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spremi se da batalis Danny-a kao omiljenog bubnjara.



enter Tomas Haake, god of thunder. icon_da.gif

Ne ide to tako lako.


Evo, ja i dalje vise volim Danny-ja icon_razz.gif

Lepse svira (lepse). To ti je kao sto ima (verovao ili ne) ljudi koji vise vole Tool od Mesuge icon_wink.gif

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Ne ide to tako lako.


Evo, ja i dalje vise volim Danny-ja icon_razz.gif

Lepse svira (lepse). To ti je kao sto ima (verovao ili ne) ljudi koji vise vole Tool od Mesuge icon_wink.gif

ja u globalu imam veliki respect za progresivne bubnjare, ali to je dosta obavezujuce.....promene ritmova na taj nacin uzasno ogranicavaju moc improvizacije, a to je ono glavno kad si pred publikom.........a i daleko od toga da je sve u tehnici sviranja; manje-vise svi bubnjari iz sada popularnih bendova [da ne pominjem underground] su tehnicki "savrseni", ali nemaju svi taj osecaj za komponovanje bubnjeva, improvizaciju i inovativnost........danny mi je i dalje broj 1 [rame uz rame sa Louie Bellsonom]......................


drum up!

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Malopre sam ponovo posle bash duze vremena preslushala AENIMU, inache album koga sam se zestoko naslushala i koji poznajem, pa sigurno, bolje nego samu sebe!.... znam ga u poslednji rif, udarac, notu,... u poslednju rech, u poslednju najmanju i najtishu Maynardovu vokalnu varijaciju.... u svaki shkrip, u svaki semple, u svaku pauzu, u svaki takt... .... .... i posle toliko vremena, svesno i odgovorno tvrdim da je AENIMA jedno od najboljih muzichkih ostvarenja, po svim aspektima (chak pored zivog i zdravog Lateralusa), u istoriji muzike ikad!!!

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Savrsheno, naravno...

Nego... Kupio sam Doom 3. Odslusao celu pocetnu numeru. Stvar podseca na Triad. I dalje sam ubedljen da ju je Tool radio... Na creditsima ne pishe nishta. Ima li neko poojma!!???


* Not really, but there were a hundred or more that I printed, crumpled into balls and then randomly picked one from a paper bag. Here is the winner:

"Is Doom III’s theme song composed by Tool? I heard rumors about it a while back but after hearing this song I’m even more uncertain. It sounds like it very well could be a Tool track yet I’m still very skeptical. I’ve tried searching for credits and I’ve checked Doom’s website and I still haven’t found any info about it. Hopefully you can help me."


The answer is that the makers of Doom III approached Adam Jones, not Tool, to see if he’d be interested in composing the theme song. Due to contractual differences involving legal issues, Adam decided against it. Personally, I have not heard the music (who has the time, what with printing and crumpling all those emails to select a wiiner), but because of the many letters I’ve received from people wondering if it is in fact Tool, perhaps, as many emailers have suggested, the Doom III people found someone with the ability to sound similar to Adam, or the band Tool to compose the music. That or it’s just wishful thinking on the part of some Tool fans after seeing all the rumors on the NET claiming that a source close to the band had all but confirmed that either Adam or the band, itself, would be composing the theme song. So, we can put this one to bed. And speaking of beds…

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Hm... Ebem li ga sad, ja sam ceo net prevrnuo, ali i dalje nigde nema nishta zvanicno. Izgleda da su to zaista odradili Chris Wrena i njegov bend Tweaker, kako i stoji u creditsima. Inache on je ranije radio Apc remixe, a ova stvar kada se malo bolje proanalizira ipak moze predstavljati remix pesme Lateralus. Ceo refrenski rif je gotovo identican, a ostali elementi pridodati... Mada ja i dalje tvrdim da je Tool to odradio i dao Chrisu da se potpishe, jer oni nikada nisu voleli svugde da guraju nos... icon_smile.gif


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I ju, nemojte nesretni blokaut i Tool u isti kosh! Mislim, alo!

"Realno je da sam ja u tom trenutku najviše slušao My Dying Bride, Tool, Radiohead, Soundgarden i Pink Floyd, i to stari Pink Floyd, varijanta Barrett-Waters. Ali trudio sam se da ništa ne ukradem."


Nikola Vranjkovic, block Out


Rock express br 14/15


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Za koncerte ne znam...ali ako nekom trebaju svi spotovi tool-a, nek' se javi...

glupo bi bilo porediti tool i perfect circle..svaki od njih ima svoju karakteristicnu crtu, jedino sto je zajednicko je maynard...circle je melodicniji dok tool vise "ubada" coveka u psihu..


Inace..bend je u studiju i sprema novi album...Danny je rekao kako ce im ovo biti "najizlomljeniji album do sada"... icon_confused.gif sta god to znacilo...


makoliko ja voleo block out, tesko da moze da se poredi sa tool-om..mozda po atmosferi...inace ovako...hehe...mozda vise sa soundgardenom...

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Chula zaba da se konji kuju pa i ona digla nogu... no.gif .... huah, shala! icon_cool.gif


...ma istina je da block out na svojim koncertima pred pocetak pushta tool... i istina je da je Nikola Vrankovic odlichan lik (!!!).... i istina je da ih on slusha... ali povrh svega prokleto je istina da dalju tool vs. block out speaku treba momentalno prekinuti...

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tool je jebeno dobar bend!!!u poslednje vreme se bukvalno drogiram njihovim pesmama.

a perfect circle su druga prica,barem sto se tice tema njihovih pesama,ali su jednako dobri.

broj komentara na ovoj temi me ohrabruje.mislio sam da nas je daleko manje.


We barely remember

Who or what came before this precious moment

We are choosing to be here

Right now, hold on, stay inside

This holy reality

This holy experience

Choosing to be here in...


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There's a shadow just behind me,

shrouding every step I take,

making every promise empty,

pointing every finger at me.

Waiting like a stalking butler

who upon the finger rests.

Murder now the path called "must we"

just before the son has come.

Jesus, won't you fucking whistle

something but the past and done?


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