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много незнате а само кењате..

иконама се НЕ клања.

иконе се поштују. а праве се из простог разлога што се на њима представња оно што су људи видели, значи и иконе вазнесења Христа, и ми се клањамо Исусу преко тих икона, чак и других светаца.. Свецима се молимо да се код заузму код Христа.. као кад хоћете некога нешто да замолите, ал не знате га добро, па питате трећу особу, која је ближа њему, да вам помогне.. а поента икона- приближавање изображених на њима, нама.. исто као што људи носе слике своје девојке, дечка, брата, сестре, или било кога ко вам је драг...


ово понављам 17ти пут...

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bitno da ti znas sve o krouliju, leviju, transcedentalnoj meditaciji i sl. icon_smile.gif i ne samo da znas nego i praktikujes.


Da. Zivot me ne plasi. Imas neki problem sa tim?


pazi, ja sam citala jako puno o svim tim stvarima, ali sam mozda prije tebe skontala koliko su pogubne - mozda ti to jos ne vidis?

Vidi, projekcije tvojih strahova me ne zanimaju.


blazeni su siromasni duhom, njihovo je carstvo Bozije` biggrin.gif

Hoces da kazes da si ti siromasna duhom? Upravu si, to se posebno istice u tvojim razgovorima sa elly.

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svako vidi ono sto zeli da vidi...

Stvarnost je za svakog različita..



Da. Zivot me ne plasi. Imas neki problem sa tim?


Mislila sam uvek da je strah od života kod svakog manje više prisutan. Isto je kao i sa smrti.. Mada sve treba prihvatiti na pravi nači.

Edited by Princess In Darkness

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Mislila sam uvek da je strah od života kod svakog manje više prisutan. Isto je kao i sa smrti..

I u pravu si. Manje vise a kod nekih i previse. Umesto da svoje strahove i negativnost resavaju unutar sebe, oni po onome cega se plase pljuju naglas i optuzuju druge. Infantilno.


Poput pasa koji vijaju automobile.



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I u pravu si. Manje vise a kod nekih i previse. Umesto da svoje strahove i negativnost resavaju unutar sebe, oni po onome cega se plase pljuju naglas i optuzuju druge. Infantilno.


Poput pasa koji vijaju automobile.

Pa jeste,ali to ti je yum, zato sam ja manje više i odustala od ovog foruma. Većina ljudi nauči nešto pametno i dođe ovde da istakne kako eto, on/a zna, i sve u svemu, svede se na stvar prestiža, superiornosti i demonstracije moći(koje moći??) itako to.. Shvata se poenta iz pomenutog.


Mada, pas koji laje ne ujeda.. mhihi.gif

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Pa jeste,ali to ti je yum, zato sam ja manje više i odustala od ovog foruma. Većina ljudi nauči nešto pametno i dođe ovde da istakne kako eto, on/a zna, i sve u svemu, svede se na stvar prestiža, superiornosti i demonstracije moći(koje moći??) itako to.. Shvata se poenta iz pomenutog.


Naravno. Ko god misli da je samo pametan, samim tim je postao jos gluplji biggrin.gif Mene opusteno ubroj u budale, ne bezim od necega od cega nemozes pobeci, to je zivot icon_wink.gif

Mada, pas koji laje ne ujeda.. mhihi.gif


To je definitivno jedna od najpogresnijih "wanna sound wise" poslovica biggrin.gif


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Naravno. Ko god misli da je samo pametan, samim tim je postao jos gluplji biggrin.gif Mene opusteno ubroj u budale, ne bezim od necega od cega nemozes pobeci, to je zivot icon_wink.gif



Čovek treba da bude samo ono što jeste, ništa manje i ništa više.. Sve ostalo je tako smešno, to foliranje..


To je definitivno jedna od najpogresnijih "wanna sound wise" poslovica 


Oh, na žalost je veoma tačno, pogotovu na ovom forumu. Znaš svi su kao opasni, jel, oni znaju, a mi smo samo u njihovoj senci znanja.. mhihi.gif

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After nearly 2,000 years, the jack-o-lantern is now all but synonymous with Halloween.


