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lemmy sixx

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Lawless was also considered for the role of the liquid-metal T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, although his height proved to be a problem. In an AOL chat, Lawless explained: "Probably the biggest regret that I have, though I didn't turn it down, was a part in Terminator 2 that Robert Patrick got. Schwarzenegger wanted me to do the part, but when he found out I was 6'4", I couldn't. I regret not being able to do that."







e bas sam o tome pisao na maturskom iz muzickog!

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jedno pitanje, da li neko zna koga ili sta predstavlja King of Mercy u The Crimson Idol prici? sve ostalo sam ukapirao, sem toga?

Konacno da odgovorim na ovo, drugi put.




"God, Have Mercy on me a sinner"

"Jesus, I trust in your Mercy. "


Dakle King of Mercy je za njega ultimativni simbol kome se kaje na kraju svog zivota.


Ako analiziramo "The Story of Jonathan (The Prologue to the Crimson Idol)":


Just before the release of my first album I was sitting on the steps in front of my apartment when a gypsy woman passed by. She stopped and asked me if I would like my fortune read and I had never had it done so I was more than happy to say yes. She revealed a deck of Tarot cards and began to tell me of my past in which she went into great detail about the pain of my youth, my brother and my parents. She saw my present with my great struggle to succeed and fulfillment of my dreams and new found happiness but after about ten minutes she stopped and I wanted to know of my future and pleaded for her to go on and finally she spoke. She showed me a very disturbing vision of where I was going. I told her that I wanted a phenomenal wealth and fame and in the cards she saw a fallen hero and looked at me and said "Be careful what you wish for - it might come true, for the face of death wears the mask of the King of Mercy." I asked her if she was sure of what she had seen and with a blank stare she turned and walked away leaving me with the cards and a haunting that would follow me the rest of my life.


To mu je ciganka prorocica rekla,

a finale je posle razgovora sa majkom:


Some wounds never heal and mine had scarred me for life. A great star fell from the sky that night and with its descent left a scorched path in its way - a great path of self-destruction before burning out. And on this night the great finale is finally here. 'Be careful what you wish for - it may come true.'


Long live, long live the King of Mercy.


Ovde je logicno da se on kaje zbog svog zivota, i moli Boga za "mercy".


"God, Have Mercy on me a sinner"

"Jesus, I trust in your Mercy. "




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Iako sam veliki ljubitelj ranijih albuma W.A.S.P.-a,The Crimson Idol me je uvek podsticao da razmisljam opet i opet...U tom albumu je smestena cela njegova zivotna prica ,logicno.

Kolko god se trudio da ga skapiram ,uvek mi nedostaje jedan mali deo, a kada ga posle nekog vremena obrazlozim sebi, opet skapiram da to nije to.i tako uvek iznova ,svaki put kad odslusam album ,nesto novo zapazim!



morao sam to da izbacim iz sebe :pivopije::)



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@Wild Child: nisam imao nameru da remetim tvoja sanjarenja, izvini ako sam to uradio.

W.A.S.P. mi je all time #1 band, slusam ih od 1988. i skapirao sam ih na pravi nacin, a i ti ces mozda, ali kad porastes ;)

Do tada.

P.S. I ja sam nekad (ne bas tako) davno bio tinejdzer, i to bas u vreme Crimson Idola. Isto sam razmisljao kao i ti, cak sam bio siguran da je sve 100% BL-ov zivot, i da je doticni gospodin svoju dusu smestio na CD da je podeli sa svima.

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@Wild Child: nisam imao nameru da remetim tvoja sanjarenja, izvini ako sam to uradio.

W.A.S.P. mi je all time #1 band, slusam ih od 1988. i skapirao sam ih na pravi nacin, a i ti ces mozda, ali kad porastes ;)

Do tada.

