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Grave Digger

King Diamond

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Jesu. Ovo što Zmaja tvrdi da hvalim razne bendove je tačno, ali se to odnosi na niz manje poznatih bendova koje sam skoro počeo da slušam, zahvaljujući preporukama Boška i nekih drugih ljudi. Diggeri ne spadaju u tu kategoriju, nisu manje poznati, a slušao sam ih pre dolaska na ovaj forum. Oni su među bendovima koje standardno ubrajam među najveće (uz Helloween, King Diamond-a, Manowar, Savatage, Saxon, Blind Guardian...), ali su se eto, zahvaljujući novom albumu (i podbačajima nekih drugih bendova) učvrstili na tom četvrtom mestu.

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  • 1 month later...
Uglavnom, izbacivanje Hermana je najgora stvar koji su mogli da urade.



Ne pricaj shit, i onako im je lepo išlo sa jednom gitarom...kad se nije uklopio, nije. šta sad...totalno nebitna stvar za grave digger. ko kad bi manowar sad ubacio jos jednog gitaristu, pa ga izbacio, pa da ljudi kukaju kako je to glup potez.

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  • 2 months later...

Pa kad pogledaš većinski albumi im i jesu konceptualni...

Pošto me mrzi da objašnjavam nešto ću kopirati:


The Reaper:

the story about grim reaper, death, devil...


Knights Of the Cross:

The album tells the story of the Knights Templar from the times of the Order's birth in 1129, through the years of its glory, and finally to its fall in 1312. The first song describes the First Crusade organised in the West after Muslim victories in Asia Minor over the weakening forces of Byzantine Empire (Deus Lo Vult, Knights of the Cross). Subsequent songs mention the foundation of the Knights Templar by French knight Hugues de Payens in 1129 after the establishing of the Kingdom of Jerusalem (Monks of War), and the new danger to the Franks brought some time later by Saladin's Egyptian armies and Nizari sect of Hashashim (Heroes Of This Time, Fanatic Assasins). Then the album deals with cruelties of the Third Crusade led by Richard I of England and Philip Augustus of France (Lionheart), and with the myth of Templars holding the Holy Grail (Keeper Of The Holy Grail). The next four songs deals with the tragic end of the Order: putting hundreds of Knights Templar under arrest in 1307 to face the Inquisition on false accusations by French king Philip the Fair of heresy and homosexual practicies within the Order (Inquisition), prisoners' statements - forced under torture - about worshipping the demon Baphomet which led to Order's cancellation by Pope Clement VII in 1312 (Baphomet), the escape of some former Templar Knights into Scotland (Over the Sea), and the execution of Order's last Grand Master Jacques de Molay in 1314, who was believed to curse the King and the Pope from his stake while being burned alive, so both of them would die the same year he did (The Curse of Jacques). The last song deals with the alleged help of former Templar Knights to the Scotts during the Battle of Bannockburn, which allowed them to acquire independance from the English rule (Battle of Bannockburn).



the story of King Arthur and the knights of the round table


Grave Digger

kao najmračniji album, najmračniji liriksi, uticaj Edgar Alan Po-a + obrade



Richard Wagner's - The Ring of the Nibelung


The Last Supper

Nije konceptualan ali se smatra jer su preko 50% liriksi o Isusu Hristu


Liberty Of Death:

Vocalist Chris Boltendahl was inspired with this album by a book named "Liberty Or Death" by a Cretean writer, whose title is the English translation of Eleftheria i thanatos. The book directly inspired the title song about the Greek revolution on Crete, with lyrical references to the Greek national anthem.


Two songs deal with Germany's treatment of the Jews in the Second World War and a further two more about more Ancient Jewish history. "Ocean of Blood" tells of Moses parting the Red Sea and "Massada" tells of the siege of Masada at the end of the First Jewish-Roman War. "March of the Innocent" is about the Holocaust and "Ship of Hope" tells of the "Voyage of the Damned" of the SS St. Louis. "Highland Tears" deals with freedom in Scotland. "Forecourt to Hell" deals with the gladiators in the Roman Empire age. "The Terrible One" is about Ivan, the Terrible. "Until the Last King Died" is about the French Revolution. Boltendahl says that the number of songs on this subject was not intended, but that the stories were interesting on their own.1


Shadowland is about the atrocities of the Ku Klux Klan in USA.


Eto to bi kao bili konceptualni, ostali su mix od svega po malo :D



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Album The Last Supper (tj. neke pesme na njemu) inspirisan je filmom Stradanje Isusovo, kao što je i Tunes of War bio inspirisan filmom Braveheart. Očigledno mnogo vole Mela Gibsona.



Dodaću da je i album Ballads of a Hangman delimično konceptualan, ako se povežu tekstovi nekoliko pesama koje govore o krivici, zatočeništvu i kazni (vešanju). Naravno, pun uvid u to se stiče kupovinom originala i listanjem bogato ilustrovanog bukleta. Ujedno mogu da zapazim da je taj album preuzeo titulu najmračnijeg od albuma The Grave Digger.

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