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ne isplati se ici na exit samo zbog UDO


mislim volim accept, ali ici na exit samo zbog jednog heavy benda... i placati jedno 20 ostalih grupa koje sviraju nesto sto mi ne odgovara... mal bezveze


mislim hteo sam da idem i na MTVov rock am ring zbog slayera i megadetha, ali kad sam video kakvu publiku saziva listing, rekoh ne moram da to sebi uchinim

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Никад их нисам слушао, па нећу ни сад да почињем.


Ne, ali postoji vera u Reunion (ponovo)

...по ко зна који пут (ваљда би био трећи).

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Lords of Metal: I remember you saying that ACCEPT was a closed chapter and that there will be never a reunion. That was five years ago, but still in 2005 the band was back together kicking the stage on festivals.


Udo: I didn't see it as a reunion. A reunion to me is coming back together, getting to rehearsals, doing shows and writing songs together and eventually make an album. That wasn't the case with ACCEPT. It was just for the fans and for fun. We had a great time together and shared a lot of drinks and old stories. But anyway, when we got back together nobody was talking about a new studio album with ACCEPT. Even if you wanted it somewhere deep inside, you still had to wait for a magic moment to let it out. But such a magic moment never came, at least not for me.


Lords of Metal: But I think a lot of people, including myself, were hoping for such a magic moment. I don't know, maybe in two or three years if I have time, we could do some shows together again.


Lords of Metal: But I mean a real reunion, with a new album and a tour to support it.


Udo: Yes, but that means that I have to start writing songs together with Wolf Hoffmann (ACCEPT guitarist) and that would be a problem. You know, it's easy to play the old songs, because they already exist. Especially for me it was easier, because I still do those classics with U.D.O., but for some of the guys it was a bit harder. But everybody did a great job on stage. I understand that people want a new ACCEPT album, but composing songs together would have been a disaster. That way we would destroy more than we would create. We have a good relationship now and it's best to keep it that way.


Lords of Metal: And of course you can't deny having influenced a lot of bands. Not only as a singer, but also in your years with ACCEPT.


Udo: That's actually something I started to realise during the last few years. Some fifteen years ago I would never have guessed that ACCEPT has such a big influence on so many different bands. I would never have guessed that a band like DIMMU BORGIR would cover an ACCEPT song and some very known people appear to have been influenced by what we did with ACCEPT; like METALLICA for example. I see more and more bands playing a cover and there have been some tributes. This all means that we were really creating something and that makes you proud, you know?


Lords of Metal: Of course you have had a busy and exciting life and much to tell about. Have you ever thought about writing an autobiography?


Udo: Actually I am. I have already started working on it and try to get as much material as I can. But it's not going to be a typical autobiography style. I want it to be more like a novel. We'll see how it turns out and when it's ready.



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Право каже за писање песама са људима. Лакше је одсвирати старе ствари које већ постоје, а ако већ не функционишу заједно, боље је не дирати у светињу.

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