt against the modern world, and in particular against the commercialised (Americanised) death metal scene. It was a just revolt, but a bit pointless, because there is really nothing to do when you face a tidal wave. There is no point fighting it. All you can do is to get out of the way, and then return after it is gone, to build a new village on the ruins of the old one.-Varg :rockdevil:

Edited by bogsvarog

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Nemoj molim te, jer da si čitao nešto o NS mogao si zaključiti da to nije politički pravac.Tako da ne može da pripada ni levici ni desnici.Kada se već praviš pametan prelistaj malo neke literature vezano za teme o kojoj pričaš.To da li ću ja da idem na SF je moja stvar a ti nisi moderatore da određuješ ko će ovde šta da piše.Jasno! Hehe super 88


Nisam nigde rekao da je ''politicki pravac''. NS je ideologija. Nekada je bio i drustveno - ekonomska formacija, ali nije bas primereno ovoj temi da se podrobnije bavimo time, vec bi bilo bolje otvoriti temu na podforumu filozofije. Nisam bas previse to proucavao, ali sam procitao Mein Kampfe, kao i neka dela rasnih teoreticara poput Gumplovicha i Chemberlena, tako da smatram da sam u odredjenoj meri kompetentan da govorim o tome. A sta si ti procitao? :)


Black metal was a revolt against the modern world, and in particular against the commercialised (Americanised) death metal scene. It was a just revolt, but a bit pointless, because there is really nothing to do when you face a tidal wave. There is no point fighting it. All you can do is to get out of the way, and then return after it is gone, to build a new village on the ruins of the old one.-Varg :rockdevil:


Ovo je glupot i obezvredjivanje BM. Iako sam veliki fan Burzuma, ipak mi se ne dopada to sto Varg danas prica.

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Author:Varg Vikernes





Black metal was a revolt against the modern world, and in particular against the commercialised (Americanised) death metal scene. It was a just revolt, but a bit pointless, because there is really nothing to do when you face a tidal wave. There is no point fighting it. All you can do is to get out of the way, and then return after it is gone, to build a new village on the ruins of the old one.-Varg :rockdevil:


Znaci po nekom tvom rezonu svi fanovi black metala treba na ovaj nacin da shvate nastanak black metala.Previse si konzervativan


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Nisam bas previse to proucavao, ali sam procitao Mein Kampfe, kao i neka dela rasnih teoreticara poput Gumplovicha i Chemberlena, tako da smatram da sam u odredjenoj meri kompetentan da govorim o tome. A sta si ti procitao?
Što se toga tiče Rasnog pitanja i klasa malo više nego ti ali nije bitno pročitati nego i shvatiti pročitano (i naravno upamtiti najinteresantnije delove knjige).Ali koliko vidim kod tebe to baš i nije uspelo.



Znaci po nekom tvom rezonu svi fanovi black metala treba na ovaj nacin da shvate nastanak black metala.Previse si konzervativan

Jbg ima istine u tome da je nastao kao revolt na komercijalno proseravanje ali svakako da to nije i jedini razlog.

Edited by bogsvarog

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i fala bogu na tome sto barem nije kaljao svoju umjetnost maloumnim nacistickim i rasistickim rezonima..love the art, fuck the bastard

a inace..NSBM mi je bitan koliko i politicko stanje u nekoj pm..koliko god bio iritantan kao pojam, toliko me savrseno boli klinac za njim..


to je to!


bogsvarog - smeshan si tebre... :)


hell on earth - jebes budalu... :)


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Prvo da bi kritikovao nečiji intelekt moraš biti više biće sa "apsolutnim saznanjem"-F.Niče :evotigana:


Drugo,šta ti si njegov drveni advokat ?


Ako nemaš svoje mišljenje onda nemoj ni pisati.Pošto vidim da ne gotiviš Varga jer verovatno nikad nisi ni slušao Burzum(niti pročitao) ne moraš mu se ni podsmejavati.

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momak..tema je 'burzum' ne 'varg v. i njegovi pogledi na svijet:politika i religija'


take a chill pill i pusti nas 'obicne smrtnike koji nismo usli u dubinu Vargove sofisticirane rasne filozofije' da uzivamo u onome sto nam je ostavio u muzickom formatu;)


blago Nietzscheu ko ga danas sve citira hah..

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