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Dushan S

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vala legendo . Nadam se da smo u pravu u vezi ove sedmice . Najgore je sto je kupujem preko www.music123.com pa necu je pre toga moci isprobati .


Ipak na posletku kupujem je : ) . Hvala


( racunam da na nju dodam Duncan ili Dimarzio jedan signe , samo ne znam da li da mi neko busi ili sta ?? ) sta mislis valja ti to ista i unisti li busenje rupe za magnet zvuk ili nesto promjeni ? jesi imao iskustva ?



Sto bas preko tog sajta...nije da imam nesto protiv, cak stavise ja sam dosta stvari narucio bas preko njih...ali za Ibaneze postoji samo jedan sajt...a to je http://ibanezrules.com icon_da.gif ...tamo zaista ima svega i svacega...nego nikako da te pitam odakle si?


Nisam, ali imam bolju ideju...mnogo bi bilo jednostavnije da ugradis single coil splitter...ne znam koliko si upucen ali jedan od razloga zbog cega sam se prvobitno nalozio na JS-ove je upravo ta mogucnost...na primer da kazemo da na gitari imas dva hummbucker-a, e sad ako hoces da te hummbucker-e pretvoris u singlove samo lepo povuces potenciometar i to je to musik19.gif

Evo ti jedan gif da bolje vidis o cemu se radi...


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Edited by Marty F

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Svaka cast Marty F . Mogu da vidim da se dosta razumes u muziku . Da ideja je odlicna , nema sta .

Nisam citao ali mislim da na onoj gitari ne dodju ni cak 2 Ibanez hambuckera nego 2 Wizarda ( ne znam tacno koja ).

Mislim da treba ubaciti neki bolje hambucker tako da dobijem i na zvuku . Pokusacu naci na jednom od foruma da vidim jesu li ljudi sta mjenjali na gitari pa da vidim kakav se effecat postigne . Hvala Marty F savrsena ideja .

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Uzmi i otidji na http://www.harmonycentral.com i procitaj sve sta pise o toj sedmici pre nego sto se odlucicis da je kupis, to ti je moj savet icon_da.gif ...a ja cu videti da potrazim jos koji model u tom cenovnom rangu malo kasnije veceras posto si me zaintrigirao icon_smile.gif ...nemoj jos nista da kupis, sacekaj koji dan da malo i ja proceprkam po netu...


I da hvala na komplimentu icon_wink.gifpivopije.gif

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pustis neku pesmu, na primer, i hoces da sviras uz nju, ali ti treba delay koje je u tempu te pesme (a ne da se "odjeci" iz delaya raspadaju u tempu sa pesmom koju sviras). sta ces ti da uradis? da izmeris pomocu metronoma koji je tempo pesme (mukotrpan postupak) pa da onda tacno podesis delay prema tom broju? neee... ljudi su se dosetili.


dakle, pustis pesmu da ide i u tempu pesme pritisnes "tap tempo" nekoliko puta. on izmeri vreme izmedju dva poslednja pritiska i upravo to vreme podesi da bude vreme delay-a, et volia! u dilej ti je u temu sa pesmom koju sviras! icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


poz pivopije.gif

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svirao sam je samo malo "na suvo", a mislim da ni ne bih dobio u pojacalu onaj pravi feel posto je lik ugradio na gitaru hex (MIDI)


evo sta je guitar player rekao o gitri, mislim da oni sigurno bolje znaju;


The neck on this nicely built ax is perfectly shaped, sanded and gloss finished. Its 6150 jumbo frets are well installed with only slight roughness at the ends, and the silicon / graphite-impregnated nut is expertly cut and shaped.


The top's flowing contours are absolutely blemish free, the pickup routs are clean and precise, and the six-coat urethane finish is mirror polished with no orange peel, dents, dips, or scratches. The Mirage packs a Duncan '59 humbucker in the neck position and a Duncan JB at the bridge. Both sport chrome-plated covers and are height adjustable. The pickups feed a 3 position selector, 2 volumes and a tone control. The bridge humbucker's volume knob is positioned closest to the strings for easy access. The control cavity and cover plate are shielded with metallic paint,. Since the body is hollowed out in areas, the cover screws only have about 1/8" of wood to thread into. Metal inserts and machines screws probably should be used to prevent stripping. The output jack is contained in a heavy aluminum shell and recessed into thebody just above the rearstrap button. The plug inserts at a downward angle, making it easy to wrap your cord through the strap for strain relief. Clever.


Thanks to its chambered body, the Standard is light and excellently balanced. The 12" -radius neck, wide rounded frets, and a scale length tat's 1/8" shorter that a Les Paul's yield a looser playing feel that begs for bending. This warm and buttery-sounding guitar's sweet acoustic voice imparts an openness and crispness to clean cords and a little extra ring and shimmer in the distorted modes. Tested through a number of different tube amps - including a '70s Fender Bassman 100, a Fender Twin, and a Dr. Z Invasion combo - the Mirage sounded big and full and displayed excellent feedback characteristics.


The Duncan pickups are a good match here: Through a fuzzbox with the guitar's tone control set at minimum, the front pickups yields a cool, flutey, Cream-era Clapton vibe, while the rear JB's fatness and dynamics work well for a multitude of Les Paul-like distortion flavors. Everything from gutsy, harmonic-saturated blues stings to Santana-like wails are just a mater of dialing up front-end distortion and rolling down the treble at the amp. The middle position provides tone shades aplenty by simply tweaking the neck and bridge pickup volumes.

All considered, MJ's Mirage Standard is a good choice for those who gravitate toward a Gibson sound and feel, but want styling that tells the world (or at least a bar full of Al-Anon poster people), "I'm me." We applaud MJ for their effort to build on a time-tested formula while offering something new in contemporary design.


idem sad do knjizare da jurim one koverte pivopije.gif

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pustis neku pesmu, na primer, i hoces da sviras uz nju, ali ti treba delay koje je u tempu te pesme (a ne da se "odjeci" iz delaya raspadaju u tempu sa pesmom koju sviras). sta ces ti da uradis? da izmeris pomocu metronoma koji je tempo pesme (mukotrpan postupak) pa da onda tacno podesis delay prema tom broju? neee... ljudi su se dosetili.


dakle, pustis pesmu da ide i u tempu pesme pritisnes "tap tempo" nekoliko puta. on izmeri vreme izmedju dva poslednja pritiska i upravo to vreme podesi da bude vreme delay-a, et volia! u dilej ti je u temu sa pesmom koju sviras! 



Hvala ti na ovim mudrim recima,nema vise mucenja sa metronomom!!! Prosvetlio si me... poz pivopije.gif

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