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Ovaj zadnji album je strashno losh....nemaju vishe ideja to je ochigledno...dakle on i Risk se mogu smatrati za loshije albume, dok su ostali odlichni :rockdevil:

Zadnji album je sasvim u redu što se mene tiče, ima nekoliko veoma dobrih stvari - naslovna, Washington is next, Gears of war i Blessed are the damned. Sve ostale pesme su prosek, ali nisu neke koje mi idu na živce (kakvih na Risku ima na pretek). Dao bih mu jednu solidnu četvorku na staklenim nogama, ali u suštini je solidan album koji volim da preslušam s vremena na vreme. S tim što je nova verzija A tout le monde stvarno nepotrebna i možda bih i malo više gotivio album bez nje...

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Нова A tout le monde је у најмању руку промашај. Не волим то код Мастејна... сваку култну ствар коју направи мора да рециклира по 100 пута. Нови албум је добар... Washington is next! најбоља пјесма. Мало ме изнервирао текст United Abominations ("NATO invaded Yugoslavia to end ethnic cleansing")... прави амерички патриота... мрш! Али у сваком случају, сјајан бенд. Rust in peace је и мени можда и најбољи треш албум.

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Како нема? "Risk" је лош албум и то мноооого лош.



Zadnja tri su bas dobra.Nista posebno i revolucionarno,ali je dobro. :da:

Slazhem se.


Ovaj zadnji album je strashno losh....nemaju vishe ideja to je ochigledno...dakle on i Risk se mogu smatrati za loshije albume, dok su ostali odlichni :rockdevil:

Nemoj United Abominations trpati u isti kosh sa Riskom,nije toliko losh.


Предлажем да покренемо петицију да Мастејн поново почне да се дрогира.


:) :) :)

Hahah da, pa da napravi opet neki KIMB ili PSBWB...


I mnogo dalje od toga,drogirao se on sve negde do Youthanasie.

Zadnji album je sasvim u redu što se mene tiče, ima nekoliko veoma dobrih stvari - naslovna, Washington is next, Gears of war i Blessed are the damned.

I nemoj zaboraviti Sleepwalker.

Meni Gears ima dobar uvod ali me pesma smara.


.I dodao bih tu jos i "Never Walk Alone" i "Pray For Blood".



PO MOM MISLJENJU jedna od 5 najboljih albuma thrash metal muzike. :pivopije:

Naravno. :pivopije:


Не волим то код Мастејна... сваку култну ствар коју направи мора да рециклира по 100 пута

Navedi mi neki primeri kada je to josh uradio.

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Када прелистам дискографију Мегадета видим Holy wars, Hangar 18, Crown of worms, Train of consequences, Youthanasia итд. како се појављују на више издања... Symphony of destruction је миксовао пар пута на радију и такође је излазила на више издања. Па она компилација Capitol punishment, рецимо... сасвим беспотребно (али добро, можда му је зафалило пара)... на то сам мислио. Све у свему, прашта му се... :mrgreen:

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Беспотребно јесте, али га за то нико ниеј питао. Власници тих снимака су људи из Капитола, који су (што је уобичајена пракса), решили да још маоо зараде на бенду који више није код њих.

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Јеботе, мени се "So Far, So Good... So What!" стварно допада!

Мислим, живим са њим већ 18 година, будући да је међу првим метал албумима које сам икада чуо и шљака ме и даље, то је збиља нешто!

Овај курчевити вриштавац!

Изванредни уводни инструментал, онај фантастични увод у "Set The World Afire" и сјајан соло, легендарна "Mary Jane", помало тужна али изузетна "In My Darkest Hour" ...

То су стварно све сами бисери не само овог бенда већ и метала, у глобалу.

Баш ми прија ово сада ...



Imam duplikat tog albuma na vinilu u savrsenom stanju kao nov i Killing is my business Picture Disc vinil i to je na prodaju da znate fanovi Megadeth-a!I da znate da nije skupo,informacije na PM...


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Беспотребно јесте, али га за то нико ниеј питао. Власници тих снимака су људи из Капитола, који су (што је уобичајена пракса), решили да још маоо зараде на бенду који више није код њих.

Upravo to.


Najgora su, verovatno, izdavačka kuća na planeti. Ali drago mi je što ih je Mastejn svojim izjavama sahranio.


Vaške kapitOlističke & kapitalističke!

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  • 2 weeks later...



I am writing this while sitting in my studio, and Justis and his friend from school, Ryan (a drummer) are in the lounge room blasting "Killswitch Engage" and now "Rush" for songs for their band, and I have some rare "extra time", so I wanted to make a post about last week and what we are doing next week.




I had a barbeque at my house in Fallbrook after service on Sunday and met some of Pam's new friends, and got ready for something that I never thought I would do in my life. That is my adult life. But first comes Monday - a dreadful day for me.




I have been struggling with my back for some time, and have been doing yoga, stretching, acupuncture, faith healing, "laying" on of hands, injections, chiropractic, and everything else you can imagine. Two years ago, almost, I went out to my friend in Ohio and went to the OSU Medical center and had MRI's done on my neck and spine for 1 3/4 hours.




The next day the Doctor (and I say that reluctantly) said that I had stenosis, and acted like it was just indigestion and went on talking to someone else. Needless to say I was pissed by his cavalier attitude and when he told me that there was nothing I could do except take two Aleve and get used to it I felt doomed.




After two more years of destroying my neck and back on tour and ruining my liver from the medication I finally went to the Kieran Jobe Clinic in Anaheim and my Dr. Orr Limpisvasti did more x-rays, and requested I get another series of MRI's done. I was also to be fitted with a brace, and a traction unit, and Physical Therapy. AGAIN WITH THE FUCKING PT! This time it’s for six months. I went there on Thursday to find out the results of the MRI. This was the day that I find out if I go under the knife or not.




