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Inace, spot je teska jadnost i zasigurno najnizi trenutak u istoriji Katatonije. Bespotrebno uvlacenje debelim goticarkama za koje mi nije jasno sta im treba posle svih ovih godina i svega sto su uradili. Sam spot i deluje prilicno jeftino, negde na pola puta izmedju "italijanske skole" Opera IX i Theatres Des Vamipres. :haha: Uzas. Da je neko uradio ovakav "fan-made" spot za istu pesmu to bi bila pljuvacina svetskih razmera. A kad se samo setim kakav su spot snimili za "My Twin", eh...

Edited by Talvi
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Ljudi, mislim da malo preterujete. Spot nije epohalan, ali i dalje šije 99% današnjih metal spotova, koji su većinom u fazonu "Mi smo face, 'ajde malo da se slikamo". Barem se nisu nabili u neki buđavi podrum i bacali vatre iz prstiju ili ne znam kakve gluposti. Ok, i ja sam od Katatonije očekivao malo više, ipak su imali sjajan klip za Deliberation, ali jebiga, ni ovo nije toliko loše. I ne znam koj' moj svršavate na spot za My Twin kad nije ništa posebno, štaviše, mislim da će se debele 16-godišnje gotičarke pre ložiti na njega nego na ovaj novi.

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Sranje, umesto Blekija mi odgovarao Daniel, bubnjar, koji nije bio baš pričljiv, i spojio mi 2 pitanja u jedno:



7. While we’re at „Idle blood“ I want to speak a few words with you about that song. When I have heard it for the first time, I could swear that Jonas has written it due to Opeth-like feel (it is familiar that he is Mikael's best friend) but I guess I was wrong, nevertheless the song is fantastic : ). Where did you find the inspiration for it? Also the vocals sound strikingly similar to Mikael's clean vocals, but he wasn't mentioned in the booklet. So tell me - was that really Mikael?  Maybe he could not be signed there beacuse of some label issues, I don’t know...

8. It is very obvious on this album that you guys are tighter and better on your instruments, you have grown nice beards so I can say that the sound is also fatter : ) ... You were relying on the emotions as your main weapon back then, do you think that nowadays Katatonia is simply better band since you can play out your ideas without technical dissabilities?


Absolutely! I think you answered your own question there...about the beard though, i just shaved it off after the Paradise Lost tour. I look like a fucking frog in the face now.


E sad, da li je sa prvim delom rečenice mislio na Mikaela...


Intervju se završava sa "puno hvala, bring on the rakija" :haha:

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Pazi, nisam ih slusao odavno, ali posle ovakvgo spota da li zaista ima potrebe da se preslusa ovaj novi album? Ne govorim samo o stepenu bednoce spota, vec i o tome koliko je pesma ravna i neinspirativna... A pretpostavljam da je jedna od boljih, kad je vec uzeta za spot...


Meni je jedna od najgorih na albumu.

Edited by Simm A)))

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Meni djeluje kao da ti je odgovorio na osmo pitanje,a da je sedmo iskulirao.


I meni se cini.


edit: Jebem ti sagovornika koji ti da odgovor 10 puta kraci nego sto su 2 pitanja zajedno,a da pri tom nista ne kaze.


Mada moze i obrnuto da ide: Jebem ti novinara ciji sagovornik...  :bigblue:




Edited by Poor Twisted Me

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Pizda! Misterija se nastavlja... Ništa. čekamo da dođu pa da se raznesu od rakije, onda će da priznaju.


edit: Jebem ti sagovornika koji ti da odgovor 10 puta kraci nego sto su 2 pitanja zajedno,a da pri tom nista ne kaze.


Jebiga, i ja sam se malo pustio :haha:


Mada moze i obrnuto da ide: Jebem ti novinara ciji sagovornik...  :bigblue:


Nisam ja novinar :twisted:

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Meni je poslednji album stvarno odlican kao i TGCD i Viva Emptiness. Nasao sam album par dana prije sluzbenog izdavanja naravno i preslusao ga 2-3 puta i stvarno mi se svidio pa sam skinuo jos 4 albuma prije ovog posto nikad nisam slusao Doom pa naravno ni Katatoniu. Malo koji bend me je tako odusevio na prvo slusanje, a ova 3 albuma su na isti fazon pa mi se valjda zato toliko i svidjaju. E sad neko je spomenuo da je Amorphis slican, sad cemo i to da ispitamo...

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Evo ga ovaj moj nesrećni intervju:




Steta,stvarno su pitanja dobra.


Katatonia has come the long way, from blackish Doom of „Dance of December souls“ all the way to now. It seems to me that you have been perfecting the formula up to „Viva Emptiness“, then you found your little spot that you are confortable with and exploring it ever since. Where do you think is the limit where one band can go without loosing its identity? I mean, just look at Anathema nowadays, they have nothing in common with their 90's days now! Do you want that to happen to Katatonia? This maybe calls for a small, but very hard question – how would you define your band in a few sentences? Elaborate on this a little bit...



I guess when it all comes down to it, you have to be true to your self and honest in the music you make. We make music for us, music that we like and if other people like it it's a huge bonus. It's a lame and cliché answer, but that's how I feel about it.




Ali pazi pazi kralju elaboraciju...zeznuo si se sa ovim "a little bit". Shvatio te je preozbiljno :D



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