P.S. I ja sam nekad (ne bas tako) davno bio tinejdzer, i to bas u vreme Crimson Idola. Isto sam razmisljao kao i ti, cak sam bio siguran da je sve 100% BL-ov zivot, i da je doticni gospodin svoju dusu smestio na CD da je podeli sa svima.




ok nema frke ,kad sam rekao "duze slusas wasp"mislio sam na crimson idol al ok svejedno..



kazes bio si siguran da je to zivot BL-a...a onda si otkrio sta ?

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Otkrio sam da 15 godina slusanja meni najomiljenijeg albuma W.A.S.P.-a (da ne bude zabune, govorim bas o Crimson Idol-u) nije ni izbliza dovoljno da se taj album skonta, jer svako novo preslusavnje donosi nesto novo i namece nova otkrica i nedvosmislene cinjenice o autoru i njegovom zivotu ;)

Sad jedno kontrapitanje: sta TI znas o BL-u?

Za pocetak pogledaj ovde

P.S. Zanimljivo je kako i pored interneta i sve dostupnijih informacija i dalje postoje ljudi kojima polazi za rukom da budu hodajuci rasadnici dezinformacija i poluistina......

Edited by commissar

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mislim da nije pilot, pojavio se u filmu Dungeonmaster. nesto na kratko, doduse.


ponudio se vec, ali niko od organizatora ovde nece vise da ih dovede..


ja procitao da glumi ceo bend,ne samo bleki.

negde pishe i da je glumio lika na tv-u u rokumentarcu Spinal Tapa.


ja koliko kontam,crimson idol mozda ima NEKE elemente koje je on sigurno izvukao iz svog zivota.ok,stvarno izgleda da ima problema sa kevom.stalno kenja "my mother never loved me,deep down she hated me" u I Can't ili u Great Misconception "remember me?you can save me,my ma you never needed me" bla bla bla ali cisto sumnjam da je vise od 60% price sa albuma o njemu.


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Otkrio sam da 15 godina slusanja meni najomiljenijeg albuma W.A.S.P.-a (da ne bude zabune, govorim bas o Crimson Idol-u) nije ni izbliza dovoljno da se taj album skonta, jer svako novo preslusavnje donosi nesto novo i namece nova otkrica i nedvosmislene cinjenice o autoru i njegovom zivotu ;)

Sad jedno kontrapitanje: sta TI znas o BL-u?

Za pocetak pogledaj ovde

P.S. Zanimljivo je kako i pored interneta i sve dostupnijih informacija i dalje postoje ljudi kojima polazi za rukom da budu hodajuci rasadnici dezinformacija i poluistina......


sta ja znam o BL? sta, jel ja sad treba da ti prepricam celu wiki stranu?najvise mrzim kad se neko svadja preko foruma i kad neko forsira svoje misljenje.ok ti slusas WASP 20 i vise godina i tebi treba ispod avatara umesto Lord of Metal da pise Lord of WASP.svejedno ,ne mozes nikako poreci da crimson idol nema veze s blackijevim zivotom. :pivopije:



ja koliko kontam,crimson idol mozda ima NEKE elemente koje je on sigurno izvukao iz svog zivota.ok,stvarno izgleda da ima problema sa kevom.stalno kenja "my mother never loved me,deep down she hated me" u I Can't ili u Great Misconception "remember me?you can save me,my ma you never needed me" bla bla bla ali cisto sumnjam da je vise od 60% price sa albuma o njemu.


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jedno pitanje, da li neko zna koga ili sta predstavlja King of Mercy u The Crimson Idol prici? sve ostalo sam ukapirao, sem toga?


Jos jedno tumacenje..


Iz tumacenja ciganke-prorocice, pesma/text "THE STORY OF JONATHAN":


She showed me a very disturbing vision of where I was going. I told her that I wanted a phenomenal wealth and fame and in the cards she saw a fallen hero and looked at me and said "Be careful what you wish for - it might come true, for the face of death wears the mask of the King of Mercy." I asked her if she was sure of what she had seen and with a blank stare she turned and walked away leaving me with the cards and a haunting that would follow me the rest of my life.


Wasp - The idol




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