Now, back to Electra getting the acting bug, and this is even with her brother started acting before her. You see when I was a kid my mom used to take us to the Costa Mesa Repertory Theater to see plays and acting. I know this is where Electra got her bug from, and consequently ended up with her as the co-host with her friend Wanda Goldberg from their show "Faithful Friends", which is a show about animals that is aired on the Animal Planet channel on cable TV for its second season this year.




Anyway, I went out to Las Vegas on Tuesday with Pam to see the play "Mamma Mia". I thought it was going to totally suck when we went to see the movie and I actually liked it, so I easily agreed to the invitation to come see the play in L.V. and again I had fun. Except for the obese troglodyte woman that kept kicking the back of my chair, it was very enjoyable; not as good as the movie, but good just the same.




I flew home on Wednesday and got back to work in the studio.




Thursday was the day I found out the damage. And oddly enough, ever since I went to the dude Todd Bentley that everyone is saying is a healer; my back has been feeling better. It could be psychosomatic, but I digress. The Doctor came in the room and turned on the lightbox (what they use to view x-rays) and gave me the news.




I have been diagnosed with degenerative disk disease and arthritis in my neck and that is what's causing all of the problems in my back.




But don't despair, because I am in a great place and am very happy.




I get to listen to my little boy just shred! in the other room and I am so glad that he isn't going to inherit my reputation and that he is going to be better than me.




Friday and the work week is through, but not before I made another trip up to LA to film a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for VH-1's Rock Autism, and I also filmed a segment for the greatest 100 Hard Rock songs of all time and we were on it.


I just hope that we stay on it!


Lastly, I got to play the video game "Rock band" and was filmed playing against someone online, and this will all be aired in the near future, so we will text you a notice if you are signed up for TheLiveLine for me, and if not we will just post it here.




I came back to the studio and stayed here until 12:30 AM with the Storekeeper and we went over all kinds of great stuff and we are going to be listing a DV-8 soon. This is one of my last ESP's and definitely a great guitar.




Now, as I finish this post, I can't help but laugh about James Lomenzo coming over here this morning and setting off the silent alarm, and how Brooklyn it is of him to be gone when the Sheriffs all swooped, which was right when I pulled up


I am finishing up the day here and getting the studio ready for our album and the private clients that come in here, which will be screened so that it is Droogies First :-)


The rest of the weekend is going to be spent in Nashville with Justis, playing golf in a tournament, and although I asked good buddy Shawn Drover if he could make the drive up and it is just too much right now, so I wont see him for a few weeks still, but I may see some of you at the tournament, or at the airport coming and going Sunday and Monday with my son.




Lastly, please say tuned for more developments from our Official site here and our MySpace. com/megadeth page and the Official Gigantour site and MySpace. com/gigantour page for details. We are going to be uploading a lot of films, podcasts, news, pictures and delivering out the fanclub packages.




A big thank you goes out to Dave McRobb for his tireless efforts here at the Official site, and now he will also be running our MySpace pages. So, there should be a hell of a lot of stuff popping up all over soon.




Until next week, call me!


Dave Mustaine


If you really want to "hear" from me, be sure to call me on TheLiveLine at

(866) 597-6342 and for our international Droogies go to www. skype. com.


Leave me a message and I might get back to you.

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Cemu nova verzija "Tout Le Monde" ?

Pa jasna stvar. Mustanie je hteo da opali Christinu :)


Da, R.I.P. je definitivno jedan od najbolji metal albuma svih vremena, a i Mustaine je priznao da se radio sa mnogo skupocenih droga dok ga je pravio, pa je verovatno zato ispao tako dobar :)


p.s. sorry, ne volim slayer :)




Mislim da ako se preslusa tekst, moze da se izvuce i drugaciji zakljucak o toj recenici na kraju UA pesme. Ustvari poenta je valjda bila da "There was no UN"? Djavo bi ga znao. Bilo bi lepse da je rekao "navodno etnicko ciscenje", ovako mi bas nije najjasniji njegov stav po tom pitanju.

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Cemu nova verzija "Tout Le Monde" ?

Pa jasna stvar. Mustanie je hteo da opali Christinu :)

Добар разлог, али што ја и сви ми морамо да трпимо последице тог његовог покушаја?

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Зато што је Мастејн ходајућа легенда а ми обични смртници.


Може му се ... а Кристиница Скабијица је максимално јебозовна металчица.

До те мере, да је могла отићи међу манекенке. Али није, драже јој је певање од модне писте ... и зато риспект!


Желим је.


... као и сви ви, само ми се претварате ту нешто. :da:


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Зато што је Мастејн ходајућа легенда а ми обични смртници.


Може му се ... а Кристиница Скабијица је максимално јебозовна металчица.

До те мере, да је могла отићи међу манекенке. Али није, драже јој је певање од модне писте ... и зато риспект!


Желим је.


... као и сви ви, само ми се претварате ту нешто. :da:



Ja i ne znam koja je ta sabancica Skabijica.Nek baci neko fotku pa cemo da kazemo da'l bi smo je...


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Ko se bre pretvara? :)

Ko kaze da je ne bi rado posedovao folirant je najveci. :da:


A sto se tice Mustaine-a: Lepo neko rece pre koju stranu, treba da se pokrene peticija da ponovo covek pocne da se drogira.


Za Gosn. Mrznju: Evo pa biraj. :)

Edited by Andrija Smith

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