Some were truly terrifying to young minds. I recall at times being so frightened that I didn't even want to make that long walk to the door to retrieve the desired treats. "Couldn't mom just buy the candy at the store?" To my young mind it seemed so much easier, less harrowing, than passing by that leering pumpkin with that hell-fire dancing in his eyes.

By the time I became a mother, those childish fears had passed. The jack-o-lantern had become a reminder of my youth, as well as a means of connecting with my daughter through our pumpkin-carving contests.


But how is it that the jack-o-lantern has become the symbol of Halloween?


We have to travel across the Atlantic to the British Isles, and back nearly 2,000 years into the shadowy depths of history.


Halloween began as a holy day for the Celts, an ancient people inhabiting the British Isles and parts of France. They called it Samhain (pronounced "sow win"), which means 'summer's end,' as it marked the end of the Celtic year. Fires were lit in thanks to the spirits and deities for a bountiful harvest, and festivities ran throughout the day.


After sundown, however, things took a decidedly more sombre turn, for Samhain's Eve was also the beginning of winter, a dark, cold season associated with human death. It was on this night that the veil between the mortal world and that of the deceased was the thinnest, and therefore many spirits would return to haunt their old homes. Samhain's Eve was, therefore, both a time of fear and a night to honour loved ones who had passed.


It was believed that spirits would inevitably venture towards the warmth of fire. As a result, carved turnips and gourds, or sometimes even potatoes and rutabagas, would sit outside the doors of homes to welcome deceased family members.


They also served to ward off the malevolent spirits thought to be active on this evening. Initially, burning lumps of coal were used to light the primitive jack-o-lanterns, only much later being replaced by candles.


By the 800s, with Christianity having spread to the Celtic lands, Samhain had become the church-sanctioned All-Saint's Day, a time to honour martyrs and clearly an attempt to replace the Celtic festival of the dead with something more palpable. The night before came to be known as All-Hallows Eve.


Regardless of the title given the holiday, or the form it took, the jack-o-lantern remained a fixture in Britain and Ireland.


But where did the name "Jack-O-Lantern" hail from? The origins of this term can be traced back to around the 10th century in Ireland, where a popular folk tale emerges. It tells the story of Stringy Jack, a miserable old liar who loved playing tricks on people. He was an all-round troublemaker, detested by one and all.


One day, Jack happened upon the devil while wandering in the forest and, completely unfazed by the infernal power he was toying with, proceeded to trick Satan into climbing an apple tree. Jack then carved an image of the Holy Cross onto the trunk, trapping the devil amongst the foliage.


Realizing he had Satan in something of a bind, Jack proposed a deal. He'd let the devil down on the condition that he promised not to take his soul when he died. The Devil had no choice but to agree.


When Jack finally perished, he discovered the last laugh was on him. Because of his sinful ways, he was denied entrance to Heaven, and nor could he enter hell because of his prior agreement with the devil. Instead, he was forced to wander forever in the eternal darkness that exists between the two domains.


When Jack asked the devil how he would find his way through the darkness, the master of the infernal regions tossed him a single ember from the fires of hell. That would be his only illumination.


To protect the flame, Jack placed it inside a hollowed out turnip. He became known as Jack of the Lantern. Eventually, the name was passed on to the light source itself and contracted to Jack O' Lantern.


For more than a millennia, the jack-o-lantern was a carved turnip or gourd, as pumpkins were unknown to Europeans.


It wasn't until European immigrants, particularly the Irish, began to settle in large numbers in North America during the 19th century that they began to grasp the value of the pumpkin as a jack-o-lantern. Larger, easier to carve, and just as plentiful as potatoes and turnips, the pumpkin was ideal for the job.


By the early 1900s, Halloween, with the ever-grinning jack-o-lantern as its icon, had become a fall staple in North America. Today, it's a secular day intended for children.


And yet, its most recognizable symbol, the ever-grinning jack-o-lantern, hints at the day's dark origins as a pagan celebration of the dead.


