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ALI, mislim da se fore sa putovanjem kroz vreme i intergalaktičkim putovanjima uopšte ne zasnivaju na 'prekoračenju' brzine svetlosti u smislu kretanja brzinom od 300 001 km/s, već se zasnivaju na stvaranju onih tunela u prostoru-vremenu, što, po modernoj fizici, jeste moguće, čak postoje i naučnici koji pokušavaju da naprave ovakve tunele kojima bi se vrlo brzo moglo doći do mesta/vremena koje želite.


Discovery Channel - Breaking Time


Emisija koja se bavi onim što si pomenuo. Nama laicima je sigurno interesantno više stvari u tom dokumentarcu, težina koja zavisi od brzine tela, referentno proticanje vremena (mada ovo je sigurno većina znala još iz škole), itd.

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Zakoni fizke su samo ograniceni nasim trenutnim znanjem.Arogantno je misliti da smo skapirali kako funkcionise sve,a tek poslasmo pre 50 godina coveka u svemir i.t.d.

Naravno ali nekad naucnici toliko zvuce ubedjeno u to sto pricaju a ne kapiraju da se to moze veoma lako promeniti usled nekog od narednih pronalazaka.

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Добро, новинари опет претерују. До сада је било тешко открити планету у двојном систему због недовољно добрих инструмената, тако да ово не изненађује превише. Али чињеница је да на планетама које се налазе у двојним, тројним итд. системима не може бити живота. Ништа од заласка два сунца на хоризонту, жао ми је.

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Добро, новинари опет претерују. До сада је било тешко открити планету у двојном систему због недовољно добрих инструмената, тако да ово не изненађује превише. Али чињеница је да на планетама које се налазе у двојним, тројним итд. системима не може бити живота. Ништа од заласка два сунца на хоризонту, жао ми је.


Možda bi bilo moguće kad bi zvezde u dvojnom sistemu bile jako blizu, ili pak jako daleko jedna od druge, kako ne bi bilo previše uticaja promenljivih gravitacionih sila koje deluju na planetu, da bi ona imala manje-više stalnu orbitu.

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Добро, новинари опет претерују. До сада је било тешко открити планету у двојном систему због недовољно добрих инструмената, тако да ово не изненађује превише. Али чињеница је да на планетама које се налазе у двојним, тројним итд. системима не може бити живота. Ништа од заласка два сунца на хоризонту, жао ми је.

Zasto bi bilo nemoguce? Mozemo da uzmemo sve spoljne planete i asteroidni pojas, sabijemo ih u zvezdu i postavimo je negde na orbitu Plutona. Ne bi se mnogo toga bitnog promenilo. A dvojnih sistema nije malo. Uostalom ako je moguc zivot na Evropi i Titanu, onda je teoretski skoro sve moguce.

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Posto ne mogu da editujem post, jos nesto ukratko na tu temu:


An excellent example in the lines of the Tatooine example is the nearby solar-like stars Alpha Centauri A and B. They orbit each other at an average distance of 23 AU, however the eccentricities of each orbit bring them to as close to 11 AU and as far as 35 AU. Numerical simulations by Paul Weigert at University of Toronto have shown that each star has a "safe zone" about 3 AU in radius in which planets could safely survive for billions of years. Objects placed further out from each star than about 3 AU are dynamically ejected in a matter of millions of years or less. Alpha Cen A is about 1.5 times as luminous as our Sun, and Alpha Cen B is about .45 times as luminous as our Sun, and if you do the simple physics, one can see that a "habitable zone" exists around BOTH stars within the 3 AU dynamic "safe zone." Indeed, it could be possible that BOTH Alpha Cen A and B have planets conducive to life. Theoretical models age them anywhere from 3-8 Gyr... plenty of time for life to develop if the planets have the right conditions...


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<h2 class="subheading">How Gravity Works </h2>Come on, it's gravity. Is there any concept in the universe quite so basic? You throw shit up, it comes down again. Despite his textbook reputation, Newton didn't discover gravity. It was discovered by the first fish ancestor who crawled onto land and found it had lost the ability to swim upward. What's to understand?


One aborted attempt at parkour and the subsequent ER visit can drum the basics into even the thickest skull.

Turns out there are four basic forces that hold the universe together, and out of these four, gravity is the only one that doesn't make any sense. Specifically, how it can be so incredibly weak and incredibly strong at the same time. Gravity holds the entire universe together, and no matter how far out you travel, it never completely disappears. And yet, it is the weakest force in existence. To illustrate, you know when you bring two magnets near each other and they snap together? That force is actually 10^36 times stronger than gravity. Yeah, the technical term for that is "a big-ass order of magnitude" stronger.



"Using the scale devised by Dr. R. J. Fuckton, of course."

To add to the confusion, because all these other forces are controlled by their own particles, it stands to reason that gravity should have its own particles, too. But this hypothetical critter -- the graviton -- is basically the only one we haven't found yet, unlike the particles that mediate a lot of the other important forces in nature, which have been altogether more cooperative.


But the mother of all baffling gravity mysteries is that, once you get down to the level of atoms and molecules and even smaller stuff, gravity just plain stops working. In fact, gravity is one of the biggest reasons why quantum physicists and real-world physicists have nothing to say to each other. We know more about what's inside an atom than we do about why a ball comes back down when we throw it in the air. For all science knows, it's because of ghosts.



"Ghosts are one of the four fundamental forces, along with poltergeists, unicorns and David Bowie."


Read more: 8 Simple Questions You Won't Believe Science Can't Answer | Cracked.com http://www.cracked.c...l#ixzz1ZEYfNWg5


Nista mi jos ne znamo kao ovnovi tako da ne mozemo ni pricati sta je moguce, a sta ne. Ne znamo ni kako gravitacija postoji uopste.


Volim ovaj sajt mnogo. :bigblue:

Edited by HEFEST

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