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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Metalhead Music Management and drummer Rico Banderra have parted ways with the solo project of former IRON MAIDEN/WOLFSBANE singer Blaze Bayley. According to a press release issued by Metalhead, the reason for the split is "personal differences between the management and Blaze Bayley as well as the Bermudez brothers [Nick and David, guitar and bass respectively]. Also there are differences in opinions and interests about how to work professional[ly] between Mr. Blaze Bayley as well as the Bermudez brothers and their now former management office. After Blaze Bayley and the Bermudez brothers fractured a few times their contracts, we are not willing to work with them in the future. We are so sorry for the fans." ++ intervju: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...ewsitemID=73510 Metal-Rules.com: Have you already started writing material for the new album? Blaze: We've just got some rough ideas at the moment because it's new for all of us working together. The ideas we have worked on are very dark and quite aggressive because of what's happened over the last couple of years with all the people that have lied, cheated and stolen from me. I think the new album will have a quite dark edge, some of it sounds very old school, some of it more modern, some of it's really heavy, almost in a death metal sense, and some of it's more classic in a MAIDEN and BLACK SABBATH sense. In June we'll lock ourselves in a rehearsal room and won't come out until we have fifteen great songs. haha..neshto mi ne mirishe na dobro...osecam da ce bude neki too-heavy modern bullshit...i menja chlanove neverovatno brzo..dovodi neke anonimuse da mu pishu muziku..Propao.
  2. Tako i nikako drugachije! Ti bendovi na izdanjima od 20 minuta imaju daleko vishe metala no shto Manowar ima na poslednjem, o kvalitetu i da se ne govori... Ja kol'ko tol'ko i slusham manowar i pojedine radove volem, al tebe niko ne tera da se uplicesh sa tim thrash bendovima
  3. Angelystor


    (m)UDA da mi ne dirajte! Introduction not necessary, me thinks..Dakle tema je za njegove solo radove samo.. Prva dva su mi najjacha..dalje kako koji, a Mission X mi je najjachi josh od Mean Machine...a ovaj novi me razochara. Dugo sam se odushevljavao naslovnicom, i josh uvek mi je actually mlogo dobra pesma, al dalje kako se odmiche albumom sve je dosadniji i dosadniji...do 6-7 ima dobrog materijala..Wrong Side, Instigator, Master...sve ok pesme... inache RNA krade vas U.D.O. Instigator ima iste strofe pochetne ko SEova "The One"
  4. Haha, jebga..ajd za kreator ak 'ocesh...sa' bash krecem da skidam ionako josh jedan cmass video bootleg..stariji this time..
  5. Orgasmatron ne sviraju vec dugo vreme..steta! A za ove dve nisam znao, sta znam..posebno I got mine me iznenadi.. A Snaggletooth je jebote neka pesma koju su ubacili na otprilike 2 best ofa josh 80tih i nigde vishe nije izashla..nikad je nechu!!! Za Thin Lizzy - why not..nekak bolje to nego God Save the queen..
  6. Od Virtuala ne ni jedan bolji...
  7. pa kretenska deshavanja shta cesh al whiplash komentar najjachi : )
  8. ma izashao i ceo album da se skine...no mrzi me trenutno..a ima i shta da se slusha..
  9. haha, bash to sad htedo' da post-ujem.. Finci ludi jebote..
  10. Fenseraj Jedan od razloga zashto necu da idem na RHCP, gotivim bend i rado ih slusham, ali da se guram sa 100 000 ljudi i da gledam bend iz 50i nekog reda i da ih gledam na video bim..to za mene nije koncert. To mogu i kuci da radim, da ih gledam na monitor i da mi prichaju "You are great! We love you!" A ovako ti je Nergal na 1m-10m od tebe i nema! Kraj k'o u bioskop! Pure evil and hate! a ljudi beshe..200-300 ne vishe..sigurno ne manje..
  11. a new enemyyyyy ps. jebao ih raining blood
  12. Unleashed-Before the Creation Of Time
  13. http://youtube.com/watch?v=KY9dB4wXrJs tu ima link te pesme..pa slushajte/procenite..mene mrzi
  14. Live In Uk je neponovljiv live album Najbolji live power...ma verovatno i metal uopste koji slushah...Kiske bre genije.
  15. http://www.heavylaw.com/n2219-Rhapsody-Of-...nted-Lands.html cover za novi live iznenadjujuce "dosadan" cover za Rhapsody...Of fire..
  16. Ma nece ih otkazu...samo ce da ih dovedu kao deo extra paketa!
  17. Dok mi ne kaze da je Dani Loeble najbolji bubnjar helloweena ja ga necu prozivati
  18. Angelystor


    Pa u poweru a i progresivi ima produktivnijih bendova od Strata, tak da mi ne jasno zashto si bash njih spomenuo...a ne treba sad ova tema da se pretvori u novu "Savrsenstvo!" pa samo da se navode nasumice bendovi/pesme...
  19. true za septembar. Ima i Saxon i Agent/Rumors (verovatno)..a nije da ne volim Marduk, al daleko vishe volim i cenim Unleashed..
  20. Video sam to juche na blabbera i odma' se razocharao kad videh da to krece tek novembar/decembar akd vec... ja podrzavam! Anlisht!
  21. Angelystor


    Meni nishta ne smeta "novom" exodus..al kada ovaj ovako najavljuje u "it's harder, faster!" fazonu, samo se nadam da ispuni ochekivanja...
  22. Hehe..imam i ja taj video Helloweena..kada Kiske peva "A Tale.." sas onim kosturom : )
  23. Angelystor


    Haha, to istinito? Meni humora nikad dosta...
  24. Angelystor


    EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt has issued the following update: "Just a quick word to let everyone know has been up! Rehearsing about seven hours a day right now, busting our asses as Mr. Sneap [british producer Andy Sneap] will arrive on June 3rd and into the studio we go. Eleven songs done as of now, as sick as fuck. Everyone always talks about how their next record is the next this or that, all I'm going to say is this next record is a crushing landmark in EXODUS history. I am stoked. Truly. I'm not giving out the title (or titles) right now, so you'll have to wait and be patient! But man, this new shit is aggressive with a capital A! Thrash metal at its hardest."
  25. Bila je sigurno...a ne mog da verujem da i ona nestala.. Stiv Grimet kralj! Obozavam GR uglavnom zbog njegovih vokala..muzika je mostly solidan nwobhm..doduse nijedan album ne bih ubacivao u neke vrhove.. fav pesma: Rock you to hell! Ne moze zaraznije od toga
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