So when you're carving your pumpkin this Halloween, don't forget to light it. You never know who's lurking around your house.



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Oh, na žalost je veoma tačno,

Pa znas, bio sam puno puta i svedok i akter u situacijama gde ljudi svoje glasne i dosadne pretnje i ostvare biggrin.gif Tako da pas koji laje itekako moze i da ujede. s druge, suptilnije strane, gomila ljudi koja poznaje teoriju odlicno poznaje i praksu, sto te dovodi na isto.

Zasto bi to bilo nemoguce? Zato sto je neko smislio poslovicu, jok. Bar za mene.


Čovek treba da bude samo ono što jeste, ništa manje i ništa više.. Sve ostalo je tako smešno, to foliranje..


Covek ne da treba, nego ne moze biti nista drugo sem onoga sto jeste icon_wink.gif

A foliranje, ma nebitno, iovako svi samo glancamo smisao dok nam ne eksplodira u lice i onda opet ispocetka biggrin.gif

pogotovu na ovom forumu. Znaš svi su kao opasni, jel, oni znaju, a mi smo samo u njihovoj senci znanja..  mhihi.gif


Kapiram, ali mi to ne smeta. To je na neki nacin licni dozivljaj i svako moze da se utripuje da ga neko/da nekog natkriljuje...

smeta mi besmisleno nabedjivanje, jedino me to me izbacuje iz takta i srozava ljude u mojim ocima. Ima i moje i tudje krivice u tome, ali taj loop me najvise baguje.


Nego, ajde stvarno da nadjemo nekog ko je trenutno sposoban da vrati temu.


EDIT: Nasao se Totem vidim icon_wink.gif

Edited by Metalbeer

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"Molimo se i klanjamo prvom Triglavu i njemu veliku slavu pojemo. Hvalimo Svaroga, deda božjeg, koji je svemu rodu božjem začetnik i tvorac je svega živog, vječni izvor koji teče leti i svuda, a zimi i nikada ne mrzne... A bogu Perunu, gromovniku, bogu bitke i borbe govorimo: ti oživljavaš nas neprestanim okretanjem kruga i vodiš stazom Prava kroz bitke do Velike Trizne... Bogu Svetovidu slavu uznosimo, jer on je bog Prava i Java i njemu pojemo jer je svjetlost kroz koju vidimo svijet. Gledamo i u Javu opstajemo, a on nas od Nava čuva i stoga mu hvalu pojemo. Slava sva Svetovidu, bogu našem što otvara srca naša da priznamo loše postupke i dobru se okrenemo. Dva bića u nebu sadržana Bjelobog i Crnobog su, a njih oba Svarog drži i zapovijeda."




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Da. Zivot me ne plasi. Imas neki problem sa tim?


ja mislim da te mnogo plasi, dok si se toliko zabavio tim stvarima icon_da.gif

tesko je priznati ali nije nemoguce.



Vidi, projekcije tvojih strahova me ne zanimaju. 


kao ni gomile onih jadnika koji se lijece od sekti.. meditacija i sranja.



Hoces da kazes da si ti siromasna duhom? Upravu si, to se posebno istice u tvojim razgovorima sa elly.


znas ti dobro sta znaci biti `siromasan duhom` ali si ovo savrseno iskoristio da me uvrijedis. bravo, samo i nije bas neki sektaski fazon. dobro ti ide s tom finocom, samo i ti si covjek pa se nekad iznerviras, jebi ga, ma koliko praktikovao neke stvari.

a ti kao, ujedinjene nacije, po ovom forumu, moras upadati u svaciji konflikt, zar ne?

to prozivanje s elly ide jos od vremena kad nisi bio na forumu pa mozda nisi ni upucen, bitno - mogao bi vise svoje mirotvorske moci da koristis u branjenju drugih retarda, npr. srnde? jadnicko, svi mu se smiju.. jebi ga.




a druga po nevjeri lako ces naci, pa tako racunaj uvijek da ce Milos ici za tobom po temama i podrzati pa makar napisao da je crno bijelo.




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